[18+] The Sea of Tranquility

Awoken from his light sleep by those words, Barion looked up to see one of the Elves beckoning him with an outstretched hand from the wagon. Groggily, he stood up and took the hand without thinking, exclaiming in surprise as he was suddenly led up over the rear and into the wagon itself, nearly falling over in the process. Thankfully, he was able to steady himself, grabbing hold on the first thing in front of him.


Soft and pliable, like the rice cakes of the western country of Anjima. As his eyes adjusted to the low light, he quickly saw that the object in question was an Elf's breast, pillowy and as smooth as silk. Immediately, he retracted his hand and took a step back, "Sorry about that. I should have been more careful."

-But as he did, another type of softness pressed up against his back.

"Ah~" A voice cried, "Lord Barion~"

There was barely enough space in that wagon to accommodate 5 people, let alone 15. No matter where he looked or stood, Barion was unable to free himself from an ocean of barely-covered breasts. Each and every Elf in the tent stared at him with focused eyes and flushed faces, some of them even moving to intercept his attempts at evasion, pressing their bodies against his own seductively.

"What's going on here? Why am I being sexually harassed?"

"Lord Barion…" One of the Elves, who fidgeted with both hands clasped at her waist, accentuating her figure, spoke, "We… that is- on occasion, Elves…"


"P-Please just look!" She shouted all of a sudden, lifting both hands to expose a strange phenomenon. Upon her stomach, it was as if a rune had been inscribed, one that seemed to mimic the appearance of a womb, with two ovary-like protrusions settling at the sides. To top it off, the design glowed an eerie pink, and the Elf seemed to writhe whenever it pulsed.

"We Elves…" She began, "Our 'fertile' periods are rare, so, um… in order to incentivise mating, our bodies enter a kind of… estrus, whenever the time comes."

She seemed embarrassed by the explanation, but as Barion's eyes explored her body, he noticed that she was breathing heavily and struggling to keep her hands from descending to her loins. The sounds of laboured breathing was apparent in that wagon, with every Elf seeming uncomfortable and preoccupied with something.

"Wait, wait…" A bead of sweat appeared on Barion's forehead, "Hold on a moment…"

"So, please… Lord Barion…" The Elf leaned forward and took his wrist in her hand, leading it shamelessly towards her chest, "As the only man here… please allow us this much."

His fingers sunk into her chest, eliciting lewd moans from the Elf. There wasn't a word to describe the perfect softness he felt--indeed, it was as if her breasts were created solely for teasing and fondling. The shameful feelings that built within Barion for those Elves, who just hours ago were nothing more than slaves, nonetheless flowered into a forbidden desire that made him move his fingers subconsciously. For the first time, he saw them, too, as objects of pleasure.

"...Wait." And then suddenly, he released his grip, pushing at the Elves around him to create a space of temporary safety, "Give me a second."

Like that, he closed his eyes, and just as he had done so many times in the past, he focused only on the breaths moving in and out of his body. A technique to focus singularly upon rationality and calmness. When he exhaled, the unnecessary feelings of doubt and inhibition, too, were carried out on that breath.

"Okay!" Barion clapped his hands together, "I've prepared myself."

Outstretching his arms, he quickly pulled two Elves by their waists towards himself, enjoying the sensation of their soft bodies pressing against his sides.

"Lord Barion!" The Elf on his left exclaimed, "T-This is- mmf!"

She could not speak another word, for her lips had already been stolen. Not wasting a moment of time, Barion's tongue immediately curled along her own, his hand moving to fondle the supple flesh of her behind. The opposing Elf at his side looked on in greedy anticipation as she felt his fingers running across her waist. A variety of reactions were seen in the crowd of Elves who surrounded him--some who leaned into his form, aching to become closer, and others who, despite their beating hearts, covered their eyes in embarrassment.

"A-Ahh~ no- not there…" Between her gasps of breath, the Elf pleaded with Barion to slow down as he gently kneaded her nipple between his thumb and index finger.

"Is this where you're sensitive?" He smiled, "Tell me."

"Hah… y-yes… I like it when- mmf… pah! When my nipples are played with…"

"Do you tease them when you masturbate?"

"That's… I won't say something so embarrassing…"

"If you don't, I'll just stop. There are plenty of others I could be attending to right now."

"O-Oooh…" A frustrated moan crept up from her throat, "Yes… I like to- ah! I like to play with them when I masturbate!"

"It feels good being honest, doesn't it? I'll reward you by teasing them a lot."

"Lord Barion!" Suddenly, the Elf opposing him spoke up, "I-I'd like it… if you could kiss me as well…"

"Ah, see--this is where logistical problems start to arise." He couldn't help but sigh, "If only the Gods had given me three mouths and ten hands…"

Before the Elf could reply, Barion had already assaulted her mouth. She greedily stole his tongue as if afraid of parting from his side, her mind filled with nothing but lewd thoughts.

"Don't you think it's filthy, kissing a man who already shared his mouth with another woman?" He taunted her after their lips parted.


"Or, is it possible that you enjoy watching me pleasuring someone other than you?"

"N-No…" She squirmed in his grasp, "I would never…"

"Go off to the side." He commanded, "-You'll only watch from now on. And don't think about touching yourself at any point."

"Hah… yes…" She relented to his words, and reluctantly broke off from his side, where another Elf quickly appeared and leaned her face towards his, "Kiss me, Lord Bariooon~"

"Aren't you a greedy one?" He noticed, "Seeing the variety of preferences between you all is starting to get me quite excited."

