
I don't know why I haven't posted any updates yet, honestly, that's my bad.

Real Life stuff came crashing down on top of my personal time motivations shifting from writing into some other stuff like Video Games which I haven't played in years as well as learning how to make AI art.

I felt bad after realizing how long it's been, so I wanted to give a quick apology for dropping off the map.

Which honestly, shouldn't have been too bad.

My update schedule has been dog shit for a while.


Most of you know that I have been working on other Fan Fics, mainly writing up long-term plots that can last me into the 200+ worth of chapters.

I mean, even when I wing it, I get all of my fics over 120 chapters with roughly 2k words a piece.

So each has like... 240000 words or so, without me having anything beyond a starting point and an ending point I want to reach.

Everything in between is just a fun ride I drag you along on.

So far, I think people mostly have been enjoying my stuff?

I hope.

If not I have wasted a lot of time... well not really wasted, I feel like I have learned a lot, but you get the point.

Anyway, enough with my rambling, I wanted to update you on this fic.

This Fan Fic, is completed, for the most part.

Part 1 at least, remember when I said I usually have a starting point and an ending point in each of my Fan Fics?

The original ending for this fic, was Rhaenyra getting crowned and Daeron being her Hand.

It was supposed to be short and sweet with a lot of fluff.

I just wanted to write up some House of the Dragons stuff with a Martell Mc.

Shit has gone wild.

But I have had fun so far.

Part 1 is done, and we will call the wedding the official end of Part 1 and the beginning of Part 2.

Part 2 will focus mostly on his children and their individual goals and pursuits.

Aegon learning about becoming a good King.

Nymeria and the Rhoyne River adventures.

Aerys taking some of his half brothers across the world and conquering the Great Grass Sea.

Viserra seducing the son of the God-Emperor of Yi Ti, singlehandedly bringing in the Far East under the Targaryen Banner with nothing but her charm... while avoiding strange ancient threats from the shadowlands.

Trystane and Gaemon doing some stuff in the Summer Sea, getting all those islands under their thumbs before starting colonization of Sothoryos... those poor brindled men.

Daemons children attempting to find their place in the world without catching a knife in their necks.

Saera Stone the only confirmed earthbender finding purpose in her life.

Those are the key points in Part 2.

I could easily see another hundred or so chapters coming from that... I mean Part One was three times the size I thought it would be soooo... who knows.

I currently am even spitballing a Part 3.

Far future, like 2000 years into the future.

I was thinking something along the lines of maybe Daeron having become some king of Spirit King or something, like the Spirits from Avatar the Last Air Bender.

Daeron would train the first Avatar is the entire premise of Part 3.

He would become a Granddaddy in the Ring for his descendent who will then go on to shoulder the weight of the world and keep 'balance' through countless lives and reincarnations.

Pretty much enslaving a poor soul to keep the world from falling apart, dying, and reincarnating countless times.

I don't know, I don't want to think too much about it right now.

I am wanting to continue my break for now.

I might come back and throw another chapter or two to wrap things up better in part 1, or might leave it as it is, I wrote that last chapter with ending things in mind.

I gave a lot of info into Part 2 in that last chapter, so I think it's a good enough stopping point until I come back.

Officially, I am calling this book done.

Part 2 and if I end up doing a Part 3, will still be a part of this story, I wont split them up.

But consider this one finished until it starts getting updated again in the future.

I have no idea when that will be.

I got other Fan Fics I will be posting before I come back to this one, but I might write this one when I get writer's block and save up like 10 - 20 chapters to post in a big bulk.

That could work... I write a lot of stuff I never post.


Example of something I wrote but will never post

I wrote an entire Fan Fic, where the MC was the Son of Daemon and Rhae, and he married Jeyne Arryn.

She died giving birth to twin boys, an Arryn and a Royce.

Mc is a Targaryen by the way, Maegor Targaryen.

He pretty much has the Vale in his pocket at that point, and he realizes that while watching his wife's corpse be tended to by the silent sisters.

Rumors call him Maegor the Cruel come again, because he slaughtered a bunch of Mountain Clans.

He realizes after Jeyne dies, that everyone will assume he killed her and took the Vale by force through his two Sons.

Instead of wasting his life away trying to prove people wrong, he instead decides to prove them right.

Aemma is pregnant and soon going to die, the War in the Stepstones is about to kick off.

So Mc starts planning for rapid power gain.

I reused Cannibal again, by the way, that was because I wanted his Royce son to have Vermithor and the Arryn one to have Silverwing.

Anyway, Maegor takes his dragon to Pyke and makes a deal with Lord Greyjoy, he ends up remarrying to the oldest Daughter and current heir to the Iron Islands.

Dalton Greyjoy the Red Kraken is not born yet, I think he would have been a year away from being born but mc butterfly Effect just clapped him out of existence.

Ironborn joins Maegor in his Conquest of the Stepstones along with most of the major Vale Houses sending at least a force of 500 men.

