[18+] A Strange Game

Barion was sitting on the room's bed with his eyes closed. A lingering feeling at the back of his mind informed him that he had simply gone too far with his request, and that it would be better to apologise and call the whole thing off. After all, he couldn't be certain that Dorma was willing to follow his command. More than anything else, he worried that it might place some strain on their friendship.

"Ah, Dorma…" He said dejectedly, standing up from the bed and wandering towards the bathroom door, "I went too far. You don't really have to-"

As he spoke, the lock upon the door twisted, cracking open enough to just barely glimpse Dorma's face looking back at him.

"B-Barion… um…" That tone wasn't like her, "I'm ready."

In the past, Barion had been tasked, along with his allies, to unearth the three words of power from an ancient tomb in order to learn the secrets of a particularly powerful magical spell. He recalled the impact his body felt upon speaking those words aloud, but not one of them came close to the jolt that ran through his body as Dorma spoke that simple sentence to him.

"...O-Okay." He replied. "You can come out."

As she disappeared from view, there was a pause, and a rush of anticipation built within Barion's chest. He stepped back, and a few seconds later, the bathroom door opened, revealing Dorma standing in the doorway.

It was sinful how much of her bare skin was exposed. What she wore to cover her chest and genitals couldn't be described as a bikini--they were at the very most two thin strips of cloth which only barely obscured her nipples and a pair of thin panties which hugged her wide hips tightly. Upon her arms and legs were elbow-length gloves and stockings which rode up to the tops of her thighs. The fabric was decorated with black-and-white splotches, mimicking the appearance of a cow.

"This is…" Whenever she moved, her body seemed to bounce seductively, "Unbelievable… to think you were as perverted as this all along, Barion."

"It looks fantastic on you." He gave her a thumbs-up and smiled. It was quite possibly the widest smile he had ever worn in his 500+ year life.

"Oh dear…" She covered her face with her hands, "Just what kinds of things are you planning to do to me while I'm wearing this scandalous outfit…?"

"Hey, hey. Hold up one moment." Barion held both of his hands out in front of him, "This is unbearably sexy, but I have to make sure that this is something you want to do first of all. I'm not going to push you into this if you're uncomfortable. We can forget the game even happened. I'll let you say you won and told me to massage your shoulders or something."

Certainly, the mood was important, but a woman's consent was even moreso.

Dorma looked conflicted for a moment, which almost pushed Barion to call the whole thing off, but as she rubbed her shoulder, a blush like no other blossomed on her cheeks.

"Asking me something like that…" She muttered, "...Isn't it obvious what I want?"

"That's all the affirmation I needed to hear." Again, he gave a thumbs-up. Both hands that time.

Turning around and seating himself comfortably on the bed, he smiled, "Dorma."

"W-What is it?"

"Come over here."

The serene expression on his face made her feel somewhat uneasy, but in a manner she didn't entirely dislike. Hugging her body to obscure her erotic form but failing miserably, Dorma approached him until her breasts were almost touching his face. The fact that her erotic clothing did little to hide her body from him somehow made the sight a hundred times more lewd.

"...What is it? Don't just stare at me…"

"How could I not? Your body is like a feast for the eyes. I'll stare as much as I like."

For a few unbearable moments, that was all he did, watching Dorma's body quiver from his gaze, seeing the careful, restrained breaths escaping from her mouth.

"You're acting quite docile all of a sudden. It's an incredible change from how you usually are."

"Idiot…" She muttered, "Anyone would feel embarrassed having to wear this… this…"

"What is it? Say exactly what you're wearing."

"This bra--no, it isn't even that… and these panties that don't hide anything in the slightest…"

"Does wearing that outfit turn you on?"

"A-As if I would answer a question like that."

"Don't, then. Change out of it and go home." Barion challenged, "You'd probably spend the whole night masturbating and imagining how I could've treated you, am I right?"

"Oh… I never would have thought you'd have this kind of side, Barion…"

"I wasn't kidding." He didn't seem pleased, "Go back into the bathroom and get changed."

"L-Listen to me, why don't you?"

"I don't have any reason to listen to a woman who willingly dresses herself up like a cow." He retorted, "If you don't start acting the way I like, then tonight will end. Does that make sense?"

He was speaking down to her. From the perspective of Dorma, it was like Barion had become an entirely different person. Her normal self wouldn't suffer insults in any shape or form, but standing there in that lewd outfit, the atmosphere was playing with her mind. It wasn't a feeling she disliked.

"Okay…" Her breathing grew more irregular, "The bet's still on… so, for the rest of the night, I'll try to act the way you want me to…"

"That's what I like to hear." He smirked, "So, for starters, I'd like you to introduce yourself how you normally would. Go on about your name and your magical prowess and so on."

She at first wanted to ask why, but knew from his gaze not to question it.

