Exploring Castle Vlad, Part 2

Note: Edited 04/11/23 - this chapter. Changed the apple scene, and fixed the hag scenes. 


Despite our seven-day boon from the system, the lack of spoils or corpses for farming monster byproducts became a trend with every monster encounter inside this cursed castle. 

"Seriously?!" I wrung my hands at the air after the ridiculously huge vampire bat we'd slain vanished in a shower of wispy red vapors. "Why are you bastards so stingy?!" 

The cow-sized monstrosity had been harassing the brothers Grimm and Azalea, our pink-haired healer, in an adjoining hall to the room where we'd reunited with red-skinned Morph and cloud-haired Brunhilde. The brothers were fending the beast off when Saga and I walked right into them, and with our reunion came a lot of rhyming and slaying. 

"Don't sweat it, Will, there'll be another opportunity," Helm Grimm promised.