A Brand New Will, Part 2

Note: Edited on 07/01/23. I fixed errors in the prose and grammar issues.


It was seriously Déjà vu all over again because I was plunging to my doom with another monster in tow just like how it had been when I'd shoved the demon wolf's spirit out of the hole in Castle Vlad's wall. So, me and the earth drake were falling together—both of us so close that I could feel an aura of scalding heat rising from the earth drake's body. It wasn't hot enough to hurt me though. Not with Flame Heart's resistance supporting me.

I glanced down at the barbed tail wrapped around my legs. It tightened around me, causing pain to spike up my thighs. One of those barbs drew so close to my crown jewels that I was quick to decide how to escape its clutches. 

"You're first." 

The 'Venom Thread' zipped back into the black bangle around my right hand, and then a saber shot out of it that was like the blackened version of Liara's. So, cooler. Definitely. 