They roll up with like 35k men and a giant black dragon.

It's a slaughter.

Daemon and Corlys end up showing up but are unneeded and Maegor makes that clear.

The Conquest ends and he names himself Prince of the Stepstones, daring the Sea Snake or his Father to dispute him on it.

They don't, because Maegor has fully embraced his namesake image and will beat them into submission without any hesitation.

They know this.

Stepstones are divided up, Bloodstone the biggest goes to Mc and will pass onto his Son who he got off the Greyjoy girl.

Mc also took two SaltWives.

It causes a huge controversy back in Kingslanding, Viserys wants to pull his fucking hair out hearing people whine about Maegor.

For the record, Viserys actually likes Maegor, they are chill like that.

Anyway, Maegor took salt wives to increase his prestige among the Iron Born who he is leading, he leads them because he had Lord Greyjoy killed during a battle, and he has seized control of the Ironborn through his Wife and Son.

The two salt wives are long-term projects, one is the black swan and the other is a Naathi Girl.

He wants the seize Stonehelm through a Son with the Black Swan.

There is also a Dragon fort like Dragonstone on Naath, mc wants some children who are immune to the butterfly disease that will claim that dragon fort.

Naath is rich in silk and mulberry wine, and no one can get to it because any traders or conquerors who go there end up dead from that disease.

Anyway, those are long-term projects.

Stepstones' war is over far sooner, and Maegor divides up the Stepstones among his loyal men and all of them are happy.

Corlys and Daemon aren't angry, but they feel they should have been given more.

Maegor gave Vaemond a small island to spite Corlys.

Stepstone stuff is over, for now.

Mc shows up at Aegons name day hunt... kills the white hart and that is the end of the first part of the fic.

Time skip and MC is marrying the Daughter of Jason Lannister, the Daughter of Johanna Lannister.

Johanna Lannister is a Fem Chad.

Anyway, he had his Greyjoy Wife fake her death, so he could remarry legally.

Can't make a salt wife out of a Great house Lady.

Jason has no Sons... he ends up catching an early death after the birth of his Grandson.

Mc once again becomes the shadow Lord of another Kingdom.


Iron Islands.


At this point, he is without a doubt the most powerful man politically in the world.

Which he knows and doesn't take shit from anyone, namely Rhaenyra who has a grudge against him for outshining her.

She jelly.

Fast forward a year, his Greyjoy wife 'shows back up' and he ends up with two legal wives.

Who can tell him no?

No one.

His oldest Sons have claimed Vermithor and Silverwing at this point.

He is the power of House Targaryen at this point.

He sits back and realizes that nothing can stop him at this point, other than a knife in the neck which he is not worried about.

Two easy targets remain.

House Baratheon that also lacks a Male Heir.

House Nymeros Martell who has a Female Heir.

Real side note, GRRM set up a perfect time period for a character to pull something like this off, it's like every major House in Westeros all at once had female Heirs or Female leaders.

Feminist shit, Maegor loves it, just makes his job easy.

Anyway, Maegor slips and slides into a marriage with Dorne and brings them under the crown.

Then he convinces Lord Baratheon to wed his female Heir to him, so he can pretty much have full control of Westeros.

He has two daughters, one is going to marry the Tyrell boy who is the only surviving male of House Tyrell at this point, and has his Mother as a Regent.

Maegor likely could be fucking her as well, just to further secure the Reach through her.

His other Daughter will marry Rickon Stark, Cregan Starks Heir.

No Stark baddies to snag... other than a bastard but she is too young.

Mc calls a Great Council before Viserys even dies and names himself Emperor with a majority support from the Kingdoms as he has his children in the major houses or is fucking the regents of the major Houses.

His Father is too impressed to even be angry.

Viserys just rolls over and retires.

Otto gets eaten by a dragon after trying to put Aegon on the throne, poor Aegon got left off easy though because he just wants to drink and fuck and Maegor can respect that.

Rhaenyra revolts, but then gets bent the fuck over and spanked.

Her Strong boys are scared shitless of becoming the next Aegon the Uncrowned, so they bend the knee and renounce all claim to any Kingship or Emperorship.

Thats the end of the Westeros Arc

Then he goes hog wild nailing hotties around Essos and propping up his children as Leaders to then bring Free Cities under the Targaryen Empire.

His oldest Sons are adults now as well and due there duty and nail some hotties.

The world gets conquered through a bunch of sex.

The End.


End of Example ]

I preplanned this entire Fan Fic over like 3 weeks, and then got fatigue.

So it died.

I have done that like... 6 times, so there is a good chance I will make a bulk of chapters for Part 2 of this fic and just drop them all at once.

Anyway, I got distracted.

This fic is over... for now.

The next thing I will be posting is either a new fic, or I will go back and give the Devil in Devil's Son in Law an ending.

I am undecided on that front.

But for now, bye.