The Beast Inside, Part 1

I tasted blood on my tongue. Blood trickled from the two pinpricks in my lower lip that my new fangs cut into. 

Behind me, I heard my betrothed gasp. My transformation must've been quite the sight. I couldn't see it myself, although I imagined that I at least still looked human. The fact that I didn't burst out of my clothes like I had during last month's full moon kind of gave that away. I felt hairier though. Especially in the places where the sun didn't shine. 

"Wisdom, you—"

"—Liara," my voice had become a little deeper, more guttural, "get away."

With my warning given, I launched myself forward. Rather, I couldn't help myself from rushing at the horror that had appeared before me—the vampire that had given in to her 'Frenzy' and become the monster that had called to the beast growing inside of me. 
