(18+) Magnum Opus

As the sun fell completely, a cool wind overtook the wagon and its humble campfire. Beside the roaring flames were two silent observers--one of them, a man, and the other, something which couldn't quite be called a human, despite adopting the form of one. Yes, the two of them were uncharacteristically quiet, as if waiting for the other to speak up first. Barion occasionally raised his head to meet Fusala's unwavering gaze, but couldn't force himself to speak.

"It appears that I have made you uncomfortable." She finally said, "We do not have to discuss such things further if you do not feel the need."

"I'm just a little surprised, is all." He smiled loosely, "But I'm not uncomfortable, no."

"Please allow me to continue my line of questioning, in that case." She proceeded matter-of-factly, "I am well-read in the physiologies of the world's intelligent races. However, I lack first-hand experience in matters relating to reproduction as a result of my isolated upbringing. Earlier, you implied that examining my body prompted inappropriate thoughts. I would like to hear what those thoughts were, exactly."

"You're being surprisingly aggressive about all of this."

"I believe that seeking out knowledge previously unavailable to me will assist in developing an understanding of the human condition. I would also like to practise speaking what is on my mind at the moment, rather than only focusing on the most important matters at hand."

"Right. And how does sexual attraction factor into all of it?"

"That is for me to decide. Please respond to my previous query."

"I think you look nice."

"Please be truthful."

"Alright, alright…." He relented, "It's just that, up until now, I've never really looked at you in that way. I haven't had much time to consider it with all that's been going on lately."

"Does my form repulse you?"

"Not even in the slightest." Barion answered quickly, "...Although, I will admit that I'm not really too sure how it all works. Your body, I mean."

"The creation of a Homunculus is an incredibly complicated and time-consuming procedure." Fusala explained, "In simple terms, it is more feasible to create a being capable of altering their form as opposed to one restricted to a single arrangement of molecules. A body capable of changing its genetic structure at will allows the Vitroma--the 'foetus' of a Homunculus, to be transported safely between multiple vessels, bypassing the strict, persistent conditions required for, say, a human foetus, to develop properly within the womb."

"Do you have… I'm not sure how to put this…" Barion wondered, "-A 'true' form?"

"For all intents and purposes, I consider my current genetic arrangement to be my 'true' form." She answered, "However, my appearance as of the moment of my birth would claim that title with more legitimacy. In that case, my 'true' form is a kind of formless mass resembling that of a slime's."

"Like how you were when we first met."


"So, is your body a liquid?"

"It may be of various consistencies. In this form, however, it is a solid--as close as possible to what I have concluded is a 'human' level of softness."

For a moment, Barion remained silent.

"You may touch me, if that is what you desire."

"I wasn't going to ask that."

"I have concluded from your emotional reaction to this information that you are lying. Rest assured, I am not offended by such things. As stated previously, you may touch me."

If the two of them weren't beside a campfire at that moment, it would have been impossible for Barion to make out even the slightest detail of her body. But, in the low light, he was able to see the forms of her arms and legs, as well as the outlined profile of her breasts. Moving a hand towards her, he wrapped his fingers around her thin wrist, feeling a warmth that he didn't expect, and the 'flesh' of her skin giving way to bone underneath. If his eyes were closed, it would have been impossible to tell it apart from a human's.

"Does this satisfy your curiosity?" Fusala wondered, "You may confirm other areas, as well."

"No, I-I think I get the picture." He stammered, and let go of her wrist.

"I see. I am pleased to hear that my facsimile of the human body is indeed perfect." She tilted her head, "Is it possible that laying your hand upon me has excited you?"

"I'm sure you already know the answer, so I won't even try to deny that." He admitted.

"Please do not feel ashamed. It is flattering to know that my body can elicit such reactions."

"What about you?" Barion asked bluntly.

"I do not understand your meaning."

"I mean, did it excite you as well? Being touched like that."

"No." Her answer was singular, "However, there is a reason for this."

"Do tell."

