
130 AC


Nymeria Nymeros Martell


"Huh... it does smell better." I muse aloud to my Uncle Lewyn.

"It's much better, and it should be, base off how much Daeron told me it cost, but it's hard to tell until you spend enough time away from the city. It's easy to get used to the smell after living here for a while, you have to leave and spend some time away to really smell the difference when you return." I nod at his words as we leave the dragon pit and are offered two saddled horses by the Dragon Keepers.

"Well I am just glad I won't be having that problem in Chroyane, it smells good and is far more pleasing to the eye." My Uncle snorts as he climbs up onto his horse, he shakes his head slightly.

"That's because you didn't see the state of Chroyane when we reclaimed it to begin repair on the ancient city so it could be your Seat." I nod in acknowledgment at his words, I am not a fool, I know the repair of my City has been expensive.

Father sold nearly a dozen Valyrian Steel swords to get up enough funds to repair Chroyane. But Chroyane also gave Father dozens of the ancient lost blades, so it pretty much paid for itself. Perks of being able to dive to the bottom of the river and search for the lost weapons and armor of the Valyrians of Old who died while celebrating their conquest of Chroyane.

I can't help but smile a bit while thinking about my own progress with my water magic, I am still far from my father's match, but the gap is closing.

One day I will dive into the Mother Rhoyne and find my own treasures.

I know for a fact there is still some waiting down in the dark depths.

For one, the ancient treasury of the Rhoynar Prince has still not been found, according to ancient records his palace sunk beneath the river's dark waters.

It will be mine... in time.

I also wouldn't mind finding a few of those old Valyrian blades as well, I want to be able to gift at least a blade each to my children when I have them one day.

I plan on having at least three.

One for each of the other Rhoynar Cities I plan to repair and reestablish.

It would be nice to have a family sword for each, sorta like Blackfyre that Aegon will pass to his Heir one day.

"Let's go, I am sure everyone is looking forward to seeing me." My Uncle calls out before urging his horse forward.


"Looking forward to seeing you?" I ask with a slight chuckle and my Uncle tosses a smirk over his shoulder.

"Of course, who wouldn't miss me?" I roll my eyes before urging my horse to take the lead.


"Father." I jump forward and wrap my arms around my father's neck, he snorts before catching me and spinning around in place.

"It's good to see you too, Trouble." I hum and squeeze him tightly while ignoring the sour feeling in my chest.

I am going to hate the day I leave for good, to live in my City.

Sure, I can always fly back whenever I want, no one can stop me.

But one day, my City will also be my Home.

My duties and responsibilities will bind me to my Seat of Power.

I am eager to prove myself, and to carve out my mark on Essos.

It's just a steep cost, the distance between the home I was born into, and the one I will make for myself.

"I can just order Gaelithox to fly over and burn it all down..." As if he is able to hear my thoughts, my Father whispers softly, only the two of us are able to hear his words.

Gaelithox would do it too, which makes me smile as I let go and my feet drop back to the ground.

"It's fine, a dragons got to fly from the nest eventually." I smile a bit wider, an attempt to assure my Father of my determination.

His face is unreadable as he locks his gaze with my own, seemingly weighing my words for the truth.

"If you say so." He finally shifts his gaze and observes what I am wearing, a single eyebrow raises as he does. "Is that from an Old Man of the River?" I nod proudly while standing straight and showing off my new chest plate.

"In fact, it's from a young Old Man of the River." I shake my head exasperated as I remember the giant, young, turtle that refuses to leave my fishermen alone. "Their shells flake off pieces as they grow and a bunch of people got together with what they had collected and fashioned me this as a gift." I feel a familiar warmth in my heart remembering the small children that came into my throne room carrying the gift, their parents not far behind with smiles on their faces.

The fond memory reminds me that the future is bright despite knowing I will see my family sparingly in the coming years.

"Well, you certainly look the part of a Rhoynar Princess wearing that." He nods approvingly, likely thinking about how this is a fashion statement, as he would put it.

Like a Lord wearing their Houses colors.

I wear this armor for a similar reason.

"Are you going to notice me at some point?" My Mother sighs and shakes her head, a slight upturn of her lips shows she is amused more than anything. "You certainly are not afraid to show who is your favorite." I roll my eyes before approaching my Mother and embracing her.

"He gives me nicer things." I helplessly sigh before cringing as my Mother takes offense to my words and pinches my thigh.

"I gave you the gift of life, show some appreciation." She scoffs and Father laughs before stepping back to take a book from Uncle Lewyn who just entered the room.

