
112 AC


Rhaenys Targaryen


"That is promising, I had some worry about Daerons control once things got heated. But if you say he seems to have good control over his dragon then I can rest easier. When we clear the Stepstones his dragon is going to be one of the main factors in a hasty victory." My husband brightens up at my opinion of the young Martell.

He seems level-headed and confident which is nice to see, arrogance is so easy for those with a dragon to ride. Most of my concern about Gaelithox was cleared and I no longer worry about it turning on my husband and his men. It was hard not to worry about the dragon known to be ferocious.

"I still have not seen Lewyn or Myriah with their dragons but it only really matters about Lewyn since he will also be flying in the war. I am sure with how much Myriah seems to want to join the tourney she will have some words about missing out on war, she has a fire that is for sure." My husband nods with a slight smile and I steel myself to have a conversation I have been meaning to bring up. "But I am unsure if it will be enough fire to catch the eye of our son and his... preferences." His smile dies and his face stiffens before he eyes me with a touch of concern.

"He is still young, he has time to learn how important this is." He crosses one leg over the other with a faraway look in his eye. "The Martells will be furious if he can't even do his duty, but the marriage is not until after the war so there is time." I am not sure if all the Martells will be furious, specifically Myriah herself.

She is kind enough to my son but she has no interest, that much is painfully obvious and with Laenor showing more interest in talking with Lewyn I can't even blame her. I want to talk to him about it but when people feel they are having something taken from them they only crave it more. I need a good opportunity to present itself to guide him toward where he needs to be going.

I know there are many Dornish who partake in both male and female and I am unsure if Lewyn is like that or is also like my son. He talks and is friendly to my daughter but he is the same way with my son and it seems he is receptive to my son more than my daughter. My daughter won't wed for a few more years and I am sure to find the truth of his tastes by then, but I can pray one of the matches works out.


112 AC


Jason Lannister


I down another cup of wine and let out a groan as I slam the cup down onto the table, the serving girl jumps in fright. Her chest swaying wildly from the sudden movement and catches my eye but I feel a pang of annoyance. This heartache is from that damn Martell, he swooped in and snagged the woman I wanted to wed. I had planned out and set aside gold so I could build her a dragon pit back at Casterly Rock. But then the announcement of her hand being stolen came and now my chest and head hurt.

I was so close to securing dragon blood and dragons for my house, with them we would elevate to the second strongest house. We might have even stood a chance of becoming the strongest house in time when we kept the blood around and hatched our own dragon's eggs. I am sure Rhaenyra's dragon would have laid eggs for our own little silver lions and golden dragon babes.

But instead, the damn sand people came in and in their true whorish nature stole away the prized hand. Just like they stole Saera Targaryen away from Oldtown and had her birth them some half-breed dragons to steal dragons from the Targaryens. They have no shame and even show them off above Kingslanding with little to no fear. That power was meant to be mine but they got the jump on me before I could court Rhaenyra.

I am left with little choice at this point if I want to eventually get some dragons in House Lannister. King Viserys is confident he will have a son but there is the chance he has a daughter and I could marry and have a true-born son. Then I can aim for an engagement with the new child and mine. If that is not possible I can wait it out and see what Rhaenyra has but either way I need a wife and trueborn children.

"Wait a moment." I sit up and the serving girl jumps again with her dress straining to contain her chest.

They are not married yet, I might still have a chance so long as it is Rhaenyra who chooses to come to me. Daeron can't be mad over it if it's Rhaenyra's choice, King Viserys would support his daughter's decision as well. It is known he pampers her too much and would let her run to me if she decided to. I have mountains of gold compared to the Martells and I can buy her whatever she wants, why wouldn't she pick me?

Casterly Rock is a way better place to live compared to the sweltering hot sands of Dorne, it is also not a fit place for a proper lady to live. They walk around naked and fuck whoever they want whenever they want, I could not see a proper Princess choosing to live there over the Rock.

"Go ahead and pour." I run my hand up the leg of the serving girl and she quickly nods as she pours me more wine.

I just need a chance to talk to her and I can set everything up in my favor.


