
112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Thanks, I feel a bit better after clearing my head." After flying for half an hour or so, we landed and I am escorting her back to her room.

"It is no problem, I enjoyed it as well after the high stress of the situation." She smiles but keeps looking away every time we meet eyes. "Are you sure you do not want to go check on your mother before you head off to bed?" She shakes her head as her smile slowly fades.

"I don't want to show up smelling like a dragon, the last thing I want her to say when she wakes up is I need a wash. I will head to see her after I clean up a bit and change clothes, I will probably sleep in her room tonight." I nod in understanding, dragons do not smell bad to me but it is a strong scent.

"I see, well if you do end up sleeping with her I will see you in the morning I guess. I think I said it before but I will be checking on her every morning and once at night until she tells me she is fine on her own." I might have an idea to get her on her feet sooner, a small dosage of Shimmer once a day might get her up and active.

She already had more than anyone I have ever given it before other than animals. I know it causes addiction but if she is going to be bedridden she might still want to try. I am also curious to see how she will react to everything that happened. Having access to her and being able to peek into her 'well-being' I might be able to see how she will react to what happened.

I would not be surprised if she is furious with King Viserys, but I will see how she feels soon enough.

"wait." Rhaenyra stops me at a corner and she slowly leans her head around until she can see down the hall at the turn.

"What is it?" Her room is down this hall and she is acting as if someone is laying in wait.

"There is a guard at my door..." She mutters before leaning back quickly to presumably avoid being seen.

"Want me to check who it is?" I ask with some suspicion of her odd behavior, she does not seem scared but more like she is sneaking.

Given we just walked out with no word and went for a fight but we have passed many guards on the way here and she didn't say anything to them. Now she seems like she is hiding something, I wonder what she is scheming.

She turns around with one hand still placed on my chest which she used to stop me, she tilts her head back to look into my eyes better. I smirk at her when her eyes start darting around and am about to taunt her when she leans forward. She closed the distance quickly crashing her lips against mine in an almost painful way with our teeth smashing. She whines softly from the pain but keeps her lips pressed on mine.

I even manage to taste a little blood from my inner lip getting cut but I don't mind as I move my hands to the Princess's hips. Her other hand finds my chest and both hands fingers curl slowly dragging her nails across my doublet, at times like this I really hate how thick doublets are.

I experimentally prob my tongue across her lips since we are kind of just holding our lips together, she jolts in my arms in response. Her mouth parts slightly and I take the opening only to find her teeth trap the tip of my tongue. She quickly let's go and pulls back with her face going fiery, her eyes are shut tight as she licks her lips in a way that tests my restraint.

"Good night Daeron!" Her eyes snap open and widen before she spins on her heels and quickly escapes, her words come out more a squeak than anything else.

"Good night..." I blink a few times staring at the spot she was just standing before I really let what happened sink in.

I couldn't stop the grin on my face even if I wanted to, my steps as I turn around to head to my family's accommodations are light. I am mildly embarrassed to admit I am more excited about a 'first kiss' than I ever thought I would be. It came from nowhere but I guess that is how it should be anyway, if our first kiss was not until our wedding it would be awkward. I don't know if it was because of what I did for her mom or because of the flight where her ass kept grinding on me but I will take it as a win.

But I make it a goal to steal the next one for myself when she least expects it, a fun new game to play with my Princess. Something to look forward to in our future meetings beyond just getting familiar with one another.


"Well if it isn't our older brother, back from his heroics." Even Lewyn's amused voice cant ruin my good mood as I drop onto a couch beside him.

"I guess you are in a good mood because you saved Queen Aemma?" Myriah asks as I kick my feet up on some pillows after removing my boots.

"You could say that, I am happy I saved her and she should make a full recovery so long as the grey rats don't kill her somehow. I then took the Princess on a nighttime flight on Gaelithox who was the perfect 'wingman'. I even got a little surprise on the return trip to drop her off at her room." I can feel the curiosity start to boil in both of my siblings.

I got silent though and relax my head into the cushions as I think about Rhaenyra's soft lips pressing against my lips. Even with the taste of my blood from my little injury, she still tasted sweet and enticing. God, I should have just pushed her up against the wall and tasted her some more when I had her in my hands.