"My…" She began, "My name is Dorma, of the Lunar Dominion. I am the great sage of the desert, known more famously as the 'second hero'. M-My magical abilities are second to none--not even the mighty Demon King could hope to match my talents…"

"There's the Dorma I'm familiar with." Barion spoke, "Now, I want you to tell me how you're going to submit yourself to me tonight, and how grateful you are for the opportunity."

The mere idea of it made Dorma grate her teeth unconsciously. Something strange was happening to her--though she was infuriated being forced to say such things, a voice in her heart commanded that she capitulate to Barion's demands. If her circumstances were different, she would have assumed that a spell of some sort was affecting her.

"For tonight, I, the great sage, Dorma, will be submitting myself to you… T-To have the pleasure of offering myself up to the legendary hero who slew the Demon King… is an opportunity I am deeply grateful to receive."

"Well said! That was even better than I was expecting!" Barion grinned, "Now prostrate yourself! Get on your hands and knees!"

"Barion… please…"

"Ah, is that your limit?" His face fell immediately, "Too bad. Maybe we can try again in another 500 years?"


Dorma's dignity eroded away as she obediently moved into a position of absolute submissiveness, with her face held downward towards his feet and the spilling flesh of her breasts and thighs poking out from the sides of her lovely figure.

"Barion… please, violate me…" Her voice was somewhat muffled, "This anticipation… I can't bear it… I'll do whatever you want, so please…"

"I didn't even ask you to say that." He replied, "That's good. It means you're starting to understand your place."

She moaned as Barion's foot fell upon the back of her head. It was degrading, to have her face pressed against the floor, knowing that if she resisted in any way, he wouldn't pay any more attention to her. In a matter of minutes, her nature had changed to match the namesake of her outfit--she had become a docile cow who accepted orders without thinking.

"Okay, that's enough." Barion lifted his foot, "Stay kneeling and move your head closer."

Without a second thought, she obeyed him, displaying her lewd body without attempting to cover herself up. She thought that would please him, which was all she then concerned herself with, "W-Would you like me to service you?"

"Don't get presumptuous. The first thing you're going to be doing is memorising my scent." He warned, "An animal has a good sense of smell, so you're going to be inhaling the stench of my cock until it's the only thing you'll be able to get off to at night."

"Understood~" She smiled happily, reaching for his pants, "Please excuse me…"

Barion's briefs were struggling to hold his shaft, which Dorma undressed without a shred of the shame that had pervaded her attitude just a moment ago. Her eyes widened at the size of his erection, and a deep happiness welled up from within knowing she had caused it. Shamelessly and without dignity, she immediately pressed her nose against his length.

"Ah, this smell… this is Barion…" She spoke in a daze, "Such a manly stench…"

"Don't think about pulling your head back for at least 10 minutes. Let my scent leave an imprint on your brain so that you can never forget it."

For the entirety of her allotted time, that was exactly what she did, looking forward to each twitch of his erection that spoke of how aroused he was becoming, "Ah~ I'll become weird~ This smell~ No woman could resist this~"

Without even touching herself, the loose fabric of her panties was useless at concealing how wet she was becoming. Even further than that, each whiff of Barion's cock acclimated her to the stench of a man, sending shivers of pleasure down her spine.

"Time's up." Barion said after a while, "Take one last smell."

At his command, she formed a tent over her nostrils with both hands and inhaled deeply, allowing his scent to penetrate her senses. As she did, she felt her body being pushed over the edge, and with short, gushing noises, she came, sending spouts of her juices onto the floor in short intervals. She took great care to memorise the scent, as an animal would.

"You came from that?" He looked down at her, "How pathetic."

"Hii~ I'm sorry, Barion!"

"No time to waste." He hurried along, "You're a cow, so naturally you'll be serving me with your breasts next. I want to feel the squeezing pressure from a woman who's given in to me completely."

"A-As you command…" She obliged him, and reached around to her back to loosen her bra.

"Stop. Leave the bra on." Barion interrupted, "The fact that your nipples are hidden just makes it more erotic. Plus, it's already made a fine space in your cleavage to squeeze my dick between."

"Of course~" She lifted her breasts and brought them towards his penis, teasingly hovering them between his length before enveloping them in a sea of warmth and softness, "Please enjoy this lowly cow's semen-squeezing titfuck~"

"Damn…" Barion was forced by the pleasure to break character for a moment, "The amount of times I've fantasised about this situation… to think it's really happening."

"Make sure to endure this, Barion~" Holding her breasts in place with her elbows, she expertly shook and slid them across his member, "Like that… I'll slowly~ but surely~ tease and bully your cock… so please, shoot it all out whenever you're ready~"

The act created a lewd sound that only added to his enjoyment. The pressure of being trapped between Dorma's enormous breasts, which stuck to his skin like rice cakes, was unbearably pleasurable. Seeing one of the strongest mages alive servicing him like a prostitute was enough to convince him that there was goodness in the world.

