[Yo heads up this is using Show timeline and not Books, as best I can follow it anyway.]


111 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Qyle Nymeros Martell


Watching my wife pace around my solar I feel anxious because of her worry, she has been like this since the kids left. She is right to worry but I am confident in my son's decision and if he took his siblings it only means he is sure of his success. I feel anger toward his deceit and the way he went about this but it was always something I had planned to happen eventually.

I could not acquire dragon eggs for them so if they ever could get one it would be by claiming, but I expected to be involved. To have my heir take it into his own hands and allow his brother and sister to go with him does have me a touch concerned. Though in reality they likely found out he planned to sneak off and went with him regardless of his feelings.

Those three are a terror on Sunspear and have a very good relationship, they will succeed.

"What are you even doing about this?!" My wife hisses with her brows scrunched and her hands clenched.

"Worry not my love, Daeron would never let something happen to them and he is not stupid enough to get himself killed. You have seen what he can do with a spear and his daggers, no man is a match for our son. Lewyn is also gifted and they both have trained Myriah till she can handle even Nymeria herself, they will be fine." I cross my arms over my chest as she looks at the floor.

"Why does he always keep secrets?" It is barely a whisper but I hear it loud and clear.

"He thought he would be looked at as a freak or even exiled for being different, he knew better but it didn't change the way he felt." She shuffles her feet to the front of my desk and takes the seat she was in before.

"But I would never look at my child as if he was a freak and his magic can only be considered a blessing. It is as if the 'Mother Rhoyne' has given him her blessing even though he has never even touched her water." I smile remembering the time he confessed about his magic he has apparently been training for many years.

The ability to 'move water' he called it.

He made it sound so simple and then he waved his hands and water raised and formed a sphere and then froze solid. A giant sphere of ice in the heat of the Dornish sun, almost a miracle of the gods is what I would call it. His brother and sister apparently knew about it since he has been 'healing' them with it after training.

My boy can heal with simple water what all the Maesters and Healers from over the entire world could not with all their experience. Cuts that would need to be burned closed sealed and leaving only a slight scar, a blessing of Mother Rhoyne indeed. Only our family knows of his magic and I have wondered many times about the benefits of it. If it was announced he could heal people of mortal wounds then he would be both targeted out of fear and revered for being blessed.

"We must have faith dear wife, our children always were destined to try their luck. Daeron has talked about claiming a dragon since he was able to talk and heard stories from you about them. If you did not want them to wish for one you should not have filled their heads when they were younger with stories." She grimaces.

"I expected them to go about it safely, don't even mention the dangers of trying to claim a dragon but just think if they get caught. The note said they were heading to Dragonstone to check the Dragonmont so just imagine they get caught at Dragonstone." I bite my lip and close my eyes.

"War if something happens to them, but as I said just have faith, and let's await the good news. I imagine they will arrive on dragon back in no time as they will rush to show you what they did, they will want to make you proud." Her face softens and she sighs.

"You are right, let us wait and see." I nod and pull back up a message I was reading before she distracted me.


111 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Sliding onto the beach of Dragonstone on a sheet of ice I look back at my siblings who are looking around in wonder. This place looks very different from the show, massive carved statues of different creatures litter the castle in the distance.

"Let's move, we need to make our way inside and find ones that don't want to eat us on sight." I joke and my siblings look unimpressed.

"I still don't get why we had to jump off the ship into the water if you were planning to freeze it immediately after." My sister complains while straightening out her outfit, pants for the first time I can even remember.

She always wears dresses and hates to wear pants even when she is training in various weapons. But the thought of riding a dragon without anything between your ass and its scales other than some 'small clothes' had her slip on pants.

"He dried us up immediately after don't freak out dear sister." Lewyn jumps in as he starts walking forward on the beach.

I would have come alone if I didn't know it would put a wedge between all of us as they would feel betrayed. They would eventually forgive me but they would never forget as we have talked about doing this 'mission' since they learned of my bending. I made this mission possible with the ability to get us onto the island without notice, all we had to do was sail to 'Kingslanding'.

