"Is it a problem? Is it wrong?"

After Myalis returned to the others, she braced her head against Yuna's shoulder and the girl flinched before turning to look at her and Myalis exhaled deeply. 

Yuna glanced at Ziza who smiled before tapping Myalis on her shoulder and the girl glanced at her and then smiled. 

"Are you tired?" Ziza asked. 

"Not quite, I have just been wondering, why I am getting caught up in so many conflicts lately. How this came to be," She responded and Ziza's brows furrowed. 

"Seraphina," She said then Myalis smiled at her before stretching and patting the girl on her head and Ziza smiled. 

'Just how much more do I have to change?' Myalis wondered before letting out a sigh and looking up at the sky. 

A while after, just after night fell, Myalis and the others went back to the dorm to freshen up and when they were finished.