
112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


""You sure you will be able to keep up 'little girl'."" Syrax blows hot air on me as I run a hand over her snout, she hates being called that, and it's amusing to see.

"Stop poking fun at my sweet baby, we will be able to keep up just fine." Rhaenyra glares at me playfully as she puts on her gloves.

"I know, I just like to see the way she reacts." I drop my hand off the she dragon and approach my wife before giving her a quick hug.

"Why did you invite me if you two just want to love on each other the whole time?" Myriah speaks up with her sharp tongue lashing out.

I shake my head as I step back and while making sure she sees I roll my eyes at her getting a huff in return as I head to Gaelithox.

"Let's head straight there, I still need to work on my flight plan to Braavos and only have a few days till I leave." The three of us are heading off to Dragonstone so I can show Rhaenyra the cave, I didn't want to leave Myriah on her own with our parents and Lewyn leaving Kingslanding today.

"Just remember Mother is pissed at the both of us for not seeing her off and it's your fault!" I hear Myriah shout as I climb the rope to get up Gaelithox's side.

I am sure she was just screwing with us, we both said goodbye to her before we left for the Dragon pit. Mother's mind is instead full of ideas and plans to get things set up for when her new good daughter comes to visit Sunspear. Rhaenyra is planning to spend some time down in the sands and my Mother wants her to have a nice time so she will come back more in the future. It is good publicity to have the heir to the Iron throne come, even if we are married she does not 'have' to ever set foot in Dorne. But by doing so and seemingly enjoying it by spending long periods there it will satisfy many Dornish Lords.

The other Lords of Westeros will get their own satisfaction in the form of us doing a Royal progress after the war. It will take months of planning and coordinating to set up a Royal progress anyway so it will all work out if we stick to the plans we have and the war does not last for years. Though I doubt it will last even a full year with two massive dragons along with the smaller one from the Velaryons, Seasmoke.

""Let's head to your old cave partner!"" Gaelithox rumbles and I wonder if he will enjoy checking in on his old resting spot.

I surely will, ignoring the prophecy on the walls there are tons of bones and I am on the hunt for my rib and wing bones. The old bones of Meraxes laid in the sand for years, the Dornish only cut the head off to send to Kingslanding to try and negotiate peace. The rest just sat there till I had some people test the theory of making dragon bones into bows.

It turns out the ribs are the best for bows and the wings also work but the rest of the Skelton was used for spear shafts and knife handles. I felt bad a bit at desecrating the corpse of such an awesome dragon but when I was presented with the spoils I lost all guilt. Around a Hundred spear shafts that are as strong as steel but as light and flexible as any other spear shaft, my own spear is one from Meraxes. Though I am still itching to get a Valyrian steel head for my spear instead of a common steel that I feel taints the dragon bone with its presence.

But the real gems of my 'grave robbing' would undoubtedly be the fifty-five Dragon bone bows. Five are for family, well all of them are my property, but I had fifty of the best archers in Sunspear train with them for the upcoming war and I am excited to see the results. Those bows are capable of sending a strong enough arrow through most steel armor and the people squatting on the Stepstones are not wearing plates. My archers much to their annoyance are named 'Dragons teeth' and they will certainly make a name for themselves with those bows.

So I doubt there will be anything of large size in his cave but I would not mind finding some good pieces to make a few more bows.


"This is bigger than I was expecting." Rhaenyra looks around the entrance to the cave as I stretch from the flight.

"Take a torch before you go in and be careful of a wild dragon, though I doubt one would take up this cave anytime soon after big boy lived here for so long." Rhaenyra nods as she steps back away from the cave entrance and approaches the pack that I dropped on the ground that has the premade torches. She takes one and I watch with interest at how she plans to light it and when she approaches Syrax my eyes widen.

"Dracarys." Syrax wastes no time and shoots out yellow almost gold flames against the stone toward where Rhaenyra was pointing. ""Thank you."" Syrax stops and Rhaenyra approaches the glowing hot stone that still has wisps of yellow burning on the top, bending down she dips the torch into the Dragon fire and lights it.

"Fuckin hell, that might just burn the torch up in seconds..." I watch the torch and it flickers with a dull yellow but obviously not normal flame. "Let me see that." I walk closer and hold my hand out and she hands off the torch, I hover my hand around it finding it not hotter than an average flame.

"Now he won't stop playing Dragon Fire after this, Rhaenyra you have undoubtedly just caused him many future burns." Myriah sighs as I wave the torch around in wonder.

"I will be careful." I snap out of my amusement and hand the torch back to Rhaenyra who shakes her head with a small smile. "I want to see if other colors will last for hours or days if it's kept fed with wood." I can imagine blue and green flames and all other such colors in braziers looking really cool in an artistic design.

"Let's go, we can play with fire later." Rhaenyra starts walking toward the cave with Myriah hot on her heels.

""Watch the entrance, don't let anyone come fuck with us."" I sling the pack on my back after taking out another torch and as I walk by the burning stone I light it with yellow flames.

A certain Prince is squatting on Dragonstone and I don't want him cornering us in a cave when I am almost unarmed. I have some water to bend to defend if he decided to do something but I would rather not risk it. I would also not like to have to blood bend if I can help it, I am not the best at it and his body would be mutilated and there would be questions.

