Howling's Fate

"Now don't be afraid--That was the effect of my God ability, 'GHOST CLAW'. It is able to imbue my body with properties of....well a spirit. Temporarily, I am able to exist in a plane beyond the physical....Commonly known as what you would call-" "A Ghost!!", Leo bawled out."Haha..Bingo!" "Wow.... I know God abilities were able to do extraordinary things....but a ghost.....". Lucas just laughed it off and tied the buck up. Seeing this, Kenji ran over and flung the it over his shoulders with no effort. "You're strong, you didn't even break a sweat!" "This is nothing! Hmmph." "Okay guys, if we can get one more, we should be okay for the next few days." " Just two? Howling is a large faction, I don't think it would be enough, really...",Leo added in, but Lucas was quick to reply," I know it seems that way,but Howling's got farms and we have fish too, hunting is only supplementary. Now let's go a little deeper. I'm sure we can find more game around."

After walking into the woods for a good while, the spotted another one."I think you've all got this one, right?" "Say less....", Pierson lept in. His picked up a stone from the ground and strategically placed it at the edge of his thumb, ready to flick it. His shut his left eyes to try and get a precise aim. "This one's on me..."

••••●●●"CHARIOTS "●●●••••

The tiny pebble was instantly transformed into a shimmering bullet, bathed in an ominous red aura. Which a devilish grin, he flicked the bullet straight at the buck. It winged its way through the air at whirring speed, appearing as a small red beam of light. It's dove into the animal's flesh as blood oozed from it's side. Pierson shot three consecutive bullets before the buck fell. "Now that's gotta hurt.", Lucas muttered. "You're Welcome.", Pierson said as he folded his arms over and walked over to the game. " sure you can pick that up---", before he had finished his sentence, Pierson lifted it up and laid it on his shoulders. " did you--" " This is just way too easy. I love hunting!" "Don't let his size deceive you, Lucas....", Kenji added. "You guys are a strange bunch, I like it.... Anyway, we should get this back to Vincent soon, I'm sure you must be hungry, he'll definitely cook something right up." "Vincent?" "Yeah, He's Howling's 2nd Lieutenant. Nice guy.....well, kinda. "

It was midday when they returned to the base. Lucas led them to a Large wooden cabin at the left side of the gate. "Vinny!!! Vinny!! We got something for you!!", Lucas knocked on the door and opened it up. There was smoked fish's and pieces of dried meat hanging from the walls. Random food ingredients were tied up in woven sacks at the corners of the room. At the farthest end, a man was crouched down. He seemed to be working on something. In a deep voice he yelled out,"Yeah..Lucas boy, you can leave em back there, I'll get to it later...Oh....yeah, tomorrow is the day. The Captain's gonna pick the Showdown contestants. Inform everyone he picked out." "Well, you heard, Pierson. You better bring your A game!" "You can count on it!" "See you later, Lucas." "Yeah--see you!",With that, the Horsemen went their way. "Lucas.....are you planning to fight in the Showdown?" "I don't know, haven't decided." Vincent got silent and then he giggled. "What's so funny?" "Nothing really....Something just tells me that...Howling's going to win..."