
114 AC


Daemon Targaryen


Watching the beautiful red-haired woman watch Daeron fly away on his large mount I can't help but raise an eyebrow. This woman has been spilling a lot of nonsense but has also had some good results in curing my 'affliction'. I kept her around after all her nonsense after her words rang true about a good night's rest without any disturbance from the frozen monster from the North.

...that and her tight cunt.

"Is there something about my Nieces Husband that you are not telling me?" I ask searching her face for any sign that the boy Prince of Dorne is a threat to my family.

"No." She responds while smiling at me like she knows a funny joke she is not letting me in on.

"Do tell." I step closer and she leans into me pressing her fat chest against me as her blood-red eyes look at me with amusement.

"You have your role and he has his, this is what the flames have shown me and I can't tell you more until you agree to come with me..." She trails off and looks toward the dragon flying away once more with a longing look that sparks something inside of me.

Gripping her by the hips I pin her against the wall with my body and she lets out a surprised noise before her full attention is back on me. The amusement in her eyes turns to a wide smile as her hands start trailing my body just as mine are doing to hers.

"You won't tell me anything about what you know... until I go where I am 'supposed to die' to people I 'consider close friends'?" I almost scoff, her words from earlier echoing in my ears warning of a betrayal. "Sounds to me like you just want me to die..." I mutter as I grip her large ass with both hands.

"No, I do not want you to die." She responds with conviction that surprises me before she leans closer to my ear. "But if you want to know the truth... to see the truth... you will have to trust me just a little bit and risk your life." She slips a hand beneath my waistband and I grit my teeth as she seeks to really fire me up.

"Sounds to me like a stupid risk." I snort as I start pulling off her dress right here in the hallway. "But I suppose I did earn the name 'Rouge Prince' by doing some rather stupid things..." My eyes lock onto her large bare breasts and I duck my head while making up my mind.

Seems I need to head to Pentos if I want the truth of what is going on in the 'shadows beneath the dragon'. She warned that dragons are powerful and can fly high while growing large but that only serves to make their shadows far larger when they fly overhead. Covering entire cities with their 'darkness' and letting the true terrors of the world rear their heads.

Cryptic nonsense if you ask me, but she did seemingly cure my oncoming madness over a damn ice freak trying to kill me in my sleep. Either it was her 'Red God' or just her fiery hot cunt that scared the beast away... either way, I wish to see what is at the end of this story she is trying to write.


114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Good Father." I nod putting on a smile even though I wish to smack this fucker upside his head.

"Daeron, it is wonderful to see you." His eyes travel over me before he nods and steps up in a welcoming hug before the court who is gathered outside in the welcoming yard. "I have heard the wonderful news of Rhaenyra expecting another babe, I wish she would have it here." He mentions while looking at me almost expectantly, also politically putting me on the spot before the royal court.

"Rhaenyra has all the comforts she could ever want for while staying in Sunspear or the Water Gardens. She is surrounded by family who love and support her every step of the way and wants nothing but the best for her. She has mentioned her content in Dorne for the length of this pregnancy many times, even when I asked her if it would be best if she had her child in the same home she had Aegon." This is my way of politically and politely telling him before everyone that he can go shove something up his ass my Wife is having the heir to Dorne in Dorne.

I also kind of passed the blame off on his heir at the same time, just so I am not 'overstepping', which I know Rhaenyra would find amusement in.

"I see..." He mumbles with a sad look. "Perhaps I could sail to visit her myself if she wishes to have the child in Dorne." I nod with a smile and he starts waving off the gathered people making me ease a bit more as I still plan how to extract info from him.

I mean I kind of just want to wring his neck a little bit, but I can't judge him at this point with what has been going on with Myriah. But seeing Alicent standing on the side with her Father and the noticeable pregnancy bump I can't help but want to lash out. The damn fool is trying to stir up the hornet's nest... even if I am sorta doing the same I at least am doing it in a 'clever' way.

My Wife as well is in on it, unlike Viserys and Aemma who are at odds.


"I won't be staying long enough but the gesture is appreciated." I wave off the need for a room to be prepared as I sit down for a mid-day meal alone with my Good Father.

Otto seemed almost too eager to try and speak to me, the rat can jump out a window for all I care at this point... maybe I need to reenact the Maesters death?

Shaking off the dark thoughts I smile at my Good Father as food is brought out steaming and looking delicious. He seems in his element going for some lamb and I carefully pick around at foods I usually don't eat. Never know if something is trying some funny business, so I will throw them off their game by actually eating my vegetables this time.