But with three dragons sitting outside maybe he won't come poking around to see what we are doing. He likely spotted us or someone told him they spotted us and he could be sitting inside the castle thinking we are here to see him. Then when we leave he will look stupid sitting on the throne of Dragonstone or some shit, I would like to see his face when that happens...


"That is a lot of bones." Myriah kicks around at Gaelithox's old 'bed' and I briefly scan it not seeing anything of real worth.

A bit disappointing but since he slept on them he pretty much crushed every bone in here in some way or another. A pity but there are still dragon bones around the world to try and get and I still have not found what they did with the rest of Balerion. Though I doubt the King would like to hear about me trying to use his old partner to arm more people with bows able to snipe, people, even if they are wearing full armor.

I walk toward Rhaenyra who is observing the carvings on the wall and I hold my torch up to help her see better. She looks shocked as she slides her hands over the carvings of the white walkers with their blue eyes. I wish I could tell her what I actually know about this but it would be best if she also came to her own conclusions. It's best if she comes up with her own ideas, so long as they are aimed in the right direction.

The key points here are the wall in the North and the White Walkers, if her ideas circle those I will be satisfied. We will likely be long dead by the time the dead rise, but if the wall is armed with Dragon glass and is aware of the threat, it likely won't fall. Plus the future dragon riders will know the night king can spear a dragon from the sky, I will say I saw it in a dream if I have to. I will tell my kids bedtime stories of a man made of ice spearing a dragon and rising it from the dead if that's what it takes to keep them from giving the night king a dragon.

"Hopefully these dragons are pretty big." I mutter as I look at the dragons on the carving that should not be there, but I am chalking it up to butterfly effect.

I think in the grand scheme of things I have been woven into this prophecy, like it was updated, and seeing the dragons is a good sign. It means the dragons are still alive at the time the wall is hit, or they are brought back once more Daenerys storm-born style, either way, I like it. If the army of the dead is like it is in the show, and they have a single dragon the size of Gaelithox, it will be a massacre against the dead. My future great great great great grandkids will show the Night King what is dead can in fact die.


112 AC


Myriah Nymeros Martell


Looking at Daeron and Rhaenyra as they observe the carvings in silence I feel like I am missing a lot of information. They both seem so ensnared by the carvings, Rhaenyra is showing worry and is clenching her torch so hard her hand is bone white. Daeron has that odd pinkish fire in his eyes as he traces his finger across the dragon drawn on the wall. They are in contrast with one another, one seems worried and the other seems excited.

"What is going on?" I speak up not able to handle the silence anymore and both turn to look at me.

"Just something..." Rhaenyra seems unable to find words and that causes me to frown, what are they hiding?

"Well, to be honest, I do not really know but I have a guess." I look at Daeron who is once more tracing the carvings.

"What is your guess?" I stand beside him and reach up to touch the carving myself as if I will suddenly understand what they do.

"I think this is a warning." I hear Rhaenyra take a deep breath hearing his words and I find her looking toward him a bit off, she is hiding something. "This part here seems to be a story or something that has already happened. Look how these 'people' came together and fought the blue-eyed people. Then the blue-eyed people ran away and after that, this wall was built afterward. I think this is the story of the long night and the building of the ice wall up North." I go wide-eyed as he walks from the far wall back toward me explaining these cave carvings as if it's a book full of words before him.

"Then what is this?" I point to the end part before me which is the wall being attacked by the blue-eyed people.

"I think this is the warning, they first told us the story of what happened which is the part I just pointed out. This is what 'will' happen, I have many reasons to believe that and I think they are pretty strong. First, they did not have dragons at the wall at any point in history other than Good Queen Alysanne, at least as far as we know and I can work with. Second and this is hinging on this actually being the wall in the North, it is known that the 'others' never got finished off. The Nights watch was put into place to guard the realms of men and it was not always for wildlings, that came after many generations. The wildings were just people who lived on the far side during the construction of the wall and could not get back through when it was done, they are not the enemy the wall was built for. So if this is the wall up North, it stands to reason that the wall is for these blue-eyed people and to keep them out, I believe they are the 'others' from stories of old." I look at him oddly and find he seems to actually believe what he is saying, at the very least it looks like he is not joking.

I look toward Rhaenyra expecting her to be looking at him like he is mad but I find her with a look of fear as she looks at the carvings of the blue-eyed people. I can't believe what I am seeing, these two are convincing their selves that the stories I heard as a child to keep me from leaving my bed at night are actually real. Dorne can get bone-chilling cold at night and I can still remember the old woman telling me about the white walkers that steal kids during the coldest nights.

I don't speak my mind and rather let them look at the carvings with their mixed emotions. For some reason I feel like I am still missing a secret between them, this does not seem the first time they talked of this. Daeron looks like he figured out something that has long alluded him and Rhaenyra looks shaken to her core. This is not something that just jumped up by chance and instead is something they knew about before seeking it out.

I will just have to figure out what it is that I do not know, Daeron will leave soon but I am sure I can get something from Rhaenyra. I could even hide my intentions behind looking through the library with her to find out more about the Long Night and the wall up north.