The Lair of the Dragoness, Part 2

The twenty novices in this afternoon's Blade Dance class were divided into groups of four, with five novices remaining inside Divah's playroom while the rest of us would be sent to the observation space behind the reinforced glass. 

Before she told us to disperse, however, Divah wanted to know what we were feeling like today, and yeah, I was the only one who didn't understand what she meant. 

Brienne Tartly, the winged deva of the arena, raised her hand first.

"Mountains!" she answered. 

Groans from the others. 

"You always want mountains," complained a lanky spriggan—essentially, a male dryad—with bark-like skin and rosy-colored hair that rose up his head in mimicry of broccoli. "How about we try a forest this time?"

"Or maybe down under's the way to go?" suggested a stocky blonde dwarf in a maroon gambeson like Saga's. "A cave system will get our drengr blood pumping for training!"