
115 AC

The Eyrie

Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Higher!" Visenya shouts as she sits before me on the saddle with one of my arms going around her and Aegon keeping them in place.

"Higher!" Aegon echoes his aunt as he sits before her, her small but deceptively strong arms wrapped tightly around 'her egg' to keep him from 'falling off and cracking open'.

They both seemed to love the story Humpty Dumpty, both for different reasons though.

""Take us higher!"" I shout and Gaelithox roars in acceptance that likely scared the shit out of some sheep down beneath us.

"Wooooo!" Visenya cheers with her hand accidentally covering Aegon's mouth as he also tries to cheer but only muffledly shouts against her hand. "Dracarys!" I shake my head feeling glad my mount ignores others, if not we would be getting covered in flame and smoke.

Aemma would be wroth with me if they came back smelling like dragon fire after she practically begged me not to take them burning Mountain clans...

"Dracarys!" Aegon echoes once more after peeling away his aunt's hand and even looks over his shoulder and at me with furrowed brows. "Dracarys!" He pouts and I shake my head at the audacity.

"No." His pout turns frown as I deny him what he believes he wants just because his Aunt seems to want it.

Not knowing he would likely lose his eyebrows like the time Balerion breathed flames in the nursery when he was still small enough. Before either can start whining and crying at being denied like the petulant little shits that can be at certain times I quickly get an idea.

""Dive!"" I smile as I pull the strap going across all three of us and double-check it's tight as I also hold onto them tighter and pull them back against me.

Neither of them know what to expect but as I have done exactly this many times before I smile as my dragon tucks his wings like a Falcon on the sigil of House Arryn. Only instead of a falcon it's a many-ton dragon who stretches his neck and makes himself as aerodynamic as he can as he plummets toward the ground.

"AHHH!" A mix of both children's screams of joy and fear makes me chuckle as we pierce through the thick clouds and head straight for a valley with a snaking river at the bottom of it.

I feel my hair rising and close my eyes enjoying the feeling of weightlessness as I make sure to keep the children from lifting off the saddle. An easy enough feat as they weigh hardly anything even with how much food they stuff down like a couple of royal pigs.

"DRACARYS!" Visenya manages to scream and I shake my head in amusement as this child seems determined to live as wildly as possible.

"DRACARYS!" Aegon echoes and I sigh as I can practically feel the disappointment from the both of them even as they are on the wildest ride on the entire planet.

Fuck it.

"DRACARYS!" I shout and feel both children freeze like statues as the entire dragon we are sitting on practically vibrates even as we nose dive toward the ground.

I am going to get an ear full when I get back... I just know it.


115 AC

The Eyrie

Rhaenyra Targaryen


"Oh no, they are going even higher." Jessamyn gasps and clutches her hands together as we sit in the very small gardens on the side of the mountain.

"They will be fine, Visenya loves flying up high." My Mother quickly waves away the redhead's concern and watches with a smile as the large black dragon of my Husband disappears above the clouds. "I am glad he is keeping them around the Eyrie instead of taking them to find some Mountain clans... I am concerned he was not jesting about wanting to go burn down a few clans." She sighs and I see a thoughtful look in the eyes of Jeyne who catches me looking and smiles.

"I would have no problem with a few clans being... gone." Her smile turns vicious for a moment before easing up. "I think only the clans burned would have a problem with it, the other clans would even celebrate the disappearance of others of their kind." Her words are full of enough venom I debate if I should bring it up to my Husband to actually hunt a few down.

The more the Lady of the Vale likes us the more support we can expect from her when I take the throne. I see no reason to not have our dragons burn a few savage clans to ash when they have time and time again refused to join the rest of Westeros. They would be better fit beyond the wall in the North with the Wildlings, they have no place killing and raping the people under the crown.

The only reason it is not a bigger problem than it currently is, is because of the efforts the Vale Lords have taken to either pacify or hunt them down after numerous recent attacks over the past few decades done by the Mountain clans. The Stone Crows especially as they were the ones who killed Jeyne's Father and older Brother who would have been Lord of the Vale.

"I will talk to Daeron about taking a flight with me later." I smile at Jeyne as her eyes widen. "I can't promise anything but if we happen to be attacked while taking a 'break' from flying and we burn some Mountain clans... well I am sure no one will say anything about it." I turn my gaze from the woman as she looks to go into deep thought, my eyes land on Gaelithox as he pierces through the clouds in a nose dive.

