Chapter 69

Geist's green forest was not popular for animals but for its botany and flowers too. The wild flowers that grew in Geist Forest have medicinal properties, which helped patients who were suffering from  insomnia. It also helps with gut health, strengthening the kidneys, and calming your nerves and anxiety. However, there were some flowers that had a psychedelic effect or experienced euphoria. It was not easy to identify those flowers, as they were rarely found.

Right now, Augustya is the victim of one of their flowers. This should end in a short period of time, but nobody knows how many hours or days.  He was in beast form, as his mind and body were in his  control. He didn't feel any pain; not even a bead of sweat formed. 

After sprinting of while, he found himself in a peculiar place. Augustya lost silver, as he went so far.

Furthermore, he could see some weird shapes dancing in the sky and levitating. The shapes were getting weirder and weirder.