Thieves at the Castle Door, Part 1

Note: Edited - 30/10/23. Changed most of the chapter. Recommend you read this first before moving to the next one.


To ignore the chaos happening on the other side of my 'Ice Wall'—the growing number of cracks that were ruining my beautiful spell—I forced my gaze back on the one person who could change my mood—Liara, duh—and asked her if she was sure that this was truly the way. 

A second of hesitation—Liara looking like she'd just swallowed piss water which was probably the she-elf remembering her ordeal with the coffin—and then my betrothed, whose face was still beautiful despite the creasing of her features, answered, "This is the way…into Castle Vlad."

Brunhilde, who was standing nearby chimed in with, "The coffin can't lie to the one who finishes its game."

"Ugh," Liara sighed.