
114 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"What are you laughing about?" My wife's Mother asks as I chuckle into my cup as I remember my meeting with Lord Grimm.

"I can't help but find it humorous that nearly every Reach Lord I have talked to has something bad to say about Lord Tyrell." I am quite sure if I was not a Dornish man then they would be shit-talking about Dorne... but they can't do that without risking some fire hitting their castles.

I don't know if it's because they just love to gossip or if they are just a bitter people, but nearly all of them have a habit of talking too much once the wine starts flowing.

"It was not long ago that House Tyrell was stewards, it will be quite a bit longer before the Reach accepts the fact they are under someone who is from such 'humble' origins." Aemma purses her lips while watching Nymeria who is being extra active today. "Not to mention the Hightower... situation." I snort while lifting my cup back to my lips.

It won't be a 'situation' for too much longer, I will want the pin Otto wears once this Royal Progress is over and I have time to split between it and my children. But I get what she is saying about the HighTowers in general, they seem more like the Lords of the Reach when it comes to certain matters.

An old and powerful house with a city that has the biggest population in Westeros as well as the Faith being based out of that city along with the Maesters... House Hightower is no doubt powerful. They have the Faith, the Maesters, and the Hand of the King position on top of being rich and having one of the best seats in Westeros.

It is no wonder Aegon and his Sisters named the Tyrells the Lords of Highgarden and let Highgarden rule over the Reach. If the HighTowers were given that title and left to rule the Reach, which would have been stupid, they would be undoubtedly the most powerful House in Westeros if dragons were ignored.

"I wonder if Lord Tyrell has a smart son..." I muse aloud as I lean back in my seat, my Good Mother looks at me curiously.

"Why would you wonder about that?" She tilts her head to the side while I set my cup back down.

"I would not mind making a friend that could help me with some things later once the Progress is over." I cringe knowing full well that any Tyrell is likely going to dislike me as a Martell just on principle. "It would be nice to make friends with one of the Lord Paramount's children as I hope to do in the other kingdoms." A Tyrell would make a decent Master of Coin while also hopefully being a step toward getting rid of the many-year-long hatred between Dorne and the Reach.

However, I still need to get myself the Hand of the King position before I worry about replacing the other Small council members. But it is still nice to idly think about the changes I hopefully will be able to make even while my Good Father is still King. I have no clue how long he will hang around once I start healing him but I should be able to build up enough support quickly to gain some 'real' influence.

Dragons are all well and good as well and these meetings I am doing in person with as many Lords and Ladies as possible. But where I will really gain people's support and 'love' is when I am helping them live a better life through either better opportunities or profits.

Gold is what it will come down to for most of my future 'allies', just enough to keep them happy but not let them think they don't need me.


114 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


"So Highgarden and then the Red Keep?" Daeron nods at my question as he changes the clothes that Rhaenys is in so she can be laid down for bed.

"I am just ready to get it over with, it feels like we just started getting back into the Progress and then we are stopping again." He sighs while lifting Rhaenys and turning to head toward her shared cradle beside the bed where Nymeria is already asleep. "I won't lie, I am really looking forward to seeing the Vale after all the talk I have heard from your Mother." I shake my head at how pitiful he sounds, he almost makes it sound like we are about to take another long break like we did for for twins.

"Half a moon will fly by before you know it." He hums loud enough for me to hear him but is obviously distracted as he leans over the cradle adjusting the twins. "You might even regret wanting it to pass by so quickly... Driftmark is only a short flight from the Red Keep and you could go see your 'niece'." Valaena Velaryon is a small little babe who is said to look exactly like her Mother upon her own birth.

All things considered that might just be a blessing...

"-nyra!" I shake my head and turn to my Husband to see him looking back at me with wide eyes and I jump up and head toward him with my heart feeling as if it is caught in someone's grasp. "Are you hearing me?" He shakes his head as he gestures toward the cradle and I feel a bit better as I step up to his side.

He would not be so worried about me hearing him if there was something wrong with the twins so it must be something else.

"They hatched." I mutter as I look down at two baby dragons that seem to be mirroring each other as they stick there heads out of their eggs.

"They did... Meraxes the golden-eyed and... well, it seems wrong to name the other one Vhagar but it seriously fits with the color scheme." I reach down and brush some eggshells off Nymeria as the small green and bronze dragon tries to escape its egg.

"It does seem wrong... but it could work at least until we have a better name." I do not want to carry around an unnamed dragon, and on top of that Vhagar is getting up there in age and will not be around forever.

I am sure the old she-dragon would not take offense to an 'heir' to her name.

"It looks like molten gold has been poured over it and then hardened." My eyes leave the small green hatchling and lock onto the cream dragon who does have 'molten' gold seemingly poured over its wings.

"A pretty one." I smile as the cream dragon sniffs at Rhaenys and lets out a soft noise as it does.

"Watch them, I am going to go grab Aegon from your Mother so he can see." I hardly even get a chance to refuse as my excitable Husband spins around and rushes for the door.

I shake my head at how quickly he has been fired up, but I also understand that he has been eagerly awaiting this moment. I certainly am happy as well, I wanted Syrax's eggs to hatch for my children but Daeron has been really looking forward to the eggs he was gifted hatching for them instead.

"I suppose the next one will get an egg from Syrax." I purse my lips while picking up pieces of the eggs and removing them from the cradle.

The thought of another child fills me with hesitance and excitement, it is certainly something I want but I will wait at least a few years... hopefully.


114 AC


Myriah Nymeros Martell


"Be easy with her." I frown at the golden dragon that has bonded with my Daughter, the very same one that hung from my dress since Daeron brought it back from Dragonstone.

If he was going to get our child a 'gift' then he should have gotten one that was not so persistent and bothersome.

"It loves smelling her." Rhaenys appears beside me and I nearly leap out of my skin as my Good Mother speaks up. "Its little eyes widen like I have never seen before..." She mutters while looking amused at the small dragon that won't be small for much longer.

The glutton will eat the Velaryon's riches if its stomach has any say.

"It does." I smile myself seeing one of my daughter's feet kick even though she is swaddled up and resting.

"You are still planning to wave off all of the wet nurses?" I frown and narrow my eyes at her but she seems unbothered and only offers a shrug. "I know it can hurt to nurse for too long... there is no shame in letting someone help you." I simply roll my eyes and turn my attention back to my bundle of joy.

I alone will nurse my baby girl.

"I appreciate the offer and the consideration that is put into it, but I will handle it." My words earn me a thoughtful hum but that is all as my Good Mother turns and heads for the door.

I really want to go back to Sunspear... or the Water Gardens... I can't stand how cold this island feels. Even with Laena and Laenor doing there best to make me feel welcome here it still feels like I am a guest... which is not untrue even with me being married to Laenor. I will never really be a Velaryon and will never consider myself one regardless of what is said.

I am a Martell... my Daughter is also a Martell even if she is born a Velaryon... but I do hope she will feel warm in this castle that will be her seat unless things shift around. It is unknown if I will have another child regardless of my own desire to eventually have a son as well, but I will certainly try. I know things will likely be much harder to get to go through if I do not have a boy, the plans we have in place require a son.

I also just feel happy and blessed to have Valaena... the only thing that could make me happier is to see her with her Father as well. I hope for Aegon to also like his half-sister by blood and cousin by name, I want for him and the twins to be able to grow up with my Daughter. Just like myself and my Brothers in Sunspear, I hope they can have many days playing around in the sun and wearing themselves out enjoying there younger years.

But for now, I will be patient and wait until the time is right.