The Vitruvian Man and the Devil's Puppet, Part 1

Note: I edited this chapter on 21/02/24. Changed the ending to make it more dramatic, and moved the rest of the battle to the next chapter. I also changed Leo's nickname. Thanks to reader @Bastion9999 for the suggestion.


Of course, I was witnessing one of the worst moments in unrecorded history only to learn that the demon wolf was involved. I should have known. Who else could be as dastardly as the king of savagery, lord of viciousness, master of mayhem, and the kaiju wolf—drum roll— Fenrisúlfr?

To be honest, my goodwill for Faustus had plummeted since I got a glimpse of his sordid past to the point that I contemplated boycotting his classes for the foreseeable future. But if Faustus wasn't actually a mad-scientist-slash-super-villain of the Renaissance era like I first thought, then I guess I didn't have to boycott his class, which was good, because I liked Alchemy One-oh-One. 

The shadow creeping around Faustus set my teeth on edge though.