
112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Reading over the 'pact' that both King Viserys and My father have finished hammering out I can't help but sigh. This thing will almost certainly be rewritten after the birth, something that will cause my father to slam his head on the table. They have spent days pouring over the small details and it looks good from both sides, airtight even.

It both respects the power and dignity of Dorne in a way no one will expect and also maintains the pride of House Targaryen. A mutual compromise that will find both houses becoming closer than either likely expected. Neither side gains from the other getting hurt unless the circumstance is very unique.

Martells and all the Dornish houses for the most part could not care less about the rest of Westeros and would rather fool around in Essos, to be honest. Most big names in Dorne marry within Dorne or they pick a partner from the Free Cities. Because of this and the fact that Dorne will always be an odd one out much like the North, we specifically put in some conditions. Things that short term mean next to nothing but long term will ensure Dorne thrives because of this pact.

Most of the Dornish are hot-blooded but over the years and conflicts with the rest of Westeros, it has been refined into a patience that boils. They will still grumble and moan about joining hands with the rest of Westeros after fighting off and surviving Aegon and his sisters, but this will win them over.

Next to nothing on taxes and basically no oversight on any troops or lands in Dorne, the price for that is steep but not bad. House Martell will be expected and bound to provide or accept a marriage from House Targaryen regularly. That on the surface sounds like a good thing but can be abused by the Targaryens slowly over time. It is mainly at their leisure to decide when and if a marriage will happen but when I am done and dusted House Martell will be far beyond even where it is now. House Targaryen will be seeking brides and husbands from my House for the rest of its days when my plans are complete.

"So you both signed and stamped it, I am surprised there is no blood spilled or hair tied together tucked in here somewhere..." My father looks too tired to joke as I hand back the pact that will be the sword and shield of my future plans both domestic and foreign.

"Yes well to get all the little odd bits and pieces you so desperately wanted I had to give up a few things I didn't want to, but you are my heir and I respect your decision. We did not lose anything big other than House Targaryen having the right to claim any dragon hatched or claimed by a Martell after the rider's death. But that is only fair since everyone thinks we 'stole' our dragons anyway so I expected it from him. He believes all the children of Rhaenyra and you will hatch eggs as she did so he wanted that put in the pact no matter what." Smart on his part or some Martell later could chain our dragons and defend them solely to keep them to just our House.

Many people don't understand the concept that the dragons we have are wild dragons, even if one or two of them are likely from the Targaryen dragon's eggs.

"Well I feel like I need to almost thank you father, you managed to bag me a hot wife." I say jokingly but he seems to take it as genuine as he grins and thumps his chest.

"Can't say your father doesn't try his best for you after this, the realms delight herself marrying you because of my mind." If only he knew that Rhaenyra could have thrown a fit and got it called off before this was signed, she made it happen by supporting it.

But I don't feel like bursting his bubble when he looks so happy and proud, it's rare for him so he needs to enjoy the little moments. I imagine if she did throw a fit King Viserys wouldn't think much of snubbing us and indirectly starting a war, but it didn't go that way. Rhaenyra warmed up quickly to the idea of marriage to me and if I am completely honest I don't entirely know why.

"Do you plan on telling her about the magic you can do?" My father sits forward with his hands laced and his head placed on top of them.

"I wanted to wait until it's a guaranteed thing if I am going, to be honest, even this pact can be burned up if nothing is backing it. We have the power to back it and that's all well and good but people are unreasonable and I like there to be more assurance it won't leak." He slowly lowers his hands and shakes his head with an odd look in his eyes.

"So you don't trust her?" I shift uncomfortably in my chair wondering what he is fishing for here but I press on to see the end of this.

"I do but I just like to be as assured as possible to make sure nothing can go wrong." he leans back in his chair causing it to make a creaking noise as he puts on a serious look.

"Daeron let me give you some advice and you might not like it but it will help you in my opinion. You have kept your secret for a long time, longer than you should have as far as family is concerned but I understand your position. When it comes to Rhaenyra now that this is signed and confirmed you are going to be a team. The sooner you strengthen the foundation of your team the sooner you will be able to build something meaningful upon it that will last. I won't meddle in what you do as far as that goes as it's your decision but in my opinion, it would be better to tell her sooner than later." I nod as I drain my cup and try to think about his words, they are not some foreign concept to me.

I told my siblings sooner and when my parents learned of that they were disappointed but obviously still love me. But how would Rhaenyra feel if I told her later on when there was either no choice but to tell her or when she had no choice but to keep it a secret? Would she see that I was just worried about it getting out and there being consequences or would she think I withheld it because I refused to trust her?

I don't think I will but I can see the benefits of going through with it now, she can be a coconspirator in my plan for the Queen. I know both letting her in on the secret and helping her mom would go a long way with her. If I keep trying to come up with something alone I might miss the opportunity and not end up helping Aemma. If Rhaenyra found out at a later date I can heal with magic and didn't try to help her mom she might be upset or angry, if it was my mom I would be at least.

I mainly keep it a secret to avoid attention and to have a 'trump card' but in reality, they likely have some suspicion. We have heard from our spies that they heard from guards who watched me claiming Gaelithox that the ocean grabbed him. The ice I left in my excitement after claiming him really punched a hole in any case I tried to raise about magic not being involved, the island is a volcano after all. So as far as Rhaenyra goes it might not be the worst idea and if she tells people it can't do that much damage.

Most people would not believe it anyway even if it's a Princess saying it, hell even if the King himself said it there would be skeptics. People only believe what they see for the most part and that is to my benefit in the situation. Especially when magic is involved, people can see dragons blow fire but doubt the magic they see with their own eyes.

"I will think about it, thank you, father." He gives me a nod as I stand and make my way to the door.

Thoughts and plans running through my mind and an odd feeling of wanting to take a leap of faith growing inside of me. I know it's likely, not wise but when it comes to this kind of thing maybe a risky move can be a good move.


"So what do you two think?" I spin a sphere of water around as fast as I can to help build my control and reinforce my concentration.

When all else fails it's best to ask these two grumpy lumps most of the time and they usually can help me figure something out. Worst comes to worst we have three dragons and can just reduce problems to ash.

"I think you should just tell her before you forge this huge plan to help her mom, you are doing the right thing by trying to ensure she has a healthy delivery. Most people would be beyond touched to know someone was willing to expose themselves just to aid them when they need it. Given you have no idea if the Queen's pains are a true sign of a bad incoming birth so it might be for nothing." Oh but I do know it will be a bad birth but I can't just tell you two that, some things have to follow me to the grave.

Lewyn's words hit me right after our father's words struck me and I find myself warming to the idea but still hesitant. I forget the saying 'once burnt, twice shy' I would rather not have to be burned at all if I am honest. But I also might be going beyond simple carefulness and jumping into paranoia when I am going to marry the woman soon enough.

In no way shape or form will I keep it from her when we are officially married so a bit sooner can't kill me, hopefully? I look at Myriah and she purses her lips and kicks her feet off the side of the couch where she is hanging them.

"I have spent quite a lot of time with her myself and I think she would keep it a secret if you got her to promise she would. Just be careful about the location you tell or show her and everything will be fine in my opinion." Myriah's own voice pushes me on and I take a deep breath before standing up.

"Fuck it, nothing ventured nothing gained." Who knows how things will turn out because I am directly manipulating something this major.

But I am marrying Rhaenyra and that alone will have canon completely out of whack and I will need to be on my toes and cautious with the information I know. Things were never going to be the same the moment I was born here so no need to restrain myself to try and see things happen that might not. If I waited around for canon events I might as well be Viserys and his dreams of a son that doomed his House to civil war.