"As a Homunculus, I am capable of altering the genetic structure of my body. I find it more efficient to internalise my erogenous zones in order to focus on my studies and research. My sense of touch is therefore muted compared to that of an average human's."

"Can you change that?"

Fusala blinked.

"...Would you like me to?"

There was a pause as Barion broke eye contact, "I would."

Taking a breath, nothing dramatic seemed to change about Fusala's body, but Barion did notice over the course of the next few seconds that she had begun to tremble ever-so-slightly. When those movements ceased, she turned to look at him again, "It is done."

"Is it really that simple?"

"Yes. I have become quite proficient in altering my own senses."

"Then… would you mind if I touched you again?"

"Not at all. Please proceed."

Moving to hold her wrist again, there didn't seem to be much of a change. Fusala's piercing eyes continued to examine him closely as he caressed her skin.

"Is anything different?"

"Yes." She replied, "I can feel your hand."

"...Could you say that again?"

"I can feel your hand." She complied, "Was that satisfactory?"

"Sorry, it's just…" He paused, "Something about the way you said that was… a little erotic."

"May I ask why?"

"It's not really something I can explain." Barion thought for a moment, "-It's to do with how you said it so suddenly. It was just… really exciting, for some reason."

"Would you like me to say anything else?"

"It's not about what I want you to say." He replied, "Your own feelings… I want to hear those."

"I see. This must be the phenomenon of 'intimacy' most commonly craved among intelligent creatures." Fusala analysed, "It is… a strange sensation."

"Can you tell me how you're feeling?"

"As you previously mentioned, it is difficult to put into words. But I will attempt to do so." She accepted, "It is a mixture of nervousness, or restlessness, but also anticipation. It may be called a type of excitement, for lack of a better term."

"This may sound out of the blue, but have you ever actually felt aroused before?"

"Despite my artificial origins, the instinctual desire to create offspring is considered a core aspect of life, and so the process of creating a Homunculus necessitates the inclusion of such impulses."

"That's a very roundabout way of saying yes."

"To answer bluntly--I feel aroused about as often as any other person."

"Do you…" Barion waved his hand.

"Masturbate?" She finished, "That is an interesting question. I do, but not in an easily-understood manner. In such cases, I prefer to stimulate my nervous system directly rather than relying on outside sources. I must be careful not to over-indulge in such pleasure, as the desire to waste hours doing so can be quite overwhelming at times."

"Being a Homunculus sounds tough."

"I am used to it." Saying that, she went quiet for a second, "Would you care to touch me again?"

"You mean, holding your wrist?"

"I was attempting to imply that you should move on to more inappropriate areas."

"What a formal way to go about it…" He muttered, "Well then, excuse me…"

Sliding closer to Fusala, Barion reached an arm behind her back and around her side, gently cupping one of her modest breasts in a soft grip. Feeling around, he was enlightened to the fact that she had gone through the extra trouble of giving herself nipples, and carefully began teasing the bump between his thumb and index finger.

"How does that feel?"

"While not- mm…" She began, pausing to stifle a strange sound, "While not especially pleasurable, the gentleness you show with your grip creates an anticipatory reaction which amplifies each touch. Is this some kind of proven method to amplify a woman's libido?"

"It depends. Some women like having their nipples played with, while others want to be caressed, or kissed. Some like being spoken to, and some might find it pleasurable not being touched at all. Like you said, sometimes the anticipation is enough."

"I see. Scouting an opponent's weakness allows for one to- a-ah…"

"That was a nice sound you just made. What did I do right?"

"For a moment, you ran your hand along my stomach." She reported, "Somehow, I found that to be… quite arousing. Is that abnormal?"

"The body likes whatever it likes." Barion answered, allowing his hand to caress her midsection, "The most important thing is to make it known. Even if it sounds strange, when two people work to make each other feel good, that's when making love becomes enjoyable. Seeing the look on someone's face when you do what they like--there isn't a better feeling than that."

