
112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"So that was enjoyable, I thought he was going to lash out when you pretended to limp into the room." She narrows her eyes at me with her lips thinning.

"Who said I was pretending..." I roll my eyes, she can't get upset about it after how many times she asked for more. "Are you going to see your family?" I close my eyes and imagine all the things they would poke fun at me for about this and I find myself shaking my head.

"I am going to let the heat die down first, I do not want to hear them ask about my first sexual experience." Well at least to their knowledge and this body, guess it is cause for celebration to technically lose my virginity for a second time and to a Princess.

"You seemed to know a lot about it for someone who has never done it." I smile detecting the questioning tone in her voice, I did tell her I had never been with a woman before, kind of a lie but also the truth.

"Dorne my wife, if I could grow up in Sunspear and not know what to do when the time came I would be disinherited. We have sand and spicy food and other than that a lot of sex, so I picked up a few things. It was hard not to when I would catch servants rutting in our gardens or people in the streets when traveling the town." She nods and I feel her grip my hand a bit tighter.

"I see, I suppose that makes sense." I feel the urge to pull her into one of these open rooms we are passing and show her the full extent of my knowledge, but I withhold for now.

"You also seemed to know quite a bit, with the ass shaking and all that." Her eyes widen and her head whips in all directions to see if someone heard before she looks at me with the biggest blush I have seen.

"Why would you say that so loud?!" She hisses and looks around once more before settling to look anywhere but my eyes. "I just felt like it was right, I was really embarrassed about it when I woke up. You did not think it was weird?" I quickly shake my head before she thinks I did not like what I saw.

"I still can not get it out of my mind, I will treasure the memory for the rest of my days." She looks ready to crawl into a hole to escape my fiery gaze traveling her form.

"I guess I was worried for nothing..." She mutters and I put a lid on my enthusiasm for now, do not want to overload her and have her run off to escape the embarrassment.

"Let's go check on Visenya, I want to see how she is doing this morning." I change the subject and she perks up hearing her sister, the start was rough for her and Visenya, she seemed put off by her sister, to begin with.

But seeing the way she cradles her and smiles at her sister now shows she has put her Mothers near death behind her as far as Visenya goes. I can not claim the same with how she seeks to torment her Father with our new sex life but the guy deserves it so I am fine with it. There is a sick enjoyment to seeing a Father squirm in his seat as his daughter feeds you food from her fork. He leaped up when he got the first message something needed his attention and almost ran from the room, poor guy is just seeing the start.


"Oh my, that is something else..." We walk into the room after getting a nod from the Queens Kingsguard.

Sitting on the bed is Aemma with Visenya on her lap as she supports her to sit up with a wobbly head. It looks like Visenya will fall at any moment, she is much too young to hold her head up.

But what shocked me is the small surprise on the bed in front of them, a baby dragon.

"I thought the egg was solid black?" I ask as I approach the bed and my movement or my voice caught the dragon's attention as it turns to face me.

"It was." Rhaenyra answers as she walks beside me with a proud look on her face.

"I was surprised as well, I can not claim to have seen many dragons hatch but Syrax matched her egg in color. To see a white dragon come from a black egg was a surprise, it being so calm was even more so. I remember Syrax wanted to climb all over Rhaenyra and cried out when she was taken away from her. This little one is being calm and just watching the both of us." I kneel next to the bed to get myself closer to the baby dragon and it tilts its head cutely.

"I think it is albino, the reddish slightly pink eyes with the bone-white body leads me to think that way. I mean all of its body is white, only the eyes seem to be different..." Looks like the standard dragon from what I have seen, with no obvious growth defects like Caraxes which is good with it being albino.

"I thought so as well, it's rare to see albinos in any species but for a dragon to hatch one must be unheard of. Well at least in Westeros, I have never heard of an albino dragon at least." Queen Aemma also seems proud of her daughter and it seems she is not bothered but the color mutation in the slightest.

"I wish it could spit its flames already, my curiosity is going crazy wondering if its flames will be black like the dragon 'should' have been." Would be a terrifying sight to see solid black flames coming from such an innocent little thing.

Gaelithox would also be happy to see a dragon that spits flames of a different color from its main body. His eyes might be green but with him being solid black the wildfire-colored flames really stand out as something special. I think Visenya's dragon will be much the same if I had to bet, but I won't know until it starts burning things.

