Chapter: 56 (Healing vs killing 2)

Before they injected anything into the silver-haired pup's body, Augustya jumped over between them. Both of them were startled but took a sigh of relief when they saw a kid here.

 "Go away!"

Augustya wasn't in the mood for a conversation, so he rapidly ran over to the tall guy. His fist landed on his cheeks, which made him watch the stars in the clear sky.

As he was about to grasp his senses, Augustya grabbed his neck and twisted it like a potato.

Suddenly, the fat guy attempted to paralyse him with a tranquillizer gun.

Because of the extra covering of gooey black skin, he somehow saved himself. The black, gooey body was actually a thick layer of melin and a mixture of a few compounds.

The next moment, he brutally punched a chubby guy, puncturing his ribcage with a single jab. Not going to the gym for a while and staying in the lab, which made them weak and feeble.

The suffocation and begging had been a pleasant sound for his ears. The fat man groaned in pain, but Augustya started bashing and kicking like they did with the pup.

Augustya crumbled his trap and scooped the silver pup into his arm. Listening to his heartbeat, he felt a little assured.

"Meg scanned him." He said it in a frightened voice.

→The silver direwolf needs immediate medical care. His heartbeat was getting slower. He had difficulty breathing.

There is a sign of homopharage; he needs urgent care from a veteran doctor. ← Meg informed him. The word doctor rang in his brain, and he started sprinting towards the spaceship.

"Oii, don't die today.  Not in my arms, or I will throw you a pool of food."

However, the little silver pup didn't listen, as he was about to go into a deep slumber forever.

Augustya started getting anxious and sprinting with a notch of speed.

He had never felt like that, never when a close relative died or someone got bullied. The compassion and empathy were something new.  As he had been running over, a thought was eating inside. Not died in his arms.

"Meg, c-connect with Sparrow."

→ Command accepted.←

"Hello, Augustya, how can I help you?"

"There is a puppy who needs immediate care. I need.. I need Dr. Heather's help." Augustya said in a fumbled voice. 

Generally, a spaceship is forbidden for him, as this would give him a more tortured environment. Another reason was that he didn't vandalise the latest technology in its true form.

With the help of Sparrow, he entered the spaceship and put the pup down on the coffee table. Following Meg 101 first aid, he cleaned his wound and then gently applied disinfectant. 

By the time the two of them arrived, Augustya had already cleaned his wound by shaking hands. Besides following some instructions for first aid and applying cream to his injured hind leg.

"Where is the injured one?" Dr. Heather asked and panted. It had been a long time since she had run.

"You want me to treat him?" Dr. Heather questioned her as she pointed her finger at the wolf. Augustya nodded his head.

"I will if you listen to my condition." 

"I'll do it! But heal him first." Augustya didn't have time to waste on stupid terms.  

Heather examined the pup and saw that his hind leg skin was ripped apart.  She could see a big bulge on his head and even noticed many fleas roaming around his body. 

Her expression changed to one of solemnity. 

The silver-haired pup looked fragile, as if he would die within seconds.  

"Can you save it?"

"I will try my best. However, I am not a vet, so it's hard for me to say." Heather said it with a wry smile. 

One hour later, the pup had a steady breath.

"Fleas are roaming everywhere in his body, so your job is to wash and feed him properly." About the fleas, Heather recommended washing him with anti-flea shampoo. 

"For some days, we need to take care of him.  If we leave it in the wild, he might die soon or be hunted by predators. It's your responsibility to feed him and teach him some manners. 

Augustya nodded his head with determination in his eyes. 

She continued, "Don't forget my terms."


At midnight, three of them were camping. It was Dr. Heather's suggestion so they could have good bonding and know each other well. As a doctor, it was a good opportunity to learn about his patients, but not too much that clouded her judgement.

The blaze of a campfire and the pitch-black night were complementing each other. Nocturnal birds were echoing in Augustya's ear. The tranquilly was so great that you could even hear breathing.  

Augustya crouched down by the firepit and had been eating barbecued fish. He realised that he liked red meat more than white meat.  Nonetheless, he was still eating quietly. 

"So, how did you find this ferocious beast? Heather asked out of curiosity, despite knowing everything.

"Two poachers were trying to inject something into him, and I felt a weird sensation in my body.  Never felt before. "

"So I ended up saving him out of an impulsive nature." Augustya said in a flat tone, took another bite of fish.

"Did you give him a name? "

"Not yet." 

A Wrytan had one secret rule: when you gave someone a name, it meant they belonged to you. 

"You should! A name can define your relationship with the pup."

Augustya was pondering as he tapped his finger to his wrist. He was lost in thought and didn't have mood to have conversation with other specially with old rabbint woman. 

The quietness took over the noise, as orange color ambers were scattered everywhere. Giving him warmth without worrying about the future.

"Are we doing a campfire because I brought some corn kennels and Cy beer for Heather?" Sparrow spoke in a gentle voice and sat down beside Heather. 

"Gimme!." Heather spoke in a cheerful voice.

"When we do campfires, it is mandatory to tell the audience a deep, dark secret. Android, how about we start with you?" Afterwards, she took a sip of beer and put a mouthful of popcorn in her mouth.

"I don't have a secret! "

"Fine, I'll start with myself. When I was a 14 year-old girl, I sneaked into my senior crush's dorm and secretly pecked his lips."

"But  ended up getting scolded by my warden."  Heather said it in dismay, as she regretted doing this. Nonetheless, she tried to kiss him again, but the man changed. 

"I want to join this bond-sharing movement. This seems fun." Android energetically said, pondering in his long term memory. 

" This can be interesting for you guys. 

"It was the early 20th century, and the Lüge and Android were the biggest propaganda tools for politicians. Both of them were fighting for their rights. In the midst of chaos and violence, my master requested that I kill her with my own hands."

" I had regretted most of it, but I had no control over that. I listened to her last breath and captured her gentle smile on my red code memory." Android said it in a nonchalant voice.

150 years ago, when the Luge and Android War happened, many androids and humanoids were killed and burned by this process.  Luge was the term that humanoids  used to show unity between every species, including Shatten, Igrius, and the Republic of Match, who were working together.

Androids were fighting for their rights, and Luge was fighting for theirs. But in the end, Luge triumphed, and millions of people died in the process.  Augustya read in a history book about the Android and Luge War, which was one of the tragedies in the Duckway galaxy. 

"Do you regret killing her?" Augustya asked in a solemn voice.

"My master told me I have a greater purpose."