"Then…" She muttered, "Is there something… you would like me to do?"

Her hand fell upon his thigh, inching close to the bump which had been forming slowly under his trousers. As Barion continued to fondle her soft body, Fusala's fingers strayed towards his groin, caressing it in a way that was gentle but deeply erotic.

"Is it painful to maintain an erection for too long?" She asked freely.

"A lot of people say that, but I've never had a problem with it, really."

"This was not the answer I expected. I prepared a statement that I thought would arouse you."

"What were you going to say?"

"...If you'd like-" She began, tracing a finger along his covered length, "I could use my hand to relieve you."

Amidst the night's howling winds and cricket-song, there was a wagon on the roadside. Tor was a country that saw fewer highwaymen by the day thanks in large to the presence of the Merchant's Guild, and so such sights weren't uncommon. A pair of laboured breaths were audible from its rear, and the light creaking of wood accompanied the slow, almost inaudible sound of lips meeting.

Fusala's body was pressed against Barion's from the side as if attached to him, with a single leg resting upon his own. The outline of her shadowy tongue was visible only in the brief moments where their mouths parted. In one hand, Fusala stroked Barion's engorged member with her slender fingers, uncharacteristically enraptured by the series of erotic kisses they continued to exchange, shamelessly indulging in debauchery without a single thought devoted to modesty.

"...Pah!" Fusala sighed as a string of saliva connected their tongues, "I-I was under the impression that a first kiss was meant to be shared under more romantic circumstances."

"You're the one who started it to begin with." Barion replied, "Come here."

Despite her weak protests, Fusala didn't attempt to resist as he moved his head forward and stole her lips again. In the moments of blindness when his eyes were shut, there was unmistakably a lustful woman servicing him. None of Fusala's listless attitude carried over to her feverish handjob, which was already threatening to send him over the edge.

"It is throbbing…" She spoke again as their lips retreated, "Are you going to ejaculate?"

"Shit… it's too early for it, but it's your fault for trying to wring me out…"

"You absolutely must not. It would be a waste of your sperm."

-So she said, but the movements of her hand only increased in intensity afterward. Sticky with precum, the friction of her soft skin disappeared completely, and Barion felt as if he was being serviced with a sex toy designed to be as efficient as possible. Even so, the possibility of the night ending too soon allowed him to summon some willpower.

"You're way too good at this…" He complimented.

"As a creature of science, I believe ensuring the maximum amount of pleasure is a worthwhile end-goal. It is quite a simple matter to exploit your most erogenous spots based on your physical reactions. However, as previously mentioned, I will not tolerate you ejaculating from my hand."

Again, the movements of her fingers and wrist changed to suit Barion's preferences even more. On a whim, she had devised the most effective methods of pleasuring him. The amount of willpower required to endure her assault was comparable to keeping one's senses under the excruciating effects of Alraune venom. However, as the man who defeated the Demon King, there was no overcoming Barion's exceptional ability to persist even in the face of defeat. At least, up until the moment when Fusala leaned forward and breathed slowly into his ear.

"Shoot out your pathetic semen~"

She had seduced him completely, and not a second later, he was overcome by a powerful orgasm, his load emptying onto the wagon floor in thick ropes. Even as he ejaculated, Fusala continued to squeeze his length, ensuring that the toe-curling release continued for an unbearable amount of time. When at last his vision had unblurred, the afterglow continued to disorient him as Fusala continued to gently massage his penis.

"...Where did that come from?" He asked.

"I had concluded that it would be the most effective phrase to ensure a pleasurable orgasm." She reported, having not lost an ounce of her dignity, "My apologies. I am aware that what I said must have sounded degrading."

"No…" He sighed, "Sometimes, it feels good to be talked to like that. Sexually, I mean."

"It appears that you are still suffering from an erection despite the large ejaculation." She observed, eyes glued to his penis, "Is this considered normal?"

"Do you really think…" He began, "That I would be satisfied with just that?"

