Land of the Dead, Part 1

Note: I edited the previous two chapters and I recommend you read those again before reading this one. 

Lost, Part 1: Changed the entire conversation between Will and the 'Beast' and also edited the portal scene.

Lost, Part 2: Changed the entire chapter. Same direction, but the writing is much better, with better descriptions and explanations for Will's thinking. Highly recommend you read it first before this one. 


Funnily enough, just the thought of Divah and her tough love lifted my spirits enough that I stopped thinking about escaping this dark realm using the easy way out. 

"Besides, without acquiring soil samples and other materials from this place, I won't be able to prove the theory that fissures at the hearts of dungeons really are portals to long-lost realms… that would be a waste of fame, wealth, accolades—maybe even a Nobel nomination in the adventuring categories," I reasoned.