Howling Pt.2

"Oh must have slipped my mind once more....I'm so sorry...You see.....well.....I'm going to guess you guys didn't come straight here, did you?....You....defeated an Emperor, right?" "How'd you guess that?",Leo asked him."Well.....if you guys definitely wouldn't have these sick jackets! And you already seem to have fair knowledge of yourselves. I'm sure you could have all handled that bear without breaking a sweat, but I needed to step in. This part is Howling's territory after all. With a B class, C a D and an F.....I'm really wondering how you four managed to beat an S classed Emperor, but hey....You guys look like you can handle yourselves in battle....Anyway.. .I'm going to stop rambling--Let's move."

Leo noticed how he looked like. His grey hair was faded along the sides, and flowed down his face messily from the top. He was skinny and tall, only barely shorter than Leo. He wore a really dingy looking black jeans long sleeved-shirt over a grey vest. There was something really odd about him. His eyes were the oddest turquoise blue color. When he looked at them, he talked with a smile on his face, and tried his best not to be rude, but they all felt a very strange vibe from him....especially when he was staring right at them. Those eyes seemed to pierce their souls. He wore turquoise earrings in the shape of tear drops on both his ears. They began to follow him as they traveled deeper into the woods. "It totally slipped my mind!! I didn't ask any of your names, or even your group name-" "Four Horsemen.....The Horsemen of Valhalla...That is our name, I'm Leo Oberlin. I'm the leader of this group--" "Oh it's you! I assumed it'd be that Redhaired B classed boy, He seems to be the strongest. I guess that's my silly opinion, Howling's mostly focused on Offensive capability and Attack Power. Sorry if I offended you....." "Not a problem."

A few moments later, Pierson nudged Leo and jumped onto his back, just like he usually did with Kenji. He began to ramble quietly in his ear,"You White-haired bastard-- Why did you tell him that you're the Cap'n? You tryna seem like some tough guy, huh?!" "I guess we didn't tell you huh.....Asahi agreed to this. He told me, before he fought Matteo. He told me he wanted me to assume the position in his place when we arrived at the second gate. He refused to elaborate, I'm sure he has a reason for it all....." Hearing this, Pierson turned back and looked at Asahi. He didn't seem like his usual self, usually with a dark expression, he seemed more, relaxed,...a little too relaxed."Leo...Why is the Cap'n acting like that.....he looks like some kinda wimp.....kinda like you." "Wow....thanks for the insult.....didn't really ask for it. I don't know why he's acting so casual, but maybe he has some kind of plan. You can ask him about it yourself, I don't know if you'd get an answer though" "----I don't like him like this--!"Pierson hit Leo's head, jumped off of him and Climbed onto Kenji. As they were walking, Pierson kept sneaking glances at Asahi, seeing if this new, laid-back Asahi would go back to being the leader figure he knew, but it never happened. "Maybe the White-haired guy is right.....He does have some plan, doesn't he?",Pierson thought before they heard Lucas say the words,--

•••••●●●●"We're Here "●●●●•••••