chapter 8

she grabbed a marker as she wrote on the board,"such a mean jerk";she giggled with some much happiness.

she heard a scratch on her door and fear gripped her heart but she still went to open it,she met a puppy barking as it saw and unfamiliar face;"ohh,you must have lost your way".

she said as she lifted it up giving it a tickle,sharon snatched it from her as he frowned;"stop touching my things,logo let's go".

he said and it followed him immediately,myra smiled as she watched the cute puppy following his master;"can believe his name is logo".

she said before closing her door,she got prepared for her show immediately and she left the house;she smiled as she walked through the back door.

- - -

Fernando,Kathleen and phoebe sat on the couch as they argued,"you are going to her show";Fernando said as he smirked."she is your fiancee and she would need your support",sharon looked at them before giving them a disgusted look which made phoebe sigh in relief;she would win his heart before that girl could make it there.

"you don't have to force him,guys",she said as she held his arm;Kathleen frowned and she stood between them."i don't know what is wrong with you but he has to show his support for her",Fernando and sharon could feel the heat and they immediately held the two girls;"i would go".

sharon said and went upstairs coming back with his jacket,"let's go";he said and walked outside with logo following him.Kathleen went outside as the cool breeze blew her hair and all her anger vanished,she was a nature type and she was easily impressed;the p4s(a group of popular and rich kids).

Sharon,a singer with his name known to the whole wide world.

Fernando,a dancer with a bad boy look and also known as a playboy.

Kathleen,one of the first popular actress in the whole of London.

phoebe,a model with a very delicate skin born with her own charm.

they were known as the dangerous gang and for this they were well respected anywhere they went.

they all entered their different cars driving off,phoebe was in deep thought wondering what she should do;she could at least sabotage something and frame her.the car stopped at a cinema with its light shining on the street,sharon got down with his hoodie and mask as they all looked at each other before nodding.

* * *

micheal finished dressing up as he looked at himself,he was finally able to get a ticket for myee show;he wouldn't miss it for anything.

he turned to leave the door when he went back to kiss his sister's forehead,"i would be back early,i promise";he said before quietly walking out.

the hall was crowdy but he made it to a safe spot as the lights went off,six ladies came up on stage with a black outfit and the men drooled;"i can't wait to see your fiancee".

Fernando said as he sipped his drink,the light went on and myee appeared in a red outfit looking seductive as ever;her red.lipstick shone and the boys had a hard-on.

sharon's eyes widened as his eyes scanned her and he was impressed but he immediately looked away while muttering to hiself,"stay away from her,she doesn't love you and would never and you can't".

phoebe held his arm when she saw him look away,sharon looked at the interwined hands and scoffed before pulling his away;myee smiled as she made a seductive walk.

🎤"what's up London",myee said as she winked.

her dress was so naughty that sharon couldn't take his eyes off.

🎤"i would not waste time,i would be dancing".

she said and the song immediately played and sharon's eyes widened,"what the fuck";he said as he watched her twerking following the beats.

Fernando licked his lips as he watched her,"i am impressed but she is giving me a hard on";Kathleen felt happy watching her do her thing.

myee was dancing and also singing some parts of the song and brina(her number one crazy fan)screamed and it reached myee's ear,she turned and her eyes met with Sharon's.

she felt her was familiar but she couldn't see his face so she just danced and when the song ended,she gave a crazy cat bend;the crowd roared and clapped.

🎤thank you London,myee loves you.

with that she walked out of stage,"she danced your song,dude";Kathleen said with excitement clouded in her eyes.

sharon rolled his eyes as he got up when he turned,"i am proud";with that he left.Fernando smiled as he looked at his wet pants,"why does it have to be you";he mumbled as he followed behind.

they walked out and met myra on the way as she was dressed in a black short gown,"hi there";Kathleen said and myra waved completely ignoring Sharon.

"i am Kathleen and i love your dancing skills",she talked nonstop and myra could only nod;she seemed to be used to it since her bestie was a talkative.

"i am myra or you can call me myee,i am your fan",myra said as she brought out a book;Kathleen immediately signed and Myra gave it to Fernando who signed as well.

"can you sign this",myra said passing it to phoebe but she scoffed looking away which made myra smirked;"i didn't even need it,it is not like you are even beautiful".

she hissed and placed the book inside her back turning to leave when a hand gripped her wrist,"what did you just say";myra pulled her hand from her before pushing her and walked away.

one thing she hated was bullies,she was a strong person who would never allow anyone bully her;she would either beat that person up or be the one to be beaten up.