"Why does it look like you are so happy about this 'little surprise'? Did she let you get a good feel?" I open a single eye and look toward my brother who is gesturing around his chest with his brows wiggling.

"No." I bite back a laugh when he sighs and shakes his head, almost like he is disappointed in me.

"You saved her mother's life, the least she could do is repay the favor a little bit." He stands up and walks over to a wine pitcher before pouring three cups. "If I was in her position and my future husband saved my mother's life I would give him a little something as thanks." He sets a cup of wine on my chest and I reach up to steady it before it tips and spills on me.

"Maybe she just does not like Daeron, he could just not be what she desires." My sister spits with a little venom, seems she is getting offended for me when she doesn't know I did get something in return for my efforts.

"I don't think there are any problems with desire." I mumble as I remember the heat coming off of her in the cold night air as she sat Infront of me.

The look in her eyes since then was embarrassed and not uncomfortable, the kiss ending it off also was a solid hint. So the problem of desire is not a real thing, in fact, it is likely the opposite and she does desire me. A massive stroke to my ego, I have to be careful or my head will inflate.

"So then what was the surprise, hurry up and spill it before my interest fades." Lewyn presses on as he sips at his wine with a feral grin.

"A quality man does not kiss and tell, keep that in mind in the future little brother." Both their eyes widen as Lewyn lowers his cup, his feral grin transforming into a dropped jaw.

"You kissed her?" I shake my head and his brows furrow together.

"She kissed you." Myriah figures it out and slumps into the couch with a thoughtful look on her face.

"She did, I was surprised but before you try and make fun of me for being the 'passive' one please do remember who she actually is. I can not just slam her on a wall and have my wicked way with a Princess of House Targaryen, well at least I couldn't before..." She opened the gate now, the ball is in my court to do what I please with now.

"I see, so now that she kissed you on her own, you now think you can kiss her on your own?" Lewyn asks skeptically and I shrug, it's not an exact science but the idea is solid. "Well good luck, if her father catches you getting handsy before the wedding I expect a warning before you run away. Don't just leave us without an idea of the axe coming for our head if you manage to get yourself caught." He chuckles darkly before finishing his cup and standing to go refill it.


112 AC


Myriah Nymeros Martell


I watch as my brother's chest rises and falls after he drifted off to sleep, Lewyn kept his cup full in an effort to pull more details from Daeron. But Daeron gave only small details, it seems the Princess took the next step. I can't help but feel annoyed at her, I have to marry someone who has no real interest in women and she gets my brother.

The brother I convinced myself I would marry, I grew up learning about the Targaryens from my mother. I always thought we would do as they do and marry to keep the blood we have strong enough to bond with dragons. We have our own and could get even more and there is nothing to stop us but instead, we seek to align ourselves with others. I can not even complain about losing the dragon blood either because all of our matches have their own dragon blood, a pity. If they didn't I could easily wiggle my way out of it but I have nothing to argue other than I do not want to marry him.

I walk closer to the couch Daeron is sleeping on and lean over the armrest, my head lowering toward his. I stop my hair from falling down and wake him as I make sure he is still in dreamland. His breaths remain even and calm so I travel the rest of the way and kiss his forehead. I break away quickly and turn to head to my room as I promise myself I won't give up on what I feel. I have a plan that will leave all people involved happy and will ensure close and lasting ties will be formed.

I only need to convince everyone it is what is best for us.

Lewyn is also uninterested in Laena but he is growing slowly closer to Laenor, if things turn out how I am hoping between them then I can pursue my idea. The only odd one out in my idea is Laena and we will need her to have kids so she can marry the to my own. That way the Velaryons do not lose their bloodline, everyone can be happy. But I can not rush it, I also need to get closer to Rhaenyra to convince her of my idea.

With the boys going off to war soon I will stay here as a guest and get as close to her as possible. She is nice enough and I enjoy talking to her so it will not be hard or unenjoyable. I also will have someone to fly with when I want, Shrykos will be thankful as my dragon seems interested in Syrax. That will be perfect as well for my plan, if my dragon becomes mates with hers it will provide eggs for all of our kids.

Much easier than trying to 'steal' dragons in the cloak of the night at the very least.