Taking her wrists, Barion quickly wrestled Fusala's body to the floor, placing himself on top of her.

"It appears I am being assaulted." She blinked, "Do you intend to mate with-- gh!"

Her statement was cut short as Barion began to trace his fingertips along her vagina, taking care to move slowly as he inserted two inside of her boiling crevice. The girl seemed to shiver in reaction.

"F-Fingers do not belong in such a place." She protested, "If you intend to enter me, then please do so- a-ah!"

As he began to move his fingers in and out of her hole, Fusala became incapable of focusing, occupying herself with laboured breaths and short cries. The sounds of her submitting to pleasure flipped a switch in Barion's head, and after a few minutes, he had transitioned to running his tongue along her vulva and into her opening, occasionally stopping to play gently with her clitoris, enjoying the plethora of moans that escaped from Fusala's trembling form.

"Barion…" She pleaded after a while, "I do not believe I am capable of enduring this for much longer…"

"Don't hold it back, then. Just give in."

"H-How demanding…" She replied, "I'm going to… m-mmh!"

With a squeal that didn't suit her in the slightest, Fusala orgasmed, clenching her hands together as a wave of pleasure assaulted her body. When she came to, her beady yellow eyes widened at the sight of Barion's member resting upon her abdomen, having lost precisely none of its vigour.

"Didn't I say… that I was only going to relieve you with my hand?" She said, panting.

"You don't want to?" Barion replied, "I won't push it if you don't feel ready."

"Of… of course not…" Despite her words, Fusala's eyes remained fixated on the sight of his penis, "I would never want… such a m-monstrous thing… copulating with me… forcing me to orgasm again and again… it would be shameful to consider- A-AHH!"

She shrieked as Barion disregarded her unbelieving protests and helped himself to her body. Groaning as the inhuman tightness of Fusala's form threatened to conquer him in an instant, he was careful to push his length inside bit-by-bit.

"That was a really nice sound you just made." He smiled, "Isn't it about time you were more honest about what you really want?"

"B-Brute… you are a brute, Barion…" She complained, "Does it satisfy you, stealing the innocence from a woman who insulted you as you ejaculated onto the floor?"

"You're really trying to rile me up, huh." He replied, "That's good, though. I'm looking forward to seeing you submit once I start moving."

Before she could respond, he began sliding his length out of her, before pushing it back in somewhat forcefully, eliciting a cry of pleasure from Fusala, who was quickly grabbed by the arms to use as handlebars for Barion's assault. As the wagon rocked beneath them, the two became enraptured with one-another."

"B-Barion…" Loosing her arms from his grip, she opened them as if to embrace him, "I want to kiss… come here and kiss me…"

Obliging her request, Barion moved to cover Fusala's body completely, becoming entangled in her arms as their lips met for the umpteenth time that night. Slowly becoming lost in a puzzle of pleasure, the two rutted one-another with the ferocity of wild animals, throwing caution to the wind as not a spare thought to responsibility crossed either of their minds.

"Fusala… in a few seconds, I'm going to…" At some point during their lovemaking, Barion warned her between heavy breaths. While the girl's expression was invisible in the low light of the wagon, he could have sworn seeing a smile appear on her shadowy face.

"Finish… i-inseminate me…" She struggled to reply, "Inside. W-Won't forgive you otherwise…"

Irresponsibly, they craved each other as man and woman. As Barion approached his peak, he gave into his desire to do as he pleased with Fusala's body, thrusting as deep as he possibly could before losing himself in a powerful orgasm, at the same time forcing Fusala into an inescapable ecstasy. His purposeful load seemed more virile than ever, incensed at the opportunity to invade the womb of a willing female. Then, as the high of the moment wore off, the clarity well-associated with the passing of an orgasm dawned upon them at once, and an air of awkwardness began to develop.

"S-Sorry, Fusala…" Barion apologised, "I pushed it a little too far."

"Hah…" Taking a moment to compose herself, the girl seemed less-than-perturbed, "Please… do not apologise. It was a moment of passion. I feel… quite enlightened by the experience."

