Chapter 20 - Syzygia [2]

He vanished from where he was and reappeared in front of the man dressed in golden armor.

The man was taken aback by his sudden appearance, but he was more puzzled than shocked. He sensed that the man didn't have mana, but how was he able to fly in the air?


He realized something, 'If I can't even sense a bit of mana from him, that means...' but he realized that too late, as everything turned into darkness except for him and the man.

"Was that perhaps your woman? It was just a joke when I said that." He tried to make it a joke, but whatever he said was meaningless.

Lax moved towards him step by step. Every step he took made the man before him shudder.

Lax couldn't believe that the man who was previously acting haughtily was so weak-willed. 'So this is what they meant in those Chinese novels by a person who bullies the weak but fears the strong. How pathetic.'

Once he arrived in front of the man, something wet leaked out of the man's armor, and it fell into the darkness.

"W-Wait! Please spare me! I was just ordered by my kingdom. Yes, that's right, it's their fault; it was the king who ordered all of this, so please spare me! I promised I would submit to you and tell you everything I know." He pleaded as he kowtowed to Lax.

He blamed everything on his kingdom betraying it and even went as far as to willingly show his submission towards Lax, however, Lax ignored everything he said as he looked at the man with contempt.

Lax didn't know, but as soon as everything was engulfed in darkness, his killing intent returned when he unconsciously knew that Nia wasn't there. His bloodlust burst out from his body, and the bloodlust was strong enough to make the man in front of him lose his will to fight.

"I don't need any of that information from the current you, and don't even think you'll die painlessly for murdering my parents in the past."

'Well, I guess it's time to put my new domain to the test again,' Lax reasoned.

"What do you mean?! I didn't even-" He tried to explain himself, but Lax cut him off before he could finish by destroying his throat from the inside.

Many worlds are created and destroyed as they are born in the boundless universe, and the worlds that fill the galaxies with their stars give birth to life in due time. The creatures that are born then begin to develop and evolve, gaining power, building civilizations, and doing a variety of other things.

However, there will always be something that beings who live in the countless stars and myriad of worlds can't get rid of, such as war, destruction, pain, and emotions like fear. These are things that will continue to exist as long as people live.

And one of those many things is suffering.

"Eternal Domain..."

"Torment of Eternity."

The domain's silence was broken as screams, dying, and suffering resounded in the dark world. Hearing them, the man in golden armor was not pleased with what was about to happen next.

You shall suffer for eternity, which will last a second, and become a mindless fool who will do anything I say."

Silence once again returned as the sounds of screaming faded away into nothingness. And mana that seemingly looked ethereal floated above Lax's hand.

Although vague and blurry projections of scenes like people dying, hiding in their homes in fear of war, and many other things were shown,

Lax grabbed the man's cheeks and forced his mouth wide open.


He muttered, and the ethereal-looking mana floated into the man's mouth. His body then started convulsing like he was having a seizure, and his eyes rolled backwards. From his body popped out veins. Finally, his mouth foamed, and his soulless body fell to the ground.

Lax smiled, clearly satisfied with the result, and he released his domain. The dark world vanished as the blue sky returned along with the same scenery except for the fact that the people were now looking at Lax with shocked expressions while the silver-armored soldiers warily looked at him in fear.

He knew why they were looking at him like that; after all, he was holding the neck of the golden-armored man, who seemed to be the leader of the silver-armored soldiers.

And he was flying in the air; that was enough to make the whole world shocked as he was able to defy the laws of physics, including those people and the angels from the temple, except for Nia, who had already seen Lax do that when they were in the floors.

Lax turned his head toward the army and looked at them with a smile on his face.

He controlled the gravity around the army using space as a medium. He opened his other hand as if he were going to grab ahold of something, then closed it, and the gravity around the armored soldiers pulled them together into one spot, crushing them.

Seeing that the people were expecting to see a bloody sight, they closed their eyes as they turned their heads away, however, that scene didn't happen as they all just disappeared.

And as for how and why? Lax controlled teleported them into a spatial tear he created as soon as they were crushed.

"There are other gates leading to another, so are you sure you guys should just be standing there?" He said this while looking at the people in the temple, and they understood what he meant and snapped out of their daze.

"I'll take care of the gate here, so you guys should help protect the people from other gates." Hearing that they had finally moved, Lax then turned his head towards Nia and asked.

"So are you coming with me?" He asked with a playful smile.

Nia looked at Lax for a moment, then charged her feet with lightning and leaped towards him with her arms open.

"YES!" She answered as Lax caught her, and her arms and legs wrapped around Lax's body. He then put his arm around her waist, hugging her closer, and spoke.

"You know I'm going to another world, right?"

"So? It doesn't matter, Lax, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth, so even if it's another world, I'll still go with you." She said in a loving voice as she buried her face on Lax's chest. Hearing that, Lax smiled from ear to ear, not being able to hide his smile.

He then jumped towards the portal, but he abruptly stopped for a moment, remembering something he had forgotten.

"Oops, I forgot about him, haha." He chuckled as he looked at the golden-armored man on the front. Lax didn't notice that he dropped him when he went to catch Nia.

He then teleported the man behind him and levitated him in the air using gravity.

Once again, he smiled and jumped inside the portal, with Nia wrapping her body around his and the golden-armored man following as it levitated behind him.

"This is going to be fun." He thought, and his body finally disappeared into the portal, marking the moment Lax's true adventure really began as he ventured into another world.




This is the end of the first volume, and I'm planning to take a break for a while, and although my writing is not that good, I'll try my best to improve it and give you guys better chapters.

Guys I decided to add Lax's past in another volume so you guys can understand about his past a little better.

It's something like an alternate or the first timeline if Lax didn't regress and the story tells us about his past.

And with that, thank you, and good bye. <(^v^)>