We jumped off once we were passing Dragonstone and I had to bend water for us for over three hours before we actually got here but it worked. Getting on Dragonstone secretly to do this is key to our success, I mean why would there be guards to the Dragonmont on a normal day?

If we came to visit as foreign princes and princesses that have dragon blood we would be under strict surveillance and would be refused from checking out the Dragonmont.

The thing that surprised me that my mom told me about is that there are more dragons than I originally expected. Not that I want a young one as I plan to get one of the biggest if I have a say in the matter, but it was cool to hear about the stories.

"Come on let's go quickly before someone somehow spots us." I say as I pick up the pace and jog ahead causing the two to softly curse.

Tonight we might just cause the Iron throne to declare war once more against Dorne.


"How deep are we going before we light so torches?!" Myriah hisses as we walk through a wide passage.

"We can light them now if you need, I can still see but it would be bad if we spooked a dragon in here so it's best if they can see us coming... I think." I pull off my pack and set it down to pull out the prepared torches.

"How are we going to do this? Just walk around down here until we find a dragon and see if it lets one of us climb on its back?" Lewyn asks with humor in his voice as I spark the torch and hand it over to Myriah.

"Just relax, I don't really know but I expect there to be a big one down here as this 'cave' had a big entrance." Had to free climb up here and let down a rope to these two knuckleheads.

The feather falling comes in clutch when I practiced my free climbing on the walls in Sunspear. It also helps I could knock two birds with one stone, if I made it up the wall I got better at climbing and if I landed on my ass I got to practice healing.

With torches in hand, we walk through a tunnel that looks to be carved out by flame, very hot flames.

We walk in silence as the weight of the situation sets in once more and our heads are on swivels looking for a big scaled tail or something. My heart which always beats like a hammer in my chest is slamming so hard I fear a dragon will hear it and think me afraid or something. There is no fear here, only excitement at the prospect of what I am about to do.

"It's a dead end." Lewyn speaks up as we arrive at a 'room' that ends the path.

"Well, that was a waste of time." I turn on my heels after making sure nothing was in the room and I head for the path back out.

I sigh as we walk toward the exit as this is turning out to be harder than I thought, I don't know what I expected.

Did I think a big cave filled with dragons awaiting to be claimed would be real?

The Dragonmont is littered with little caves and ravines that a dragon could be inside of so this might take all the way till morning. We might even have to camp out in one of these caves and wait for the night again if that happens.


I am convinced that the dragons are just rats running around digging holes, this is the fifth empty cave that was obviously made by a dragon.

"Let's go, I want to try a few more before we head to the beach again to catch some fish before daylight arrives." I will just catch us some fish so we don't go hungry, I didn't bring anything to eat as I expected to be halfway back to Sunspear by this point... or dead.

"You know, I just thought about it and how realistic is it that once one of us claims a dragon that the dragon just follows us around while we keep hunting?" My face scrunches up hearing Myriah.

"I don't think that a newly claimed dragon would be willing to carry other people either..." I sigh and lean against the stone wall.

"Might be best to just stay airborne or try to fly it back to Sunspear right away, that way at least one of us gets one and we can retry another time. Unless it's Daeron who claims one as we can escape without you so that means you need to go last." Lewyn nods his head agreeing with his own words and I snort.

"You just want to go before me." He scoffs.

"Lies, only you can just ice magic your way off the island and escape if you got discovered." I cross my arms at my 'little brother' who is roughly the same size as me.

"Are you gonna be a little chicken shi-." A torch hitting the floor immediately grabs my attention as I grip the handle of my dagger and prepare to bend water from my water skin to freeze someone.

I turn to see my sister with a wide mouth pointing behind me as her torch rolls away on the floor.

"What?" My eyes widen as I feel the wall behind me start to move and I leap forward while drawing my dagger.

What greets my eyes as Lewyn's torch lights it up is the backside of a scaled creature that is a stone grey color and is shifting around. A deep clicking noise echo's the cave as a pair of steel eyes open up a few feet Infront of us on the 'wall'.

"Found one." Myriah says with a neutral voice masking her true feelings.