The Kingdom Under the Mountains, Part 1

Note: I'm sorry for the 2-week delay. I had health issues this March that kept me from writing... I'm better now so expect more content to come quicker this week. The next chapter will be up Thursday. XD Thanks for waiting!


So, now that I've got everyone updated on the origins of Dragonflail—once the grooviest guild in all the realmsverse—it's time to come back into the present. 

Wait, what about the ending? 

What about Oz?

How and why did Dragonflail disband?

Well, I actually was there for this part, and I'd even given a name to their tale of disbandment; Dragonflail Disassembled! 

Groovy, right? 

That's a story for another day though. Particularly during a time when telling the story of Oz's fall from grace becomes relevant to my current narrative. 

Besides, I'd reminisced enough while I gazed upon Niðavellir's great wall and Dalmatia was beginning to give me the stink eye for dilly-dallying.