
Abigail glared at the man from beneath her eyes, now she knew where the daughter found her unfiltered and smelly behavior too. She immediately regrets not taking her needles along with her, it would have come in handy in teaching the man a much-needed lesson.

"You seem to have a lot of words to say, Mr. Cole. It's a pity I have no time to spare in listening to your rants and tantrum, get to the point and tell us why you have calked this meeting. We are all busy people who do not have time to spare in here with your throwing sarcastic comments around." Elias remarked tired of the man's constant words that felt like bees in his ears.

"You seem to have a lot of confidence, Elias." Mr. Cole said dropping the titles he used previously in addressing Elias which was a must in the company. "let's see how long you will be able to continue talking after what I have to show to the people in here of your various deeds?" He said a wide smile appearing on his lips.