The Power of Violence Compels You, Part 3

Note: As promised, here are two chapters for everyone tonight!

Thanks again to @Daoistl0N9u6 for last week's gift!


A series of notification pings reached my ears, but I was too busy to sneak a peek at my bar now. Besides, I knew what these alerts were about. Death. Mine. Coming very rapidly too. 


I had suffered through too much in this redo and gained quite a bit already. My mental state would suffer harshly if I had to repeat all this one more time. 

Plus, I've never fallen to my death before, and I feel like it would hurt too much. So, uh-uh, no thanks. 

With the resolve not to die horribly set in my heart, I cocked my arm back and then forward. It was the action that activated the mechanism of the 'Zip Slinger' around my left wrist which sent the 'Fiery Thread' shooting out in an arc that stretched across the expanse of space between me and the castle wall—and missed. 

'Oh. My. Gods.'