116 R18 part 2


118 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


I start to see spots in my vision and tap my wife's thigh as she makes a good effort of attempting to crush my skull while forcing my face against her cunt.

Thankfully though she lets up on the pressure and I quickly lift my head to take in the sweet chill night air that is still blowing in from the open window behind me.

"I won't have any complaints if I die in between your thighs,-" I pause for effect as I stand up and let my robe fall off of my body and onto the ground. "-but I am certain this is not the place you want to crush my skull, it would be far too hard to hide my body." Rhaenyra rolls her still hazy eyes as she reaches down with her right hand and caresses her pubic mound.

She looks beat, lying out on the table hardly even lifting her head to meet my eyes while she tenderly caresses her body. She is practically sitting on the edge of the table with her legs dangling off, her toes barely touching the ground as she lets her lower body stay slack. Her left hand joins her right and starts moving only to grab at one of her bountiful breasts before squeezing it.

"I would make it look like you fell out of the window." She smiles obviously finding humor in her own words.

"Naked or with the robe?" I step forward before bending over slightly to wrap my right arm under her knees to lift her legs up.

I lift her legs up to the point both of her feet are on my right shoulder, I notice in that same moment she is hanging a bit too much off the table and push my hips forward. My manhood slides between her slick thighs as I push her back a bit with the help of the silk robe under her body.

She clenches her meaty thighs around my cock giving it a firm embrace.

She smiles as if a humorous thought came to mind. "With the robe, I would not want our children to be too embarrassed by your death." I roll my eyes as she 'juggles' both of her fat breasts with her small hands that seem to sink into them at times.

"If you choked to death on my cock I would at least tell the children the truth when they were old enough." Rhaenyra snorts with amusement. "Shame and Dorne don't mix, they would know you died sucking my soul out, you would do me a disservice by not telling them the truth." I pull back my hips as a flare of lust hits me like a wave as I once more feel my wife's legs tense around my length.

She shakes her head with a slight chuckle. "Just be quiet and fuck me." She lifts her right foot from my right shoulder and sets it onto my left which slightly parts her thighs.

"As my Queen commands." I attempt my best subservient tone but it only comes out as a husky whisper.

Placing a hand on both of her thighs where it transitions into ass cheek I spread them apart while angling my hips to line up my tip with her quivering entrance. She sucks in a breath as I push my hips forward sliding my manhood the full length, not stopping until my balls press against her squished rear end that only partially sticks off the table.

"Fuck." I curse between grit teeth as her warm folds squeeze around my entire length like a vice.

"You like that?" She obviously does some voodoo magic and tightens her grip on my manhood more as she starts playing with her tits again.

"I love it." I feel a shiver run up my spine as I start to pull back and feel some of her slick wetness run down my length and onto my sack.

"Good~." Her voice takes on an almost taunting pitch as she pushes her breasts together and hefts them up as if holding them out for me.

My hands move before I can even consciously think about what I am doing, at the same time I thrust my hips back forward making our lower bodies slap together with an oh-so-familiar wet clap. I firmly grasp her fat tits and feel a primal satisfaction in the back of my mind that almost rivals the one I am feeling with my lower body as her cunt pulses around my length. Rhaenyra moves her hands out of the way, running them up her neck before lifting her head to bunch up her glowing moonlit hair.

Fuck, I am a lucky guy.

Alternating between squeezing each breast as I slowly rock my hips back and forth, prodding at the back of her cunt, I can't help but feel a bit blessed.

"Ahh!" She shivers and I feel goosebumps form over her skin as she bites her lips.

Her eyes which had shut for a moment open slowly meeting my own as her hands come to rest on top of my own. The obvious love for me in her heated gaze drives me wild as she starts running her hands up and down my forearms.

The cold gentle breeze almost seems to disappear as I can feel my body heat up.

The original thought that I had, which was we would screw around in here for a few rounds before returning to our room, is tossed out like unwanted trash.

I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off of her in the dark passageways leading back to our room.

Hell, at this moment I would rather die than pull out of her cunt.

I can hardly even find it in myself to care about potentially getting caught in here anymore.

Rhaenyra knows how to push my buttons, that much is certain.


118 AC


Corlys Velaryon


"Hmm..." Opening my eyes I find that I had fallen asleep at my desk in my Solar.

Turning to look out the window I spot a bright Moon shining its silver rays down upon the calm Black Water Bay. I smile as I push my chair back and move to stand up, slowly I make my way over to the window to gaze out at the peaceful water.

Nights like these have always been my favorite, sadly they are easy to forget.

It's easier to remember the nights when I had to fight for my life along with my crew to simply make it through a storm.

Beautiful nights where it was calm and peaceful and dare I say enjoyable, they faded into vague memories.

Shaking my head in amusement I turn and head for the door that leads into my private chambers.

I need to get some real sleep in my bed and not at this old desk.

I have been away from Court long enough, I need to finish things up here and sail back to Kingslanding.

There is too much to do, I can't be away from the Council for too long or I might lose the footholds I have with various people at court.

I know Daeron has been making some moves recently.

We only rarely crash on certain issues, so I am not overly worried.

Even if I was, I would not be able to do much to him regardless, he is untouchable as far as I am concerned.

I would either get myself killed trying to do something underhanded like Otto did or I would succeed and break my children's hearts, mainly Laena. I don't think she is in love with Daeron as much as Rhaenyra is, from what I have seen, but I can tell she is very fond of Daeron and I also know he is the real Father of her children.

I will just have to wait and see what Daerons latest plans are... and hope they do not conflict with my own interests.

Things are good as they are, could be better, but they are good right now.

Trade in the Narrow Sea has returned to its peak as far as my coffers are concerned, if anything I am making more coin now than I was before the Triarchy.

Which will also continue to increase with how things are looking.

If things can stay as they are now, I will be content for the time being.

Closing the door that separates my Solar and my Chambers I quickly head toward my bed feeling the call of my blankets.

Yes, if things stay as they are, everything will work out.

With the three-way alliance between Houses Velaryon, Targaryen, and Nymeros Martell... it's only a matter of time before my blood is on the throne.

Either Aegon will marry someone with my blood or his own children will.

I might not live to see it, but I think I can make peace with that.

My blood will be a cornerstone in the future of the three most powerful Houses in Westeros.

Seven Hells, not just Westeros anymore.

A good portion of Essos has already been claimed as well and I don't think future generations will sit back and not finish the job claiming the rest of the Eastern Continent.

Sitting on my bed I lift the corner of the blankets and slide under them while adjusting some pillows.

Yes, future generations will reclaim the glory of Valyria- no, they will take it further.

My blood will be there, my House will be a part of that.

A New Valyria, one that spans not just one continent and a few islands like the Old Valyria.

With that pleasant thought in mind, I close my eyes to rest.

A strange feeling brews in my heart as I think back to the beautiful night scenery I just saw outside of my Solar's window.

A calm peaceful night.