Chapter 39 :(Ankylosaurus)

The dense forest is bigger than the savannah forest. Unknown had been trekking with a boy named Vicus.

Two weeks ago, a ferocious beast had attacked and vandalised the monastery and troubling tourists for a while. Tourists food had been stolen many times by that monster.

This was getting out of control, so Unknown decided to take matters into his own hands. The boy was coming along as his guide.

Listening to the boy chirping continuously, his head started throbbing with pain.

"Can't you be silent for a while?"

Unknown said in a grumpy voice as he carried 25 kilograms of weight on his shoulder. A man should be prepared for any worst-case scenarios. On the other hand, the boy was moving, wearing a tunic and short pants. 

"The head monk says that talking with someone is the best way to make new bonds. Also, aren't you my friend?" Vicus asked with a big smile on his face.  Unknown didn't want to waste his energy replying to this.   They had been trekking for 3 hours and still couldn't find any tracks of the beast. Therefore, the more he walked into dense wood, the more his lungs would be exposed to oxygen, which isn't a good thing for him.

The rhythms of chilling and errie were ringing in Unknown's ears. Furthermore, the  red leaves and weird insects wiggled with each other. Unknown gazed at the reddish-brown leaves and tree that were throbbing his head a little.  

"Freya explained this." 

√Trees and plants have red pigments rather than green. Plants' photosynthesis could be affected by the red-wavelength photons of that star. √ Freya explained. 

 √There are other hypotheses by astrobotany.  It stated that infrared waves which used to replace the sun, combined with water, oxygen, and magnesium that  made glucose. Because red has less energy compared to the other spectrums of visible light.√ 

Unknown contemplated that it was just like other planets except that they have different shades of leaves. 

He shifted his gaze towards the boy, asked in curiosity. "Aren't you afraid that a beast would eat you?"

Vicus replied with a cheerful voice," Nope. The head monk stated that this was part of a jungle game. I will be happy if I am eaten by a beast." 

"You are a weird one." Unknown glanced at the boy, who had a yellowish skin tone and was pale like a wooden shaft. He had turquoise eyes, purplish smooth hair, and was 4.2 feet tall. Unknown noticed he had  6 fingers on each limb.  

Out of the blue, a red moose was standing 100 metres away from Unknown.

He was surprised to see a moose in an undead forest. His instinct told him to be wary of this creature.

But the boy, Vicus, jumped and giddily ran over to the moose and hugged him tightly.

"Mooo."  Unknown took a sigh of relief and moved towards the boy.

"Are you related to the notorious beast?" Unknown asked in a calm voice.

The boy nodded his head and answered, "He is my friend. We always spend time together." 

Unknown began his journey with a moose and a weird boy.  He looked at the oxygen metre, which was showing highly concentrated oxygen here.  He put on the oxygen mask, as his lungs hadn't adapted to their current state.  From time to time, he would take off the oxygen mask to adapt. Despite being closer to nature, Unknown  couldn't connect with Freya.

Unknown found that the boy was the main reason for interrupting Freya's electromagnetic pulse. He still couldn't find out how he did that. 

 "Freya, can you scan this place?" He asked her again yet no answer he got. 

"You should ask me. Head monk says my eyes can see things nobody can. My skin was different from others." 

After pondering a whole, Unknown decided to give the boy a chance. Let's see how much he is capable of. 

The boy jumped one branch from another like a monkey,  then crawled like a caterpillar. In a few seconds he was gone.

The man sat down, taking shades of canopy. He took out something from his bag which was his liquid food. Doctor prepared liquid food for him. He drank a mouthful of liquid food, and wiped his face.  

The cosy warmth and gentle breeze were caressing his cheeks. After a very long time, he felt tranquillity inside his heart. His eyes started blinking and slowly closed.  

Therefore, the peace didn't last longer.


"Mooo!" They started howling and shouting at Unknown with a merry  expression.

Unknown woke up from the loud noises with indignation.

√Finally, I am online.√ Freya announced.

Unknown Pandora ignored her and rolled his eyes at the kid. 

"You should learn how not to disturb others." He said it in a grumpy voice and rubbed his eyes.

Ignoring the harsh words, Vicus energetically said, "A big monster was coming towards us, and I also saw a giant mammoth dying."  

"Freya, scan the forest." Unknown said in a solemn voice. A wise man would avoid fighting, but the unknown didn't have this compulsion.

"Boy, you should hide." 

√A notorious beast was coming towards us.√

√You shouldn't eliminate those ferocious beasts. As the head monk told you, you are not allowed to spill blood here.√  Freya suggested it with a hint of concern.

"I will decide later."

A few seconds later, a giant lizard with 4 limbs was walking with a club tail on its back. His spines had many edges and sharp objects. His thunder roared like a lion. Unknown chuckled as he was amused to see a prehistoric beast. 

Ankylosaurus thumped his hindleg to the ground as he was challenging him. The ground shook with his weight as if a minor earthquake occurred. 

"Ankylosaurus! " Unknown muttered under his breath. He always thought prehistoric creatures were either dead or extinct.

Seeing a real one filled his heart with excitement. From a distance, Unknown could tell he was a juvenile, not an adult.  Ankylosaurus' average adult height should be 6.5-8ft, and he was around 6.2 ft.  He dropped the bag on the ground and moved closer to the ankylosaurus.

√Hypothetically speaking, you shouldn't battle with this.√ Freya warned him, but the man ignored her warning. Moreover, it ignited the fire of his aggression.

*Roarrrr!* Ankylosaurus moved his club tail towards the unknown.

*Slam*  An average elephant would be dead  by this strike.  Unknown jumped rapidly, so he saved himself from the attack.  His back and flanks had layers of thick bands of armour consisting of flat bony plates

"Not bad." Unknown praised under his breath. His body was covered in greyish semi-liquid from head to toe. 

Unknown howled at the Ankylosaurus.

"Go awayyyy."  Hoping he would run away, but that beast remained standing like a stubborn mule.  The weight of Ankylosaurus was around 2–3 tonnes. He moved his tail clubs again towards Unknown;  it slightly hit his amboden.