Kiss [Low R18]

Before you start reading, you need to be aware of the fact that this is literally my first time writing a sex scene, so it's going to suck.

Anyway, enjoy.


This chapter is low level R18.



Inside Chen Tian's room, that lingered with his smell. Emilia was standing in front of the door.



After entering his room, Emilia started feeling an overwhelming love and possessiveness towards him. She couldn't resist the urge to go through all his belongings and collect anything that belonged to him. 



Emilia knew that no one else could ever have him but her, and she would do anything to protect their love, even if it meant hurting others.


"Emilia" Chen Tian called for her, breaking her out of her thoughts. She quickly composed herself and turned to face him with a smile on her face. 



"Yes, Tian?" she replied, her voice filled with affection.