"Ah~ Barion, are you about to…" She teased.

"Keep going. I want to finish inside of them."

"As you command~" Dorma obeyed happily, slowly escalating the movements of her hands, "Please blow a sticky mess into my chest as if you were trying to impregnate it~"

Her honey-dipped words were enough to overwhelm him completely. Leaning forward to grab her shoulders, Barion ejaculated freely between her breasts, with not even a single drop spilling out from between. As he basked in the afterglow of his orgasm, Dorma grinned, and with a slow movement pulled her breasts apart, revealing ropes of sticky semen which had become entangled in her chest, and Barion's penis, which remained hard despite its ordeal.

"You came a lot…" She had a mesmerised expression on her face, "If this went inside of me…"

Without being given time to properly react, she yelped as Barion stood up and lifted her body, forcefully throwing her down onto the bed. Sinking into the pillows and sheets, still wearing that erotic outfit, she stared at Barion, who had quickly moved above her, with an enraptured gaze that contained both longing and fear.

"I wanted to enjoy some foreplay a little more, but…" He said, panting, "As expected, I can't suppress the urge to turn you into my woman, Dorma."

Quickly collecting himself, Barion's eyes widened and he shook his head fiercely, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

-But as he attempted to pull away, he was caught by the daring leggings of Dorma's outfit, which had already curled around his waist. As he looked towards her, there was unmistakably an unsatisfied look in her eyes. Breathing gently, she reached for his chest and pulled him down on top of her, placing her mouth right next to his ear.

"Barion…" She cooed seductively.

His heart stood still, "What is it?"

A soft giggle followed, followed by a deep exhalation as she pulled him closer still.




In the faraway land of Khazman, a nomad of the desert wandered with a camel by his side. Upon that freezing night, the two of them stood by a phenomenon of sorts. A single flower, as white as snow, had sprouted from the dunes. It was a commodity of great economic value--a plant used by alchemists to create potions that could bring men back from the dead, among other miraculous remedies. As he leaned down and ever-so-gently separated the flower from its stem, that nomad could have sworn that the sound of something peculiar--like a string snapping, suddenly resounded across the sands.

"Ah! Ah~ Barion!" The unrestrained cries of a woman could clearly be heard from beyond the room's door, "So rough~ Calm down- Ahn!""

"Don't tell me to calm down! Just what did you think was going to happen, whispering something like that in my ear!?" He yelled, "Such a beautiful woman, telling me in no short terms to knock her up!? I wouldn't be able to call myself a man if I refused such an offer!"

It was difficult to tell precisely how long they had been at it. When Dorma had leaned in to seduce him, she never expected such an aggressive response, but nonetheless fell into ecstasy as her body was quickly overwhelmed by pleasure. Saliva dribbled openly from her mouth as she moaned with her teeth clenched, trying to endure Barion's harsh lovemaking.

"Ogh- No~ I'll cum~ I'll cum if you keep hitting that spooot~"

"Just give into it! That's what you want, right!? To be pushed down by a man and made to orgasm repeatedly!?"

"Barion~ I'm being serious~" Her toes curled, "If we- oh! Keep going on like this~ I'll change~

I'll become really weird~"

"Isn't it obvious that you aren't leaving this room until you belong to me!?" Despite the speed of his thrusts, Barion didn't sound out of breath in the least, "Become my woman, Dorma! Swear that you'll bend over to please me whenever I tell you to!"

"That's~ To say something so embarrassing~ Ahh~" Her resistance was merely a decoy. Despite her words, Dorma had no intention of unwrapping her legs from his waist, "I-I'll do it~ Of course I will~ I'll become Barion's mistress~ Please dump your thick semen into me every day until I'm pregnant with your child~"

Naturally, one round wasn't enough to please the agitated Barion. Concerned singularly with the selfish pleasures of sex, without giving a spare thought to responsibility or restraint, he came inside her repeatedly with the vigour of a wild beast, only pausing to grope and fondle her erotic body as the bed beneath them creaked noisily.

An hour--or perhaps three. Trapped in that prison of overstimulation, Dorma couldn't even work out something as simple as how long they'd been at it for. Her body convulsed each time Barion shot a load inside of her, falling into the throes of her own orgasms that had been conditioned to reward her for willingly allowing herself to be inseminated.

When their session of unrestrained lovemaking came to a close, the corners of her vision were beginning to darken. Barion collapsed onto her, their sweat-covered bodies rubbing against one-another. Basking in the panting afterglow, the two of them did not exchange words for a few minutes. As Barion raised himself above Dorma, his penis remained engorged inside of her, and his expression was one of deep satisfaction, but also reflection.