Beast Fire, Part 1

Despite my newfound power, I was still playing defense against the beast with three freaking heads. 

"Vargr!" I cursed. "It's like I'm fighting three monsters at the same time!" 

The python' tail snapped toward me, but I smacked my purple-flame-coated fist right between its eyes and drove it back. Meanwhile, the chimera's goat head puked flames out at the patchwork wolf and kept it at bay. Meaning I had to deal with its lion head all on my own. 

"I'm not in the mood to redo this entire day…" I grumbled. Yeah, I wanted just one week where I didn't have to have a redo. "So, I'm going to do my darndest to kill you properly." 

The python came at me a second time, and I drove a right flame-coated haymaker to its head, crashing my fist against its snout hard enough to shove the bastard away. The impact knocked it back so hard that the chimera's flank was also sent reeling. 

"Fire Fist," I grinned excitedly.