Silence descends into the room as I try and coax the dragon into letting me play with it, a bit of awkwardness starts to grow. I only just thought about how Aemma will also be conscious of Rhaenyra and me having bedded each other last night.

"Will she be chained?" I ask as I try to clear the silence away and hoping the awkwardness goes with it.

"She?" Rhaenyra asks curiously as she sits on the edge of the bed and watches the dragon sniff my fingers.

"I got a feeling it will be a girl." Rhaenyra nods and I look to Aemma to see if she will answer my question, I hope they do not chain them till they at least are the size of a dog even if I prefer no chains.

" I guess 'she' will be handed over to the Keepers once word gets out she hatched." I try not to frown as I imagine how much they will be stunting the little thing's growth.

I do not know the exact science of it and maybe I am just plain wrong since Vermithor and Silverwing got so big, but I think my speculation is correct. If the difference in size between Drogon and his siblings was really because of the two smaller ones being chained I think it should be stopped. There has to be a better way to go about it, I suppose I have time to look into myself and this little one will be part of my education on the matter.

"Pity." The small dragon has a high-pitched trill as I run my finger over its chest and around to its back.


"So how did it go?" I hear my brother speak up as soon as I enter the room and I let out a sigh.

I am glad I split up with Rhaenyra now, I can not imagine how much they would screw with us if we were together right now. Lewyn is leaning over the back of the couch with mischief gleaming in his eyes.

"Shut the hell up." I scowl at him and he smiles even wider before slinging his legs around the couch and quickly approaching me.

"Come on Daeron, I am just concerned if you could figure out how it all works." He wraps an arm around my shoulder and I resist shrugging him off as he guides me into the room. "You did not throw up did you?" He asks with a touch of concern that makes me look at him oddly.

"Why would I throw up?" He purses his lips before shrugging and letting go of my shoulder to drop onto the couch.

"No reason..." He looks out the window with a far-off look and I drop onto the cushion beside him.

"I did not throw up, I will only say it went well and that is all you are getting." A fresh cup is set on the low table in front of me with a bit too much force and I look over to see Myriah.

"You can tell us more than that Daeron, we are to be wed soon and we are curious about the married experience." She bats her eyes and pours some wine into my cup.

"You two are weird, you want to hear about me rutting my wife?" They both nod and Myriah hands me the cup of wine as she sets the pitcher down.

"Of course, we want to hear about it, what else are siblings for?" Not for swapping sex stories, that much I know for sure.

"Let's put that aside for now, I instead want to tell you two about the cute little dragon Visenya hatched." Their eyes widen and I nod happily having gotten their attention away from my night activity.

"Did she really?" Lewyn sits up as he asks and refills his own cup ignoring the scowl from Myriah who brought the pitcher over here.

"She did, the black egg hatched what looks like an albino dragon and it is the cutest little thing. They summoned the keepers to take care of it though, the next time we head out to fly I will see about hunting it down in the pit to show you two." They both nod with some obvious excitement, who doesn't want to see a baby dragon?

"There he is! My son, how are you feeling?" I feel hands slap the back of the couch behind my head and I shake my head at my family's antics.

"I am fine, I was telling these two about the new baby dragon." My mother snorts and shakes her head as she makes her way to the other couch across from the one I am on.

"It takes longer than a night to know if the seed took, there won't be any baby dragons or little suns until many more months." I close my eyes as my brother laughs.

"Visenya's egg hatched." I hear my mom let out an 'oooh' and my brother laughs even louder as I drop my head onto the back of the couch.

My mind drifts once more to the newfound problem of my potentially Shimmer-enhanced seed and I wonder if she is actually wrong. If Shimmer buffed up my sperm then there is a good chance that one night was more than enough. But I have plenty of more time before I am supposed to fly off on my own to Braavos, I will test just how strong my swimmers are. I might just be coming back from the Stepstones to a pregnant wife or a baby depending on how long the war lasts.

Though if she really does get knocked up I will be coming back for the last few months of pregnancy, war be damned. I won't have her die on the childbed because some kind of fate wants to fuck with me after saving Aemma. I think it might be best if she went to stay in Sunspear if she gets with child, that way I can fly back and forth easier. I can make it to any of the islands of the stepstones in a single day from Sunspear on Gaelithox. But I might be getting ahead of myself anyway, for all I know the Shimmer fried my nuts and I am shooting blanks.