"It was just a jest, I appreciate you both evenly." Now it's my Mothers turn to roll her eyes, but her lips turn upwards more showing how she really feels. "I missed you." I admit and she nods, biting down on her lips.

"I missed you as well..." I know she wants to say more, maybe offer me another position in court to try and coax me into staying in Kingslanding for longer.

But she won't, not after the last time when I adamantly refused.

"Go spend some time with your siblings, we can talk later with some wine and you can tell me about your time in Essos." I smile and feel a weight leave my chest as she pushes through her own reluctance over me leaving and setting off to rule my own lands.

"I brought some special wine back with me, we can share it." She nods and I embrace her once more before stepping back and turning to look toward where I know my siblings are.

They slipped off during the reunion, likely having their own reunion planned and they know I will seek them out.

I guess I need to go see what they have cooked up.


130 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


"How did she do?" I ask my Brother after my Daughter leaves.

"Fine." He shrugs and I sigh knowing that he would have sent word to me if there was a problem, and seeing how he didn't, things indeed went fine.


She seems happy, I presented her with this opportunity, and she took it, and seems to be happy so far.

"I thought I was the one worrying." Rhaenyra sighs beside me and I lift the book up that Lewyn passed off to me.

Financial reports and stuff of that nature.

I will need to look through it and see how things are going as far as coin is related.

I got things kickstarted, and the Orphans of the Greenblood have been motivated heavily to make things work out so they can succeed and reclaim their ancestorial lands.

But rebuilding a city is expensive, very much so.

"Good thing that silver mine is up and running..." I mutter while remembering the reclaimed silver mine in the Golden Fields west of Chroyane.

Nymeria can become as rich as the Lannisters with that mine, at least according to the reports I have seen and the few trips I took out there to inspect it myself. I am no expert in mining, but the operation seemed comparable to the one I saw when I visited Casterly Rock.

Hmm... Speaking of gold mines.

"Less than a year and another of our little dragons will be flying off to the East." I look down and find Rhaenyra pursing her lips after hearing my words.


He will be claiming the new large ring fort that was built in the Great Grass Sea, south of the port city we built. It's likely the better seat if compared to Chroyane, or at least it's comparable, both have river access obviously, and will be strong in trading. One has a Silver mine and the other has a Gold mine, but the new fort that was built and soon will have a city is also surrounded by large fields as fertile as the Reach. Chroyane has the Golden Fields and they are obviously fertile enough to support multiple Rhoynar cities, they did so in the past. But Aerys is going to be able to produce enough food to feed all of Essos if he properly manages his lands, the Great Grass Kingdoms of old never worried about food.

The potential for vast wealth is there for both of them if they work hard, and their future descendants just need to not piss it away.

"It seems like everyone is leaving..." Rhaenyra speaks up snapping me from my thoughts. "Laena was just talking about Trystane and how he is planning to take four Summer Island Princess as his wives." I feel a dull throb in the back of my head when I remember that specific conversation.

On the one hand, I am proud of him.

On the other hand, I am wondering how he plans to pull off what he is obviously planning.

The Summer Islands, he is going to make a play for the Islands.

I mean it makes sense.

He is set to inherit Lewyn's lands, but beyond the toll that is taken from passing ships in the shipping lanes and the trade they bring to Bloodstone, there is not much going on in the Stepstones. He wants lands to develop, and he knows Essos is getting cramped, especially in the Disputed lands with the Three Daughters drawing firm lines in the sands. So Trystane has set his sights southward, toward the large and abundant islands that for the most part stay out of Westeros and Essos affairs.

I might have influenced my children a bit too much, both those claimed and those claimed by others.

They all seem to have the ambition of a hundred second sons.

I pity this world in future generations.

Only a fool would not see where things are heading.

Either an empire needs to be formed that brings every one of our blood under one banner, or there will be war.

Dragons alone would cause a war, as growing powers would fear an invasion of other dragons.

Then you add in the various elemental bending?


I can see it now... some disgruntled earthbender or something, killing someone and sparking a war between my descendants.

An Empire is needed.

With a strong and firm-handed Emperor or Empress.

Maybe a council beneath the Throne, that is made up of only those of the Royal blood.

To make them feel special and also to give them enough power they don't feel... neglected.

This is not the first time I have thought about this... and I have made a barebones plan.

Aegon being the first Emperor, uniting all of his siblings, forming the Empire and the ruling structure that will ideally last for thousands of years.

I will need to sit him down and bring it up again.

After the wedding.