Chapter 4 - Temple Visit [1]

"C'mon kids, let's go inside or we will be late for our check in." Lax's mother said as she and her husband went inside the hotel along with Lax and Nia.

Lax and his family are currently staying in a luxury hotel in Japan because they were planning to visit a temple near the country.

Two weeks had passed since the temples arrived on Earth, and the world was still in uproar as people talked about the temples.

These temples have been discovered on every continent except Australia, and one was recently found in the Pacific Ocean. As you may have guessed, the temples are located where the dimensional cracks will appear.

A coincidence? I think not.

People near the temple attempted to enter, but for some reason, they were unable to enter 100 meters away from the temple. From then on, more and more people tried to get in, causing chaos, so the military intervened, but there was a reason why people were rushing to get into the temple in the first place.

Five days ago, a man from South America was able to enter, and the scene that followed shocked everyone in the world, including Lax. As soon as the man got in, a being appeared with four wings on her back, wielding a golden staff and exuding a holy aura.

She was tall with long legs, with fair white skin and a lovely and kind face. You could tell she was an angel just by looking at her.

She approached the man who had been able to get in and examined every part of his body from his head to his feet, and nodded her head.

"You have entered the temple of the God of Light, Human. Our God has offered you a chance to become one of the people of the God of Light, do you accept? If you refuse, you will not be given another chance, so choose wisely, human." The Angel talked in a graceful voice that caused everyone in the vicinity of the temple to relax and close their mouth.

The unexpected offer stunned the man, but he quickly agreed because he knew that he would regret it for the rest of his life if he refused.

"I, Max Whitman, accept to become a person belonging to the God of Light," he said respectfully as he 'unconsciously' kneeled and bowed before returning his gaze to the Angel.

"Excellent, now follow me inside the temple," she said as she entered the temple, and Max followed.

That was the scene that attracted everyone's curiousity to check out the temples located all over the world.

That is also why Lax's family is currently in Japan, since they plan on visiting the temple located between Japan and Korea in the Liancourt rocks.

The Liancourt Rocks, also known as Dokdo in Korean or Takeshima in Japanese, were now just a flat island with a ten-story temple in the middle that could be seen from afar since it was as tall as the Statue of Liberty.

"Hey mom are we really going to the temple?" Lax questioned.

"Yes sweetie." Melissa Lax's mother replied.


"Because who knows maybe you and your sister Nia might be able to get in and..." She said this while her gaze was fixed on Lax's eyes.


"Nothing, don't worry about it and even if we can't get in we can atleast try."She replied and left the room with her husband to check out the restaurants, leaving Nia and Lax alone.

"...Haaaaa I guess this isn't so bad, at least I'll be able to check out the temple," he muttered, a long sigh leaving his mouth.

"Why are you sighing so loudly, we just got here, and with me here, I promise you'll like it, don't worry, I'll describe what the temple looks like to you," Nia said proudly as she sat on his lap, her body arching backwards.

"Yeah thank you Nia I'll be in your care once again." Lax replied in a gentle voice and a smile appeared on his face, seeing that Nia took advantage of the situation.

"You know you should reward me for taking care of you, like a k-kiss or something..." She blushed not hiding it knowing that Lax was blind.


"W-Wha! Really!? You can't take that back you know." She was taken aback by his response because it was the first time he had responded to her advances like that.

Nia quickly positioned herself and Lax to face each other and she closed her eyes and pouted her lips as if waiting for something.

"Haha..." Lax chuckled at her behavior finding it cute.

"Here I come Nia." He said softly and brought his face close to hers before pausing for a few seconds.

When she thought Lax had stopped, she opened her eyes to see Lax smiling at her, and her heart began to race. She then closed her eyes again, waiting for Lax to move.


He kissed her cheeks and lay down on the bed, and Nia opened her eyes in disappointment, but a smile remained on her red face.

"Hmmph! That wasn't what I wanted, but I'll be satisfied with this for now," Nia pouted her cheecks, she then layed down alongside him on the bed and went cuddle with Lax.

"You really love cuddling with me huh." Lax said to her and she responded by meekly nodding her head and burying her face into Lax's chest, and Lax simply smiled as he hugged her back.

Their parents arrived after 30 minutes and drove them to a restaurant near the shore where they ate dinner. They returned home after dinner, and Lax slept on the bed after his mother had bathed him.


A/N: I'll be posting another chapter after I charge my laptop.