"Yes~ I'll tend to Lord Barion's aching thing…" Another Elf, who had knelt down in front of him, eagerly made a move for his pants. From behind, he could feel the soft press of another pair of breasts against his back, and the hot breath of a woman on his neck. Like that, she reached under his tunic and rubbed her hands along his body, leaning him back towards the Elf on his right, who caught him in an enraptured kiss. At the same time, he felt a sudden freedom in his groin, and the kneeling Elf blinked slowly as his released length hovered above her head, "This might be really bad… I'm not sure I can resist this…"

Barion was caught by surprise as he suddenly felt the sensation of the Elf's tongue running along his frenulum. The overstimulation he was receiving was almost enough to push him over the edge completely, but at the last moment, he was able to hang on.

"Ah~ Lord Barion, did you almost…?" The kneeling Elf smirked in a self-satisfied fashion as he looked her in the eyes.

"This one's got some bravado, huh." He mused, before all of a sudden untangling himself from the pillowy heaven that surrounded him, lifting the Elf's head high so as to rest his penis atop her head, "She's in need of an attitude adjustment."

"No~ somebody help! Lord Barion is going to punish meee~" The Elf cried shamelessly, raising her nose in an attempt to catch the scent of his member. Taking hold of her shoulders, Barion was easily able to overpower her playful resistance, pushing her down onto the bed of the wagon as the others looked on with panting expressions, "A-A proud Elf like myself would never enjoy a pitiful human's penis~"

"So you're into this kind of play…" He smirked at her empty-hearted insult, "Look at that. I haven't even touched you and you're already soaking wet."

"That's not true~ it's a physiological reaction… a human's cock would never-"

Her words turned to whimpers as Barion gripped both of her wrists and pulled them down to her waist, rubbing the head of his penis against her entrance.

"Ah, no~ don't~ a human's penis is about to rape meee~"

The Elf moaned and gyrated her hips as Barion began to slowly insert his penis, making sure to enjoy every inch of her insides. When the Elf had been filled so that their waists were touching, he started to pump in and out slowly, savouring the girl's rapid gasps. Some of the other Elves had started openly masturbating at the sight, whereas others had moved to Barion's side in order to seek more of his skillful hands and mouth. The presence of so many partners instilled him with an endurance that would surely last him the entire night. Only Barion's hands could limit his commitment to pleasing each and every Elf. He wondered in an instant of clarity if the situation was similar for those in the second wagon as well. The joyful lovemaking between those two continued passionately for a while.

"You're certainly moaning a lot for an Elf who claims to detest humans." He teased.

"Oh~ that's not fair~ this cock isn't fair~" She cried deliriously.

"I'm getting close. There's no doubt about it that you want it inside, right?"

"You- urgh! You wouldn't dare~" She answered, "Imagine that~ a human's sperm inside of- oh! Inside of me… how scandalous…"

"Saying that while wrapping your legs around my waist isn't convincing in the least."

"S-Shut up~ Ah! Do it~ dump it all directly into my wooomb~"

Her constant attitude awakened within him a desire to do exactly that. Slowly increasing the rhythm of his thrusts, he could feel himself about to finish, and every synapse in his primitive brain screamed at him to impregnate the woman below him. When he at last reached his peak, he leaned down over the Elf and locked her talkative mouth with a deep kiss, dropping the inside of the wagon into a comparative silence as the Elf shivered in pleasure, twitching whenever his cock blew another sticky load into her welcoming hole.

As he released the Elf from the kiss and straightened his back, he exhaled and for the first time felt the unbearable heat which had begun to collect within the wagon, as well as the cool air flowing in from its rear, basking in the afterglow of his orgasm without pulling out. The overly-rational thoughts which often surfaced from an ejaculation overcame him, but the lust in his heart was far from extinguished. The Elf, who had been reduced to a panting mess, could offer nothing but moans as he pulled out slowly--a trickle of semen proving his dominance over her.

"Amazing…" One of the Elves covered her mouth with both hands, "Did it really feel that good?"

"Hah~" Barion, who was steadying his breathing, sighed, "That wasn't bad at all…"

Standing up while unbuttoning his vest, he preoccupied himself with undressing for a moment, showing no resistance to the Elves still clinging hungrily to his body, reaching down to fondle and caress his penis. It wasn't long before the teasing had returned him to full-mast. Standing in the centre of the wagon, he boldly raised one finger in the air.

"Hear this!" He shouted, "I vow not to leave this wagon before all 15 of you have been satisfied, sleep and rest be damned! That is the duty of a man!"

An out-of-place cheer which was more heroic and optimistic than the mood demanded could be heard from the clearing outside, that even Din, who was normally a heavy sleeper in the purest sense of the word, was temporarily roused from her slumber before dozing off once more.

As the night went on, there was no end to the debauchery and decadence. When finally the sun crept over the invisible horizon, sounds of rapid panting could still be heard from within the wagon. It was not until the late morning, when the sun could be seen properly above the treeline, that all 15 Elves were unmoving, each of them lost in a daydream of ecstasy, and only Barion, who had only been so exhausted once before in his entire life, stood tall among them.

Such was his fatigue that he almost tripped while exiting the wagon, still completely naked, basking in the cool forest air. It was his first bout of nudism in a long while--and one he was careful to appreciate.

And then, from behind him, a frustrated voice spoke, "Barion…"