Smasher of Stone, Part 2

Note: You can read the author's note at the end of the chapter for insight on this dream sequence and the one in chapter: Heart to Hearth, Part 2


I woke up lying on a slab of stone inside a place that had, until tonight, been considered a place of holy worship for Freya, goddess of love and battle. 

My hands were tied. So were my feet. They bound me so tightly that I could barely move my body to struggle. 

"Hel, Ravena, Knull," they chanted around me. "Hel, Ravena, Knull." 

My head, the only part of me that I could move freely, glanced sideways—and there he was. Lorias Löwenthal, my new father-in-law, with that fanatical glint in his eyes that was reflected in the faces around him. 

Yeah, this version of Lorias was certainly different from the bright elf I'd been hanging out with on the realm of Peris. 

"Banvænn," they cried.

It was elvish for something like 'mortality' or being close to the point of death.