Chapter 78 : (Bald Zekrom)

Silver, who was wounded by Augustya, is now completely healed. Fortunately, Silver dodged before Augustya attacked him and fainted due to his sudden treachery. After sleeping for a while he recovered.

 Perhaps Augustya was lucky to have a lovely pet who would never be disloyal to him. For the first time, he had shown affection towards Silver and hugged him.

The warmth and sound of Silver's heartbeat reassured him that he was alive.

"Silver, you are fearless, unlike me." He muttered under his breath. The boy separated from the wolf and decided to stroll with him. Because the guilt was eating him up.

Zekrom was with him and didn't leave his side for a couple of seconds, like a young duckling who was imprinted by Mother Duck.

Moving on, they were going to the southern territory that Augustya had gone to once or twice. Compared to the north and east zones, this zone is dominated by cats. The cats were ferocious, more sharp, and quite different from normal domesticated cats.