
112 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


I smile at Alicent as Myriah and Lewyn talk to her about Dorne and trying to clear up some of the things she has heard wrong. She is in disbelief about some of the things she is hearing and is even laughing with them. She was stiff just moments ago and now she is laughing, I can hardly believe it. I turn to the other Martell and shake my head at what I see.

I watch in wonder as Syrax nudges her nose into Daerons chest, like a cat wanting attention pushing on a leg. She never likes anyone, she will hiss at anyone who get's close except me. She won't attack because she is a sweet girl but she never seeks someone out like this.

Daeron runs his hands around her nose and chin while whispering soft words to her, I almost wonder if he's using magic. I walk a bit closer to hear what he is saying but I put my hands on Syrax's neck to not look too obvious.

""-ou are such a pretty girl aren't you? I am sure all the other dragons are jealous of your pretty scales."" I bit my lips to stop from laughing, he is treating her like a pup or kitten.

I run my hand along Syrax up to her jaw and around to her nose next to Daeron, he looks over with 'those' eyes. The same eyes he always looks at me with, curious yet also knowing eyes, he feels like he knows me. But he also is curious to know more, at least that is the feeling I get when I am around him.

"She is beautiful-" He says with sincerity lacing his voice while locking eyes with me. "-how old is she?" I look away and at Syrax as I try to think about what he just said.

"She hatched in my cradle, I didn't 'claim' her until I was much older but she was always waiting for me. She came right to me and scared the Dragon keepers, they thought she was trying to attack me. She had never moved like that before and when she came up to me and acted much like she is now they knew the truth." It was like a piece I never knew I had was reattached, but it's odd to say that out loud.

"Well, she certainly looks like a Princesses dragon." I raise my brows and look back at him.

"What does a Princesses dragon look like?" He nods toward Syrax who is looking toward the sky with her wings lowered.

""Regal."" He also looks to the sky as the sound of wings fills the area.

I look up and see two of the three dragons from yesterday flying in and trying to land. I keep my eyes on the sky waiting for Gaelithox to show itself and am not disappointed. The size difference between Gaelithox and Tyraxes is not that big but it's noticeable. He places a hand on Syrax once more and it's close to my own as he pats her nose.

""It will be fine, they won't hurt you."" He tries to calm Syrax who is looking at the new entries with wariness.

""You are fine Syrax."" I join in and pat her nose right next to him, she lowers her body but keeps her eyes on the new arrivals.

The large black dragon lands next to the grey one and lowers its head looking in our direction, I feel my heart speed up as the green eyes stare into my own. The eyes of a dragon that eats other dragons, one of the biggest alive and the most ferocious. Its multiple eyelids close one at a time slowly before opening back up and finally looking away.

"Want to get a closer look, Princess?" Daeron asks with amusement and I feel a shiver even under the heat of the sun.

"I don't know, is it going to be ok?" He snorts and points over his shoulder at Syrax.

"I trust your dragon." It almost sounds like a challenge as it comes from him and I feel a bit annoyed.

"Syrax is not even half his size..." He shakes his head and looks at his brother and sister heading to their dragons.

"Well if you don't want to I can't force you, but I promise you will be fine." He walks forward and I feel annoyed that he would just walk off like that.

I look back at Syrax who seems to have calmed down seeing they are not attacking, she is in a defensive posture though. She looks ready to fly at a moment's notice and is not taking her eyes off the three dragons she does not know.

"I don't think it's wise Princess." Harrold Westerling speaks up from behind me and my face gets hot having forgotten he was there.

I bite my lips seeing him walk toward the massive dragon slayer with no fear, his brother and sister also seem comfortable. Their dragons are the biggest clue that nothing is wrong with Gaelithox as they look completely fine. I lick my dry lips and look over my shoulder at my Kingsguard.

"I will be fine, he promised." I walk forward following after Daeron and hear a sputter from my Kingsguard as I leave them behind.

They don't understand, they do not carry the dragon's blood so they fear all of them. I was only worried but I am not afraid, I just needed to hear it was fine.

I hear Syrax walking on her feet and wings behind me claws scratching the ground, my girl didn't want me going alone. The three unfamiliar dragons look toward us and keep their eyes locked on us as we approach. Daeron turns around as he rubs the neck of Gaelithox, his eyes holding some amusement.

"Seems you trusted my word, in that case, let me introduce you officially." He walks forward as Gaelithox lowers his head and he places a hand on the massive nose. ""Princess Rhaenyra, this is Gaelithox my bond. Gaelithox this is Rhaenyra Targaryen and also her own bond Syrax."" A rumble enough to shake the ground slightly answers his words.

I walk a few steps close as he holds out his hand and gestures for me to place my hand on the dragon. I feel the heat from its scales like never before as it lets out a trill as we scratch at its facial scales. I smile looking at the green eyes looking down that are no longer as scary.

