(not edited*) Becoming president

Author's note; Hey my dear readers, I just noticed I repeated chapters. Sincere apologies from me. 

"You are as insane as you were previously. Who can blame you? It's not your fault, it's your low esteem and the way you love to pick in others too." Chaos muttered bitterly sending a glare to Zaire. Zaire clicked his teeth with a smile placing his hands a Ross Chaos shoulders, he held him down.

"You should be grateful to me. Find another woman,I asked her out first while you could not do so for years and I accidentally sent you the videos. Oh my, I did not know the heart of the prime minister will get broken in such a manner." Zaire replied with a tch sound.

"What do you think you are doing? You overly dramatical man,I don't love her. I just spoke to her and I am unhappy that suck a nice girl got a monster like you, hmph! She is going to regret accepting your proposal, you are so clingy." Chaos remarked rolling his eyes.