Shutting Down the Grotto, Part 2

Note: Edited - 26/09/23 Fixed the scenes with the jailbreak app prose and dialogue.


The mist coiled around our bodies and made it impossible to rush down the rough-hewn steps. Also, the visibility was crappy as Hel despite our hearthstones lighting our way, so we had to keep our bodies as close to the cliffside as possible to avoid the possibility of falling off.

Further down, I could hear Delphine and Brunhilde humming their tune because the wind was unusually quiet despite the chilly night air coming up to greet us.

"This atmosphere's appropriately ominous," I whispered.

"Reminds you of that time we entered Lugh's Lament, doesn't it," Liara whispered back.


When we got close enough to the bottom steps, we heard the low howl of a beast from further down below, causing us both to pause in our steps and glance questioningly into each other's faces.

"Was that Reddington?" Liara asked.