Hocus Pocus, Part 1

Once the most devoted followers of the gods, the ancient völva—or 'witch' in the common tongue—who helped direct the flow of power throughout the realmsverse grew too proud, and in their hubris, they sought to steal divinity from the gods so that they could reshape the Realm Ethereal in their image. However, instead of rising to godhood, the völva found only tragedy. Their desires corrupted their souls, transforming them into creatures of malice and hate who would bring ruin and death to many of the now-lost realms in the realmsverse. 

This was the middle verse in the Völuspá which many scholars claimed was the most important poem among the Poetic Edda, a collection of elven poems and scriptures said to have been written by the most celebrated elfin seers of ancient times. The Völuspá spoke of the coming of the final winter and the advent of Ragnarök brought about by the machinations of the völva who betrayed the gods.