A fight!

They all came to stand in front of each other and it turned extremely awkward, Abigail's gaze met with Elias who was staring back at her very coldly. "This is the ugly woman I was speaking about, isn't she ugly Kara?" Lucas muttered standing in front of Elias and Dara while pointing to Dara.

Dara frowned when the four stopped in front of them, her eyes narrowed more when she saw Abigail and Zaire with two other people but that was not what made her furious. What made her furious was the little boy pointing at her and calling her ugly.

"What did you say? Don't you know how to respect your seniors? Didn't your parents teach you how to speak to your elders? How dare you call me Ugly, what do you know about someone being ugly." Dara said in anger pulling her hand away from Elias, she came to stand in front of Lucas ready to slap him but was stopped by Kara who stood between them.