"I take it you are here to talk about Alicent." He suddenly speaks up in a somewhat serious tone almost making me spit out my wine.

"Yea... I am." I narrow my eyes at him as he bounces his head side to side with a hard-to-read expression.

"How has Aemma taken it?" He asks with a hoarse voice and finally looks me in the eyes.

"Poorly." I dryly respond. "But she is enjoying her time with my family and is busying herself with Visenya and Aegon at all hours that she can." I smile as memories of my Good Mother and the two troublemakers of Sunspear drift through my mind.

"Visenya is well?" He smiles wide hearing of his youngest Daughter and his eyes light up almost like he has forgotten about his current problems.

"She is, she is bouncing around like a wild child and loves to repeat anything she hears like one of those parrots from the Summer Islands. She lately has taken to trying and mount her 'Alby' and has to be pulled from the small white dragon who is also eager to be mounted." His smile almost is infectious but I try and let his kingly charisma wash over me.

"Alby? She named her dragon something like that?" I shake my head at his question as I remember telling Visenya a story about a white dragon and her liking the name so much that she started saying her own version of the name all the time.

"Albion..." I mutter feeling like I should have held off on telling a small girl learning her words about a dragon resembling hers in color.

"Albion?" He asks and purses his lips while he tilts his head. "It's an odd name but not bad." I nod in agreement wondering if I should tell someone with a red dragon about the Welsh Dragon.

Silence fills the room other than the sounds of forks and knives as we both focus on eating for a moment. Though I can tell his thoughts went back to troubling things as his brow furrows and the excitement in his eyes dims.

"It was not my intention to do what I have done, I especially did not mean to hurt Aemma." I nod slowly while taking a bite and listening to my Good Father. "I... it just happened and now I need to handle it." I raise an eyebrow setting down my utensils, the tension in the room grows like a roaring bonfire.

I look toward my Good Father, the King of Westeros, and the Head of House Targaryen, his eyes are looking out a window with a distant look. I feel a bit bad for him, maybe he is a good Father, but that does not make him faultless, hell I might be a good Father but I still will butcher people like I did in Lys. I would never say I am a good person, I am in it for myself and my Family after all, I would say in that way me, and Viserys are almost identical. To me it seems Viserys got lost in the moment on just 'himself' and hurt his family, something he could be doing a whole lot more to fix though in my opinion.

"I have talked with my Hand who just so happens to be the Father of Alicent... as you already know." He awkwardly clears his throat after meeting my eyes and seeing my unimpressed look. "The High Septon is also staying in the Red Keep as we go over options and we have been discussing the Doctrine of Exceptionalism. It was and still is meant to help ease the Faith of the Seven and the common folk when it comes to Targaryen marital practice. Mainly to do with Incest, but we have discussed at length and are leaning toward the practice of multiple wives also being covered." I can't even help the groan that leaves me as all the concerns and worries are confirmed right from the 'horse's mouth'.

He looks at me in shock as if I just pulled my dick out or something and I can't help but shake my head. Anger boiling inside of me as I grip the edge of the table and debate flipping it on him and making my way to my mount and flying home.

"This will likely lead to war, either your own blood or in many years when something like this happens again and they use you as precedent. There will be a 'Dance of Dragons' with many deaths following it from this becoming a precedent." I just speak my thoughts without caring much, there is still the nuclear option of killing Alicent but I would rather not do that.

"Don't you think you are overreacting?" He asks with an uncomfortable look as he grimaces.

"I don't, even if I know for a fact I could handle anything the HighTowers throw at me, I can not say the same about anyone in the future having to deal with this situation. You are the fifth King of Westeros, not the fiftieth or five hundredth but the Fifth, what you do is setting the framework for the next thousand years. I am not judging the multiple wives aspect as I fully intend to wed Aegon to Visenya and a Daughter of Rhaenyra who will be Rhaenys if everything works out and they are accepting of the idea. But the way this exact situation is playing out is setting the groundwork for many future Nobel Houses to try and squeeze their own Daughters into being Queens." I shake my head letting the tension leave me as I realize just how clueless my Good Father is.

He is not stupid, but he has blinders on and I am here to ruthlessly tear them off if that is what it takes. I will have him seeing straight by the time I leave or I just might get a little murder happy with a few HighTowers before I take my leave. At the end of the day a deal has been made, Dorne is joining under the crown because we are entering the royal line and getting our blood on the throne. If he thinks I will sit back and let a Son be born who has a 'claim' over my Wife and Son... he is out of his mind and needs a little help from his Good Son to get things in order.