
112 AC

Narrow Sea

Daeron Nymeros Martell


I could probably fly to Sunspear and back before these ships make it passed the mouth to Blackwater Bay. I can only sleep for so long and my ass is getting sore sitting in this saddle without a real break beyond stopping every now and then to piss. Gaelithox indignantly roared when I tried to piss off his back last time...

But I suppose combing my fingers over the scaled eggs I was gifted is a nice pass time, I am a hundred percent sure these are the ones the Stormborn would later hatch. I am hoping they will still hatch even though I think they have begun to turn to stone or already are. It's hard to tell when I only got to poke at Visenyas egg the one time, but these feel similar.

They even have the same mother from what I have heard, Dreamfyre the current biggest dragon in the Dragon Pit. The light blue she dragon is large and has a bit of an attitude to her but she is a damn good egg layer. I think most of the young dragons at this point is from her, and so are these three.

The story I got from the Sealord said a woman named Elissa Farman who was a lover of Rhaena Targaryen stole the eggs. They ended up being traded to a different Sealord and Elissa made a ton of gold which she used to construct a massive ship called Sun Chaser. She was never heard from again after she went west of Westeros chasing the sun.

But the eggs have floated around and now are in my hands, which if I have my way they will hatch for my children. I want what would have been Drogon to hatch for my firstborn and then what would have been Viserion for my second if it will work at that way at least. I like the green one, I mean I like any dragon eggs I can get, but black and red and cream and gold are a touch cooler than jade and bronze.

Syrax is a 'female' as far as I am aware and will have eggs of her own eventually, I believe Shrykos will be aiming for the honor. I think in canon Syrax would have mated eventually with the Blood Wyrm but I don't see that coming about with the state of things. Dragon sex is odd anyway since they do not have real genders and one just decides they will be the 'girl' and then has eggs. I try not to think about it much though, even if Rhaenyra and I fuck like two wild dragons at times.

"Ugghhhh!" I find myself groaning again as my thoughts circle back around to missing my wife, I turned into a simp.

I am starting to think the distance for a few months might be good for my health overall if I am already feeling like this after the 'short' time we spent together. Never thought I would be thinking of war as a good way to avoid becoming a mooning fool, times must be tougher than I realized.


112 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


Walking through the Dragon pit to find where they put my sister's little dragon I kiss her little soft head. She was being fussy and our Mother said she might be missing having the little scaled friend around. So we planned a little visit to see her dragon and she has already stopped crying.

"She can be cute when she is not whining." Mother laughs and shakes her head as the Dragon Keepers guide us along.

"I think I can remember someone saying something similar about you at that age." She gives me a pointed look I choose to ignore. "I wonder how your husband is doing, he is likely brooding as you were when you came to see me this morning." I sigh as she drags me back into thoughts I was trying to ignore.

Gods, I could be convinced I had slept with him half my life with how empty the bed felt this morning. His side of the bed was cold and lonely making me sleep on it for a few more hours to warm it up for him. But he was still gone when I woke up and I have never wished more that women went to war more often. I am sure Daeron would not mind, he is the blood of Nymeria and has mentioned women fighting multiple times. But my chances of getting to see a battlefield flew away when I was named heir, crowned princess is much more fragile than an ordinary Princess according to how people already treat me differently.

"And there you go off into your own little world..." I shake my head hearing my Mother mutter and I glare her way getting a smile for my efforts.

"It is stupid that some stupid man named Crab Feeder raises the toll of the shipping lanes he conquered and now I have to suffer for it. If I could I would jump on Syrax right now and go and show him how I feel about that." I feel my body heating up in anger until Visenya starts giggling like a fool, the first time I have ever heard her laugh.

"Look at her." Mother coos and cranes her neck to see the swaddled-up face of Visenya as she goes a bit red in the face from giggling.

""Here the white one is."" One of the keepers stops in front of us and I can hear the sound of a screaming baby dragon and its wings swinging around.

I walk into a small stone room with only one chain going from the wall down to the hatchling who is struggling against its chain. Visenya starts squirming against her 'restraints' when she hears the dragon crying out.

"Let me hold her." My Mother takes Visenya from me as she gets closer and kneels on the hard stone floor. "Here she is, see she is just fine." I am not even sure which one she is trying to reassure but it seems to work as both go silent.

I smile wondering when I will get to do the same with my own little babe, but I suppose the dragon won't be chained if what Daeron told me will happen. He does not want them to be chained, he says it stunts their growth and I even brought it up with my Father but he waved it off. He said Syrax has always been chained but she grew up just 'fine' but I think I can understand what Daeron was saying.

Dragons are meant for the sky and if they can not fly around and stretch their wings it will not matter how much food you give them. Vermithor and Silverwing along with Dreamfyre rarely ever stayed in the pit and instead lived at the Red Keep or Dragonstone and they are the biggest since the conquering trio's dragons. Well now Dreamfyre is chained down in the pit and it has been a while since she was and I do not think she has gotten much bigger.

The Dragon pit is huge and made for Dragons, eighty thousand people can sit in the stands in the main room to watch when there is a showing of the dragons. The man-made caves are also large and dug out even bigger by the dragons themselves. But the chains bind them down and keep them from getting to live like dragons should it is like putting a horse in a stall and leaving it there, it will waste away without getting to go for a ride every now and then.

I do not think I will be able to convince my Father to let the dragons go without chains, but if the Martells get good results in their own pit he might. Though it will be many years until their own pit is fully constructed and it might not be until my own reign that results are presented. I suppose if I have a baby within a close time to Visenya and it hatches an egg we can compare the growth between Visenyas dragon and my own child's.

"-so when your sister gets like this you know she can't hear anything going on around her." I look up from my lap where I was cleaning under my nails.

"I can hear." She does not respond and only kisses Visenya who she was holding up to look at me with her dark purple eyes.


112 AC


Aemma Arryn


Looking at one of the largest iron doors in the Dragon Pit I feel the desire to search for the contents behind it. Like a stirring inside me pulling me to approach and seek what I can find in the dark depths laying beyond it. I almost listen to it before Visenya starts stirring in my arms, even in her sleep she is restless. She will be a handful once she gets her feet under her that much is for sure.

"What are you looking at?" Rhaenyra asks as she leans her head on my shoulder where I came to a stop looking off to the iron door.

"I was just wondering what is behind that door." She nods and looks off to the door in question.

"Out of the forty-something doors, you want to know what is behind that one?" I nod and she lifts her head from my shoulder while walking around in front of me blocking the door from my sight. "Want to find out?" I want to say yes but I shake my head no slowly even as regret fills my chest.

"I have had enough excitement for the day, this is the most walking I have done since the birth and I want to rest." She shrugs and takes Visenya from my arms likely taking my words as me being tired rather than the excuse they are.

"Well if you want to know, it is Dreamfyre's lair, Daeron and I went in to see her not long ago and she is pretty grumpy but we got a good look at her." Dreamfyre, the Mother of my daughter's dragons.

I wonder if I could go and see her some time, I should thank her for birthing eggs for my babes to hatch.