One Who Knows No Fear, Part 2

"Do you know why I pushed you to train in such a crazy manner?" Divah asked. 

"Because you wanted me to suffer?" I replied. 

Then I grinned.

"Kidding," I said quickly. 

I had to clarify so I wouldn't get smacked in the back of my head for being cheeky, but the attack never came. Instead, my master gazed at me with silent earnestness, and I couldn't help but answer earnestly too. 

"Because you wanted me to know the meaning of what it meant to stab, cut, and, um, burst, I guess," I answered. 

I glanced down at the shiny obsidian bangle wrapped around my right wrist. 

"The more I stabbed my sword at the air, the more I noticed the importance of a proper form—the tighter my form, the stronger the force I could transfer into my sword—and the stronger the force, the harder it was to continuously stab the same point I had envisioned in the previous stab," I added. 

"You still managed it," Divah noted.