Slightly mixed

The leader looked at Myalis and she stared right back at him, despite the memories that she was seeing at the time, disrupting her, she was determined to get out of there. 

"Hey, what are you getting all serious about? We are not going to harm you," One of them said and she glanced at him, since he was the one that kidnapped her as well as bugged her for an answer before. 

"Hey, I told you there are things that I don't like and not to piss me off, didn't you?" She asked with a piercing look in her eyes. 

His eyes began glowing, showing he was ready to defend himself with how intimidating she looked at the time. 

"You..." He mumbled as flames began forming around her right arm and she began looking as though she was drunk and the leader's brows furrowed. 

"You began reacting more when he was going to take a look at your memories, you have something you don't want others to know, don't you?" The leader asked and she chuckled.