A Dance of Ice and Fire

It wasn't difficult for my glaive to reach the emissary, because, by some lucky happenstance or trick of the Norns, the path between me and our enemy momentarily cleared of hostiles. In that instant, we clashed. Me with my glaive cleaving through the air and he with his curved black blade slicing through the space between us. 

I dodged his slash so Liara could lock swords with him as she came up behind me, allowing me to complete my glaive's swing down on his head. The emissary wasn't very accommodating, however, as he used the sharp nails of his free hand to parry my strike. 

"Godsdamn monster!" I spat. 

Then, with strength beyond that of mortal men, the emissary pushed Liara back, freeing himself up to send the butt of his sword careening down on my shoulder. It was the same move he'd used to bring me low the last time we fought, so I was sufficiently prepared to counter.