The Parent-Teacher Association, Part 2

Anal's mom was the first to enter Dwalinn's office, giving me glimpses of the now-familiar stone chamber that was the very picture of modern dwarven architecture. The grandmaster's office seemed a little different this time though. 

There was a lot more space than I remembered. The stone desk that dominated the rear of the room was gone too. In its place was a raised dais. On that dais was Dwalinn sitting comfortably on his cushioned high-backed chair that gave off the impression of a gilded stone throne. 

"Grandmaster Dwalinn," Anal's mom said as she strode in. 

"Ahem," a familiar voice cleared her throat. 

Standing next to Dwalinn's seat like she was his bodyguard was the most badass teacher on campus, and I was saying that while knowing I went to class with a ton of badass masters teaching them. 

Mistress Lorelai gazed pointedly at the line in the stone drawn five feet away from Dwalinn's dais right before clearing her throat for a second time.