A Dance of Blades, Part 2

"You heard me," Divah replied. 

My master poked me in the shoulder. 

"From what I've seen since I arrived, you've gone and learned a whole bunch of new things"—she poked me in my shoulder again—"but haven't done a thing to improve on the abilities you already possess." 

Well, this was true. 

Since arriving at the Academy, my efforts have been geared toward gaining all the hacks I could find on campus—hacks given to me by both opportunity and Divah's journal—and I've had very little time to strengthen the ones I already had, though this wasn't out of neglect, but because I'd been so busy these last few months. 

Indeed, most of my passives such as Athlete, Duelist, Arcane Adept, and Weapon Mastery were all at the same level they'd been since meeting Master Doomsday at the root that led to the Academy.