"I mean, in terms of- you know…" He began, "Are you… safe?"

"Worry not. I do not intend to become impregnated with your child, regardless of my words." She replied, "I took the liberty of transferring my internal reproductive organs to areas where they would not be at risk, once it became apparent that we were about to mate."

"If you had fun, then I suppose it's not something to worry about, then…"

"Yes." She paused, "I… had fun."

"I know we sort of lost sight of what we were trying to do after a while, but-" Barion averted his gaze, "If it was bothering you before, then I just want to tell you that, even if you are a Homunculus, you definitely aren't a creature without a 'soul', and definitely not one that can't be considered 'alive' by any stretch of the imagination."

"I must apologise for asking irrational questions. I knew from the very beginning that such things were true."

"Even so, it was affecting you. I'm happy that you wanted to talk to me about it."

"I am also grateful that you were willing to offer advice." Fusala thanked, "...If I may ask, how will the events of tonight affect our relationship moving forward?"

"I won't make it awkward if that's what you want." He answered, "At the same time, if you're looking for something more long-term, I don't have a problem with that."

"Correct me if I am wrong, but is it not true that you have promised yourself to your comrade, Dorma?"

"...How do you know about that?"

"I am privy to certain information regarding your past thanks to the mental connection we share as I inhabit your shadow." She explained, "It is not my place to say, but would it not cause Dorma emotional distress to know you have enjoyed the company of another woman?"

"It's complicated."

"It appears rather simple from my perspective." Fusala countered, "You are unfaithful, Barion."

"I won't deny that." He admitted, "But… isn't it possible for a man's love to transcend the boundaries of a single woman!?"

"...Excuse me?"

"Listen, this actually is very complicated." He explained, "The last thing I want to do is sound like a misogynist, but I don't think there's anything wrong with a man being in more than one relationship at the same time!"

"You expect me to provide the counterargument that a woman should also reserve the right to enter into a relationship with several men." She deduced, "However, this argument opens a gateway towards a feeling of emasculation which brings you discomfort. You wish to hold several women exclusively, but would deny them the same right to do so with men. You are self-aware of this glaringly misogynistic viewpoint but are reluctant to change your opinion."

"Okay, maybe it isn't so complicated when you put it that way."

"It is not an especially rare belief. The men of Fleecia, for example, are known for having multiple wives, who are occasionally married simultaneously."

"I'm a bad person for wanting what's only best for me." Barion loathed, "But, I would like to think that I'd be able to make a wife happy, even if I had more than one."

"It is indeed a matter of great contention." Fusala agreed, "However, it would have been for the best if you discussed this with Dorma before the two of you engaged in a night of debauchery."

"You really saw all that?"

"Yes." She replied with a straight face, "Is there… some psychologically stimulating reason for the bovine costume you forced her to wear?"

"I'm not going to entertain that question because you already know the answer."

"This is true." Fusala admitted, "But, regarding our relationship…"

There was a short silence.

"...Even if it is selfish, I think I would enjoy becoming more romantic with you, Barion."

"That's fine with me. Just remember that we've got Demons to hunt, so we can't spend all day going at it like animals."

"I am aware of our objective, and…" She paused, for the first time that night averting her gaze from his, "...It is only natural to become animalistic during intercourse."

"It's nice to know that even you get carried away sometimes."

"As a living creature, I cannot be blamed for- mmf…"

She was surprised as Barion leaned in to kiss her once more, but quickly allowed her eyes to close as the two of them shared a proper lover's kiss. As they separated, Fusala pouted with as much expressiveness as her hidden face could afford.

"That was… unfair." She protested.

"From now on, let's always talk about our problems." He stated seriously, "I don't want to see you unhappy. I want to show you more of the world's beauty. And… I want to see you smile."

For the first time, something akin to a blush appeared on Fusala's cheeks.

"That is…" Embarrassed, she turned her head to the side, "...Agreeable."