
112 AC


Otto Hightower


This is a disaster, they will run rampant if given even an inch and the King seems to want to welcome them with open arms. His 'aunt' is a whore who spread her legs for an enemy to the realm and her children his 'cousins' are arriving on Dragon back. They have the very beasts that forged these kingdoms together and the king is talking and laughing with them like any other guest. I take a deep breath and close my eyes to calm down before I say something out of turn.

This is all just too much, things are going to go out of control and I am starting to feel helpless. Even the Queen and Princess are warming up to the whore as they laugh along with her stories. I look toward my daughter and she smiles but is making sure to stay out of it, an obvious desire written on her face wanting to join in on their conversation.

I teach and I teach but she just never learns, she needs to not wear everything on her face. She is too easy to read when she is like that and I can't help but shake my head in disappointment. We are still waiting on the 'kids' of the Martells to arrive as we rest in the gardens. The Queen was ready to retire for the day with her child belly wearing her out but after talking with the Martells she is full of life. She doesn't even look tired in the slightest anymore and it makes me wonder if she was just trying to escape earlier.

"It will be a Visenya and not a boy." I catch Rhaenyra speaking and eye her as she looks toward her mom's stomach.

The king better hope it's not a Visenya and that it is a boy, another girl, and that leaves Daemon as his heir. No one wants to see the Rouge and wild prince becoming king at any point in the future, he is ill-suited.

A ridiculously loud sound brings the gardens to a dead silence, only water running in the channels can be heard. Soon another sound joins the first and I recognize it now that I am paying attention, my eyes darting to the sky. I look around in fear of fire raining down but also keep in my mind their parents are here and they won't burn all of us with them. It is also unlikely that after how long they have had them that they are interested in burning everything down.

No, what they want is something different, I can see it in their eyes as they look at the Royal family. Maybe they don't but when their eyes meet Rhaenyra it is most obvious, they want a marriage but that is just the beginning. They want the Iron Throne and they will try to use Rhaenyra to get it, I can almost see it before my eyes.

But what my eyes do see are dragons instead.

A brown dragon that I know is Sheepstealer, one of the ones Daemon reported stolen along with many sheep from a flock on Dragonstone. The smaller grey one is the elusive Grey ghost that many doubted existed with how rare it is, also stolen.

I watch as both of them glide across the city and toward the Dragon pit but wonder if they even have them trained to go inside. These two are known wild dragons and have never been ridden much less put in the pit with the Dragon keepers. My curiosity is crushed as a shadow covers more than half of the city as it cuts across the ground and soon passes over. I look up to the sky and see the one that is the most trouble.

The Cannibal.

A dragon that eats dragons, I almost would think it a good thing if it was not currently flying overhead. It tucks in its wings and drops like a rock from the heavens, plummeting toward the city. My heart starts racing as it closes in and the dragon soon opens its wings catching air and gliding over the city once more.

A mighty roar comes from the dragon as it flies just above buildings and likely gives many people heart attacks.

"Amazing it really is the Cannibal as he is the only one that big and solid black, I was told that dragon has burned everyone who has ever approached it. How did Prince Daeron even manage to mount it if it burns anyone who gets too close?" Rhaenyra speaks up with heavy curiosity and interest lacing her voice.

I withhold a sigh as that curiosity will likely be the start of many of my future headaches and look away from her. I catch my daughter also looking off into the distance as the massive black dragon lands Infront of the Dragon pit. The other two dragons are unfazed by it so maybe they have the cannibalistic tendencies tamed out of it.

A shame.

My daughter catches me looking at her and gulps before turning away, I close my eyes.


112 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


Mom's mood has improved drastically as Saera 'Martell' talks about her past with my mom's own mom. I never hear about Daella Targaryen as my mom also knows little about her, she died giving birth to her.

"Gods I was horrible to her, I would try and scare her any chance I got and she suffered for it. She was terrified of cats and I would sneak them into her room and she would not even see them all the time until it was too late, once one slept in bed with her and she woke up with it on her chest. She screamed so loud it was heard all through the Red keep." A reminiscent look in her eyes as she looks off into the distance before a sad smile forms.

My mom fondly smiles as she holds her belly and listens to the stories of her mom's time and I can't help my own smile. She is usually laid around suffering with a stuffed belly all day so it's nice to see some life breathed into her like this.

"Thank you, I never really had anyone to talk to about her like this except with people who would cry remembering her sadly. It is nice to hear some funny stories even if it is her running away from all her siblings terrified." Saera nods as she looks over to her husband and my father talking.

"It is no bother, all us siblings messed with each other and got as good as we gave and would all come out messy. My own kids are just as rambunctious with the things they got up to as they were growing up. It reminded me a lot of my childhood raising them up, fond memories." My mom notices my interest in the change of topic and leans toward Saera.