112 AC


Alicent Hightower


I pace back and forth in my room waiting for my father to arrive, he told me he needed to talk to me. I have an idea of what it's about but I do not feel comfortable with what he wants me to do. I can tell Rhaenyra is enjoying being around Daeron even if he stings a bit seeing it, she deserves that chance. Just as I hope to have that chance in the future, to be happy in a marriage.

But my father looks like he swallowed a lemon each time they laugh with each other and walk with their arms laced. He wants me to tell him more about Daeron and the things Rhaenyra does not like about him and his intentions are obvious. Since they showed up he has wanted a reason to have them sent away.

But sometimes I wonder if he even saw the massive dragons they have, Gaelithox alone could eat four of Syrax, what does he expect to happen if there is war?

A knock at the door causes me to freeze in place and slowly look at the door, it unlocks because he has a key and he opens it and walks right in. He shuts it and locks it behind him before looking around the room slowly and then nodding.

"Sit, we have much to discuss." I nod and take even breaths as I approach one of two chairs and take one for myself.

It helps to sit down as I feel a bit more confident in hiding my nervousness, I do not want to hear what he has to say. The thought of purposefully seeking to ruin what Rhaenyra is coming to enjoy makes me feel anxious. She is my most dear friend and it would pain me to hurt her for my father's goals.

"What have you heard recently, I know the King and Queen talked with Daeron in private but not of what it was they spoke of. I would assume it was to do with the engagement but it was in the Queen's room and she honestly was not needed for talks about marriage anyway. Topping that off the King came out of the room with an odd look to him and has been deep in thought recently. I want to know if you heard anything about what was said in the room." I shake my head and thank the seven I actually know nothing so it's not a lie.

Daeron is very mysterious, one moment he will seem very prideful but also offer a ride on his dragon just because I am curious. He is good at masking his emotions but when they show they shine brightly in contrast with his impassive look.

"I see." His disappointment is obvious but what can he really expect from me on something like this? "I take it you have not learned anything about the deal that was struck between House Targaryen and House Martell?" I almost shake my head but stop only for a moment before I remember that Rhaenyra spoke about dragon keepers training some Dornish men.

He catches my slip and if I try to hide anything he will push harder so I have to say something. He won't believe I know nothing with how Rhaenyra usually tells me everything so I need to tell him something to take his interest. Training dragon keeps only makes sense anyway, they have dragons and no keepers so it makes sense they are seeking some. I do not see how it could be used to undermine anything that is going on.

"Rhaenyra told me about the Martells getting some dragon keepers to train some more keepers among the Dornish to presumably keep their own dragons." He nods and seems to pass over that information but then his eyes widen suddenly.

"Their dragons do not stay in the pit, so why would they need dragon keepers?" His eyes narrow as he stares off at the wall and whispers to himself in deep thought.

I shift in place waiting for any more questions and hoping they are things I have no clue about.


"What's wrong with you?" Today is one of the last days of the Joust and I am honestly ready for it to be over.

"Nothing just a bit tired." I reply to Rhaenyra who nods as she pulls another piece of the 'loaf cake' she got from Daeron.

Daeron seems to enjoy eating smaller meals instead of big ones, at feasts I catch him eating a few things, and then will sit and watch other people. But it is common to see him eat little meals here and there, I wonder if it's just him or do some Dornish do that. He turns and catches me looking at him and gives me a small smile.

I look back toward the Joust without reacting too much, I hate getting caught even though I did nothing wrong. It is not a crime to observe someone, he of all people should agree with me as I find he likes to watch people as well. We both are just very observant people and it seems to come naturally to us.

"Here." Rhaenyra bumps my side breaking me from my thoughts and I look down to see her offering a wrapped loaf.

"What?" I look up at her and she shrugs and jerks her head to Daeron confusing me even more.

"Daeron asked me to pass it to you, he said you looked like you wanted some and he made sure to have extra made." She mumbles under her breath about how he should have saved it for his future wife but I take the cake before she can regret it.

I unwrap it and tear a piece off before looking back at Daeron and find he is watching me this time. He smiles once more and nods before looking back toward the Joust, I take a bite of the cake and smile as the sweetness brightens my day. The tiredness from before slowly fades and I find myself a bit more excited to watch the Joust.