A trill from Syrax grabs my attention as I look back and see her sniffing at the grey dragon Shrykos. Shrykos has his head lowered and answers with his own trill and they seem to talk to one another. I notice Myriah climbing onto the back of her dragon and out of the corner of my eye I check on my Kingsguard.

My father did not say to 'not' go flying but he also said to be careful around the Martells. I don't see any reason to fear going for a quick flight around Kingslanding and maybe over the Blackwater for a bit.

"Daeron would you care to join me on a flight?" I turn back and smile seeing him already looking at me.

His eyes widen slightly as he looks over at the Kingsguard as well and raises his eyebrows.

"Is it ok? I would hate to cause a problem and be sent back home, I just started to get to know you." I shake my head at him and turn to walk to Syrax, she sees me coming and lowers herself down.

I take a peek over my shoulder and find Daeron watching me as he rubs Gaelithox, feeling a bit embarrassed I speed up and climb the saddle. Making my way up I swing a leg over and am thankful I put on my dragon riding leathers under this dress. I look over Syrax's raised head and see Daeron climbing the side of Gaelithox and checking his siblings.

""Fly."" Seeing the other two already ready and waiting having either expected this or planning to fly alone I pull the reins.


112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


My siblings can be cool when they want to be, they hung back like a good wingman once I had an actual chance to talk with Rhaenyra. I almost could let a tear fall from my eye at the showmanship of my loyal siblings. They managed to keep the Hightower girl at bay while I started buttering up the Princess.

Seeing Syrax take to the sky I smile as I make it to the top of Gaelithox.

Tyraxes and Shrykos both take off after her and I am left on the ground alone as Gaelithox stretches his wings. I give a nod toward the Kingsguard who are likely freaking out on the inside but to their credit, they look unfazed.

""Follow them!"" I shout and Gaelithox pushes off the ground with his legs.

The short little talk with Rhaenyra has me more and more interested and not even just for her potential claim. She is interesting to be around and her pride is nowhere near what I was expecting for a Targaryen Princess. Her father is 'the' King and she has a dragon yet she doesn't seem to even care about me being a Martell.

It could be here acting and there is still time left on that to get to the truth but I don't think she is acting. She seems to not care from my own observation and that is hopeful, she could be a super racist like Reach or Stormlands Lords. But there is the possibility it is because of dragons alone, whether she is pretending because of fear or her interest is solely the dragons.

I will need more time to feel the situation out but I am much more hopeful than I was coming here on Gaelithox back yesterday.


112 AC


Viserys Targaryen


Sitting back with my wife talking idly as she is fanned I smile looking at my son resting in her stomach. Soon the realm will have a Prince and can rest easy with my succession settled. There is a knock at the door and one of the Kingsguards checks it after I nod at him.

"Otto Hightower, Your Grace." I wave to him to let the man in and he nods before going back to the door and opening it.

I wonder what it could be and look back to my wife and see her looking worried, the Martells have her on edge. She likes our Aunt well enough but is on edge around the Dornish blood, I am starting to feel they might be genuine. The prospect of unification with no conflict is a tantalizing thing, to finish Aegons work.

If Rhaenyra married into the Martells they would ideally want a daughter to marry my heir, who at this moment is still resting in his mother. So it would have to be another Martell and not Myriah to marry my heir, maybe even Rhaenyra's child. With my son marrying a Martell from one of Prince Qyle's children it would unify the Bloodlines. This is the plan to finalize Dorne joining the Iron throne, along with other smaller deals.

The right to their own armies with no influence from the 'warden of the south' and their dragons will also be in there I know that much. I know for a fact they will also want to keep the Prince and Princess titles, and they managed to earn that much I give them. But it would usher in true peace in Westeros and bloodlessly, at least no spilled blood in this case. We would be able to forge a true ally out of old enemies and put the bad blood from many generations dating back to the Spice wars behind us.

I just hope Rhaenyra agrees to the idea, I won't force her hand.

"Your grace." I hear Otto and shake my head and look back toward the door and see my hand standing there uncomfortably.

"Hello, Otto, what has come up for you to come personally?" He looks around somewhat nervously before finally speaking up.

"It would seem the Princess has taken flight with the Martells and their dragons." I hear Aemma shift in her lounger and take a brief look and see her worry.

I close my eyes for a moment to think my next words carefully to not further worry my wife.

"They will be fine Otto, I appreciate your concern but if they had nefarious plans they would have just let their dragons loose. They have the power to burn Kingslanding to ash if that was their goal, they came with at least somewhat good intentions. I once again thank you for letting me know but I truly believe they are not here to hurt anyone." If they were we are in a whole lot more trouble than Rhaenyra taking a flight with them.

I see Aemma settle back down and look to Otto to see the man biting his lip and having a faraway look in his eyes. He needs to have some more faith in my judgment when it comes to my own child, I would not let her be around them if I thought poorly of them.