"What are some stories about your kids if you don't mind me asking?" I listen carefully as she begins talking and wonder what kind of people my 'cousins' are.

They are my dad's cousins but more mine if we go by age.


Halfway through a story of Prince Lewyn sneaking out to buy some live steel to practice with I hear a distant roar. I have been keeping my ears peeled for anything dragon related and I finally pick up on something.

"I think that's them." I stand up and look around before spotting two dragons flying low and fast toward the city.

My eyes widen seeing the size difference between the two, if I had to guess the small one is around Syrax's size and the other is close to Vermithor the last time I saw him. They get close and make more noise filling the day with their songs.

They head for the Dragon pit and I itch to go and see them for myself, I have only seen Sheepstealer the one time on Dragonstone. He true to his name was making off with someone's sheep and that is all I got to see of him.

I pull Alicent around with me to get a better look as they land in the distance, I hear my father asking the Prince of Dorne something but can't manage to hear what it was. Soon I am distracted from listening in when I see a shadow cover the the city as I look up to the sky. The culprit reveals himself to be a massive black dragon that I wonder if he resembles Balerion when he was alive.

The dragon tucks its wings in and dives down causing a gasp from my mom, I wonder if she knows I do similar things on Syrax?

"Amazing it really is the Cannibal as he is the only one that big and solid black, I was told that dragon has burned everyone who has ever approached it. How did Prince Daeron even manage to mount it if it burns anyone who gets too close?" I can't help but get excited seeing such a large dragon but also worried.

What if the Dornish want to go to war? How would we fight back against the Cannibal and Sheepstealer?

No one rides Vermithor or Silverwing and Vhagar rests around with no rider as well. No one rides a dragon that size for our family and it finally sets in why my mother had that talk with me. Mother is worried about that very same thing and wants me to try my best to be open to the idea of marrying the Prince of Dorne.

Not only would I become the Princess of Dorne and ensure they don't attack the rest of Westeros but that would serve to start the unification of Dorne under the Iron throne. My brother who is on the way would have a much easier rule if he didn't have to worry about this 'threat' we are currently looking at.

I still can't help but feel a bit bitter about my 'brother' if he really is a boy, he is born with everything I ever wanted.

"His name is Gaelithox now and not Cannibal, Sheepstealer is now Tyraxes and lastly Grey ghost is called Shrykos." Those are very fitting names, I like them.

"good names, makes them feel less like wild dragons." My father speaks up and Saera nods toward him.

"They did not want to keep the wild names as they made them feel less like 'partners' as my children put it. With real names, they are part of the 'family' according to them." Lots of hidden meanings in that little statement but I can hardly stop myself anymore.

"Will we head out to greet them, their ride to the keep should not take too long." I break the awkward tension that built up and my father nods.

"Let's." He puts his hand on my mother's back and leads her. "I will take your mother back to her room for now she is looking faint. I leave you to guide our guests to find their children my daughter, we will see you all at the feast." He tossed me to the wolves, or snakes if what Otto says is right.

But I don't listen to Otto.

"Follow me, I will lead us there quickly." I step forward with the Dornish Royalty following behind me as Alicent wraps her arm around mine.

I can't help but wonder what they will be like, especially Daeron.


112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


We may have lost the race but I approve of Gaelithox sacrificing the win for a badass entrance. Dropping in from the sky like a bat out of hell and gliding over the rooftops on the back of this massive dragon got my blood pumping. My almost glowing eyes and veins are the proof of my excitement as I climb down from my partner's back.

""Good job buddy!"" I leap the last half and land on the ground running up to his head.

He trills in a terrifying way before sniffing the air curiously and looking around with his glowing wildfire eyes. I pat his chin and he closes his eyes and trills loud enough to shake the ground beneath my feet.

""Go find a quiet spot to rest, we will fly again tomorrow and maybe with a new friend."" He snorts and lifts himself back up onto his legs before pushing off.

People cheer and clap at the bottom of the staircase leading up to the big door of the pit, I shake my head at them. If he wanted this whole city would have been dead without a single soul living to tell the tale, respect him and keep your distance people.

"Ready to go meet the Princess?" My sister asks 'enthusiastically' hiding a lot of venom in her tone.

"Tone it down, you might scare her off if you come at her like that." Lewyn comes up from behind and I notice Tyraxes also takes to the sky and does not enter the pit.

Shrykos looks around curiously and hisses at the dragon keepers and their sticks waving around. Hopefully, they will be fine, if not it's their fault for pissing off the dragon.

"Let's go sweet sister, we need to see how they reacted to our entrance." She wraps herself around my arm and we head down the staircase to a welcoming party that is running up on horses.

I vaguely hear a roar and wings flap as Shrykos takes to the sky leaving the dragon pit to fester on its own. Smiling as the dragon's partner tightens her grip around my arm and also stealthy grips the handle on a hidden knife.

Can't be too careful.