"That reminds me of how the falcons take down prey on the cliff sides." Jessamyn speaks up once more and I see Jeyne shake her head and turn to watch the dragon once more.

I wonder if she knows where the Stone Crows usually stay?

We could use that information to-

My eyes widen as I see Gaelithox open his mouth and I run a hand over my face and through my hair as flames spew forth for a moment just to be dove through without a second thought.

"I am going to kill him." My Mother speaks clearly and without hesitation. "That dress Visenya is wearing came from Essos from a rich merchant who spared no expense in its creation. Not to mention if she actually got burned in those flames... I am going to kill him." She takes a deep breath and sighs loudly as I remember the time Aegon lost most of his hair playing with Balerion.

Good luck Daeron, if Aegon looks like a smooth Egg again I will also be after your tail!

"Your Father is in big trouble." I mutter to the twins who are on a blanket on there stomachs lifting their heads as much as they can to look at the still remaining cloud of green flames and inky black smoke.

My cute babies bring me immense joy snuffing out the annoyance at my Husbands antics.

So long as Aegon and Visenya are fine afterwards I will let Daeron off with a back massage.


115 AC

The Eyrie

Daeron Nymeros Martell


"Prince." Lady Jeyne Arryn greets me as I enter her solar.

"Lady." I nod with a smirk as I mimic her odd way of greeting.

"I see you survived." She mutters and I nod as I take a seat before her desk.

"Only just." I place a hand on my chest brushing away the recent memories of my Good Mother attempting to yank my ear or something but failing as I am far too nimble for her.

That and I used weaponized Visenya and Aegon which curbed her anger, thankfully I shielded the children so their hair and clothes survived and she had nothing to fuss about. Not that they noticed as they screamed for more and more fire and only stopped when I did some waterworks for them.

"This is good-" She nods and I almost feel like rolling my eyes as she obviously wants to bring something up but is skirting around the issue. "-I am glad you are in good health, I assumed you would not put yourself or the ones riding with you in any real danger." I nod and hum as I sit back in the chair getting comfortable.

"That's true, I would never endanger a passenger on my dragon." I suddenly get an idea. "If you want, we can plan for you to have a trip on my dragon, just like your ancestor back during the Conquest." Her eyes widen and I smirk as there is a hint of something there at my offer.

"I wouldn't want to impose... my ancestor had to bend the knee to earn a flight." I wave off her concern quickly while sitting forward.

"Aemma is an Arryn and she flies all the time, I am sure most Arryn's have dreamed of flying with how you live so high up. It would be natural to want to know what it's like to go higher and experience what the young Lord Arryn felt that was worth him giving up his crown for." She bites her lips and looks conflicted for a moment but instead of pushing more I lean back once more and await her decision.

I have taken many people up into the sky, it's a quick way to get onto someone's good side, and it's a simple thing to do with my dragon being so large and the saddle having so much space for passengers.

I can change someone's entire worldview in less than minutes, to show them the real power of the Dragon by letting them feel it. It's a two-sided coin as they will lust after it more, but they also will know hands-on how powerful it is and fear it even more. To see is one thing, to experience is another, the law Rhaenyra and I will pass in the future will stop any attempts to steal dragons.

Like what I did when I got dragons for my House, it will be illegal in the future.

"Would it really be fine?" She asks and I nod and she goes silent for a moment longer. "Could we fly to a specific spot and-" She looks away from me and I raise a brow at her. "-maybe light some undesirables on fire?" My eyes widen and I remember before I came in here how Rhaenyra said she wanted to talk later about the Mountain clans.

She said it had to do with Jeyne and how she got the feeling the Lady of the Vale wants to have us burn a few clans. I can easily understand why with how Jeyne's family has suffered at the hands of the savage people of the Vale. Which paints an interesting opportunity for me to be in, and opens many paths.

"Aye, we could fly where you want." Her body tenses and I can't help but wonder how many people she has seen die with her own eyes.

Death by dragon fire is quick but leaves an impression I can't help but feel concerned will affect her. I do not want to make the Lady of the Vale insane or paranoid after showing her my mount burn a couple hundred people squatting in some caves. That would be the opposite of what I want and ruin the entire reason we came here.